
hǎi chǎn
  • marine products
海产 [hǎi chǎn]
  • [marine products] 出自海洋的各种动植物产品

海产[hǎi chǎn]
  1. 中国古代海产珍品的生产与食用

    On the Production and Eating of the Valuable Marine Products in Ancient China

  2. 本文通过对海产珍品的历史考察,借以说明中国古代饮食原料的开发力度和文化内涵。

    The article illustrate catering raw material 's develop dynamics and culture intension of ancient China through the history observation to marine products treasure .

  3. X射线衍射技术在海产天然物研究中的应用

    The Application of X-Ray Diffraction Technique In Study of Marine Natural Products

  4. 应用逆转录PCR检测海产贝壳类中的甲型肝炎病毒

    Detection of HAV in Shellfish by RT-PCR

  5. 梭子蟹科六种海产蟹的RAPD标记

    RAPD Genetic Markers in Six Species of Marine Crab

  6. 除了V,抹香鲸齿质对海产动物(干质量)的其他9种元素都没有富集作用。

    Except element V , the other nine elements in the sea organisms aren 't accumulated by dentinal GLGs .

  7. 以海产弃物贝壳为生物膜载体,通过改变进水氨氮浓度及pH值,考察了贝壳填料曝气生物滤池的硝化脱氮规律。

    The nitrification behaviors in aerated biofilter with oyster shell as biofilm carrier were investigated under different ammonia concentrations and pH values .

  8. 六种海产虾类基因组DNA多态性的RAPD标记研究

    Studies of random amplified polymorphic DNA ( rapd ) markers on genomic DNA polymorphism in six species of marine shrimp

  9. 基于GIS的中国东南沿岸海域海产腹足类性畸变与有机锡污染查询显示系统

    A query and display system based on GIS for marine gastropod imposex and organotin contamination in sea areas along southeast coast of China

  10. 海水中溶解氧、PH值、氨氮含量的变化,对海产经济鱼类正常生活影响显著。

    The content change of DO , PH and NH-N in sea water has much effects on normal growing of the economic fishes .

  11. 19种湛江地区海产贝类中脂肪酸组成GC-MS分析

    Analysis of fatty acids compositions in 19 kinds of marine shellfish from Zhanjiang coast by GC-MS

  12. 目前市场中EPA、DHA主要来自于海产鱼油。

    At present EPA and DHA in the market are mainly from marine fish oil .

  13. 海产鱼油PUFA保健品的TBA价与过氧化值问题的探讨

    Studies on TBA value and the peroxidation value of marine fish oil PUFA products

  14. 强调了Se和Hg之间的作用在海产贝类中具有形态、浓度和暴露途径特异性。

    The study thus strongly highlights the specificity of the Se and Hg interaction in marine mussels for element species , concentration and exposure pathway .

  15. 证书的4.insurancepolies以可磋商的形式,一式两份和支持到悬挂seng的次序存入银行公司HongKong依照大海人的保险co的海产货物子句包含的所有危险。

    Insurance polies of certificates in negotiable form , in duplicate and endorsed to the order of hang seng bank LTD.

  16. 黄海产海燕(Asterinapectinifera)海星皂甙的制备

    Preparation of Asterosaponin from Asterina pectinifera in Huanghai Sea

  17. 本文对红毛菜纲(Bangiophyceae)和真红藻纲(Florideophyceae)的30种青岛海产红藻的R-藻红蛋白进行了比较研究。

    The present paper made comparative studies of R-phycoerythrin ( R-PE ) from 30 species of the red seaweeds ( Bangiophyceae and . Florideophyceae ) .

  18. 用于海产养殖的膜式氧合器的设计与测试研究

    Research on Design & Experiment with Membrane Oxygenator for Sea Fishery

  19. 本公司成立于2001年,为私人自营海产干货有限公司。

    The company was established in2001 for private self-dry seafood Limited .

  20. 青岛海产红藻R-藻红蛋白光谱特性的比较研究

    Comparative studies on spectral properties of R-phycoerythrin from the red seaweeds

  21. 山东海产藻类植物资源研究

    Study on Resource of Sea Aquatic Plant in Shan Dong Province

  22. 海产在这些人的食物中占重要地位。

    Sea food features largely in the diet of these people .

  23. 只进食已彻底煮熟的食物,尤其是海鲜及贝壳类海产。

    Eat only thoroughly cooked food , particularly seafood and shellfish .

  24. 美国对虾养殖及其海产对虾养殖计划

    Shrimp Culture in The United States and Its Marine Shrimp Farming Programme

  25. 海产贝类帕金虫病害的研究进展

    Progress of studies on Perkinsus sp. disease of marine mollusc

  26. 香港海产贝类及其感染吸虫蚴虫期情况的分析

    Analysis between marine molluscs and its infected larval trematodes from Hong Kong

  27. 精深加工是海产加工企业发展的动力。

    Deep processing is the development impetus of the seafood processing enterprises .

  28. 上海市售海产贝类食用安全质量评价及分级

    Assessment and grade of food safety quality for retail shellfish in Shanghai

  29. 鲭;金枪鱼;青花鱼科的海产鱼;鲣;旗鱼;旗鱼。

    Mackerels ; tunas ; albacores ; bonitos ; swordfishes ; sailfishes .

  30. 我国海产贝类养殖进展及发展前景

    Progress of Marine Shellfishes Culture in China and Its Prospect