
  • 网络Sea Forest;forest on sea bottom
  1. 但我希望以后还会有游历海底森林的机会。

    But I hoped an opportunity would arise for a visit to the forests of Oceania .

  2. 当我告诉您这是海底森林的时候,您以为我是发疯。

    When I informed you that it was an issue of underwater forests , you thought I 'd gone insane .

  3. 我们站的是一块宽大空地的中心地方,围绕四周的是海底森林的高大突出的枝权。

    At this locality we stood in the center of a huge clearing surrounded by the tall tree forms of this underwater forest .

  4. 有时我到那看来人没法去的大海中间打猎,我追逐那些居住在我的海底森林中的野味。

    Sometimes I go hunting right in the midst of this element that has long seemed so far out of man 's reach , and I corner the game that dwells in my underwater forests .

  5. 这不是陆地的森林,而是海底的森林。

    These forests aren 't on land , they 're actual underwater forests .

  6. 该海底古森林生长于全新世长乐组冲洪积层中,生长时代为距今约7000&7500a,为湿热气候环境;

    Ancient submarine forest grew in alluvial-pluvial deposit in Holocene Changle group , and the growing era is damp and hot climate environment as about 7000 ~ 7500 years ago ;

  7. 您可知道,老实的尼德·兰,我对他说,那克利斯波岛的森林是海底下的森林呢!

    But my gallant Ned , I told him , the forests of Crespo Island are simply underwater forests !