
  • 网络Marine nematode
  1. 结果有助于分子生物学方法在海洋线虫分类、多样性和生态学研究中的应用。

    Our results would help approach to taxonomical and ecological studies of free-living marine nematode .

  2. 台湾海峡中北部海洋线虫群落的种类组成及分布

    Studies on species composition and distribution of marine nematode communities in central and northern Taiwan Strait

  3. 青岛沿岸自由生活海洋线虫18S核糖体RNA基因扩增及序列变异分析

    Nematode Diversity of Qingdao Coast Determined by PCR Retrieving and Sequencing of 18S Ribosomal RNA Gene Fragments

  4. 自由生活海洋线虫占整个小型动物数量的99.8%。

    Free-living marine nematodes comprised 99.8 % of the total meiofauna .

  5. 厦门岛东南海滩自由生活海洋线虫一新种

    One new species of free-living marine nematodes from southeastern beach of Xiamen Island

  6. 渤海自由生活海洋线虫多样性的研究

    Study on Biodiversity of nematode using univariate methods Freedom

  7. 台湾海峡南部海洋线虫种类组成及其取食类型

    Studies on species composition of marine nematodes and their food types in South Taiwan Strait

  8. 厦门岛海滩海洋线虫数量及其种类分布的初步研究

    Studies on the Abundance and Species Distribution of Free-living Marine Nematodes in Sandbeach , Xiamen Island

  9. 虾池海洋线虫与底栖挠足类丰度比率较高,与人为扰动有关。

    High abundance ratio between nematode and benthic copepoda at shrimp ponds was related to disturbance .

  10. 单变量双因素方差分析表明,不同季节、不同生境的海洋线虫的物种数有显著差异,季节×生境之间的海洋线虫的物种数没有显著差异。

    Univariate Two-way ANOVA tests showed that there were highly significant differences among different seasons and among different habitats .

  11. 选取了5个月份对厦门岛海滩的海洋线虫数量和种类分布进行了研究。

    The species distribution and abundance of nematodes in a beach were sampled for 5 times in a 8 months period .

  12. 秦皇岛砂滩海洋线虫的数量研究

    A study on the abundance of free-living marine nematodes on four intertidal sandy beaches at the Qin Huang Dao bay , North China

  13. 使用自由生活海洋线虫C.germanica作为环境雌激素快速、活体筛选的模型动物是可行的,具有实际应用意义。

    Using free-living marine nematodes C. germanica as model animal to construct a novel in vivo rapid screening model of detecting environmental estrogens is practicable and of application value .

  14. 除了鸡屿中湖区和低潮区外,其他潮间带海洋线虫与底栖挠足类丰度比率多在16.3以下,表明厦大海边和大屿潮间带未受明显污染。

    The abundance ratio between nematode and benthic copepoda was no more than 16 . 3 near middle and low areas on Jiyu mudflat , which showed that intertidal zones off Xiamen University and Dayu Island were not polluted obviously .

  15. 与其他海域相比,台湾海峡南部海洋线虫优势种的密度低,但与大型底栖动物或多毛类相比,海洋线虫种类多样性指数较高,均在4.0以上。

    Compared with other sea waters , the densities of dominant species for marine nematode in south Taiwan Strait were low . But the species diversity index of nematode was higher than that of macrobenthos or that of polychaete in same waters .

  16. 应用较广的活体筛选模型动物为鼠和鱼类,但其存在实验周期较长,实验费用高等缺点,而选择自由生活海洋线虫作为模式生物便可以解决这一问题。

    However , rodent and fish , which are widely used for in vivo screening , have disadvantages such as long experimental periods and high costs in application . Free-living marine nematode can be chosen as a model organism to solve this problem .