
  • 网络Coastal swamp;coastal marsh;marine swamp;marine marsh
  1. 美国东南海岸沼泽地区的一种杉树;与东红杉类似。

    Juniper of swampy coastal regions of southeastern United states ; similar to Eastern red cedar .

  2. 公众情绪低迷,与其说是因为扩散到路易斯安那海岸沼泽的泄漏原油,不如说是因为经济疲弱。

    Even more than spilled oil in Louisiana marshland , it is the anaemic economy that sours the public mood .

  3. 美国东南的一种在根部有膨胀树干的线杉;常见于海岸沼泽地带和洪水泛滥后的河底。

    Common cypress of southeastern United States having trunk expanded at base ; found in coastal swamps and flooding river bottoms .

  4. 在夏季的几个月内,鸟儿经常飞到法国海岸的沼泽地去。

    In the summer months , the birds frequent the marshes along the French coast .

  5. 飓风首次登陆的地点为米斯基托海岸偏僻的沼泽地区,并越过村庄向内陆深入。

    The hurricane first hit land in remote , swampy areas of the Miskito coast , and moved through villages further inland .

  6. 我国的滨海湿地主要包括三角洲湿地、滨岸沼泽、淤泥质海岸、红树林沼泽、海岸潟湖、砂质海岸湿地等几种主要湿地类型。

    Coastal delta , tidal flat , marine marsh , mangrove wetland , lagoon and sand beach are the main types of the coastal wetlands of China .

  7. 生长于北美海岸和微咸沼泽的小型肉质草本植物,花为粉红色或白色。

    A small fleshy herb common along North American seashores and in brackish marshes having pink or white flowers .

  8. 他们飞过那静静的大海,飞过那低低的海岸、绵延的沼泽、高耸的山峦。

    They flew , over the quiet sea , over the low coastline , and the swamps beyond , and the mountains above them .