
  • 网络haicang district
  1. 演练模拟海沧区预先知道将受敌空袭,海沧区民防指挥所下令拉响防空袭预先警报。

    Simulation exercises Haicang District know in advance will be subject to enemy air raids , Haicang District Civil Defense command center ordered the sounding of air defense early warning .

  2. 结果恶性肿瘤是海沧区居民的第二位死因;

    Results Malignant tumor was the second leading death cause .

  3. 首先,分析了厦门海沧海滩区淤泥的工程特性,并对其物理力学指标间的相关关系进行了统计分析,运用多种原位测试手段研究了海滩区淤泥的物理力学特性。

    The relation between physics and mechanics indexes was analyzed . And many in-situ tests were applied to study the properties of seaside silt .