
  • 网络Holothuroidea;Holothurioidea;Holothurioider
  1. 虽然国内外对海参纲的遗传多样性有些研究,但仍未见有利用DNA分子标记研究仿刺参的遗传多样性相关方面的报道。

    Some reports about the genetic diversity of some kinds of Holothuroidea have been seen in some both here and abroad articles but have none about Apostichopus japonicasby by using DNA molecular marks .

  2. 目前海洋棘皮动物生物活性研究主要集中于海参纲和海星纲。

    At present , the bioactivity investigations of echinoderms are principally conducted on sea cucumber and starfish .