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A Method for Determining Total Nitrogen in Sea Water and Marine Sediments
The Use of Desktop Polarization X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry in the Marine Sediments Geochemical Analysis
A simple method for removing humic acids from marine sediment samples prior to DNA extraction
Measurement of trace elements BB and Sr in oceanic sediment by Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
Determination of Barium and Vanadium in Marine Sediments by ICP-AES
Simultaneous determination of 19 elements in marine sediments by ICP-AES
Relationship between EH value and redox environment in marine sediments
Determination of Cu , Pb , Zn , Cd , Cr in marine sediment by AAS under normal pressure digest system
It is influenced by not only the composition of sediments but also some external factors such as salinity , pH , temperature and so on .
The contents of N and P in marine sediments increase with decreasing grain size of the sediments , but the reverse is true of the Si content .
The determination of elements ca , mg , na , fe , Mn in the carbonate fraction of marine sediments by atomic absorption spectrophotometry
The determination of ~ ( 210 ) po in the marine sediments and its application in geochronology
Application of Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) for the Estimation of Source of Heavy Metal Contamination in Marine Sediments
Combining with the Sr-Nd isotope data , the fluids are inferred to have stemmed from altered ocean crust other than sediments .
Marine sediment Standard material was used as sample to determine Pb , Cu and Cd with GF-AAS and Hg , As with HF-AFS .
The assessment result reveals the contents of Cu in cage culture area are inferior to the first class of Marine Sediment Quality and the pollution condition is deteriorating .
A method using ultrasonic extraction combined with separation by HPLC was established for the simultaneous determination of 16 PAHs in marine sediments .
An Analytical Method for Carbon Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon ( DIC ) in Pore Waters from Marine Sediments
To research the sorption behaviors of DMP and DEP on marine sediments .
A method was proposed for the simultaneous determination of trace arsenic and mercury in the marine sediment sample by atomic fluorescence spectrometry with hydride generation .
At present , most researches in the field of black carbon concentrated on the atmosphere and ocean sediments , but few on forest soils .
HG-AFS Determination of trace amounts of arsenic in marine sediments using suspension sampling
Environmental factors such as types of sediments , temperature , organic matter , redox conditions , pH were found to affect levels and distribution of MBP in sediments .
The paper reports the analysis of C14-C32 monobasic saturated fatty acid methyl esters in marine sediments using SCOT SE-30 glass capillary gas chromatography .
According to the standard of Marine Sediment Quality , the heavy metals contamination is serious except for the element of Pb . The order of the seriousness is Cd > Zn > Cu > Cr.
Gas Hydrate can only exist in strict temperature and pressure condition such as marine sediment located in more than 300 ~ 500m below seawater and permafrost area .
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ( ICP-MS ) with hexapole collision cell technology ( CCT ) was applied to the determination of vanadium and chromium in marine sediments .
Effects of hydrous Fe (ⅲ) oxide particulate that absorbs silicate and heavy matals like Cu , Pb , Co 、 Ni and the FeS Precipitate on the rate of Mn (ⅱ) oxidation have been studied under simulated conditions adjacent to seawater sediment interface .
A luminous bacterium , D40 , was isolated from the marine sediment samples collected in Qingdao offshore .
The results showed that the oil content in sediment ranged from 55.8 × 10-6 to 2563.4 × 10-6 , the average is 555.82 × 10-6 , which is 1.05-5.13 times than the standard of Marine Sediment Quality ( GB18668-2002 ) .