
  • 网络a maritime power
  1. 开发、利用和保护海洋,建设海洋强国,是国家重要发展战略。

    It is an essential national development strategy to exploit , utilize and protect the seas and oceans , and build China into a maritime power .

  2. 目前,在革新开放和经济建设事业不断取得成效的基础上,越南进一步制订和实施了全面的海洋战略,使其海洋强国的梦想正在逐步变为现实。

    At present , with the advance of its renovation and opening policy and its economic achievement , Vietnam has further made its overall maritime strategies and put them in practice , and its dream of becoming " a great maritime power " is steadily coming true .

  3. 在此基础上,借鉴海洋强国指标体系,建立海洋产业生产力水平测算指标体系,利用成熟的数据包络分析方法(DEA),构建海洋产业生产力测评模型,并进行实证研究。

    On this basis , referring on marine index system , establish index system of marine industry productivity levels . Using mature Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ), set up evaluation model of the marine industry productivity , and make empirical research .

  4. 建设海洋强国促进民族复兴

    To Build Ocean Power and Promote national Renaissance

  5. 海洋强国的评价标准是一个综合概念,包括海洋开发、管控、保护等诸多方面。

    Marine power is a comprehensive concept , including marine exploiting , marine management , marine protection and other aspects .

  6. 船舶自动化技术产业已成为当今世界主要海洋强国的支柱产业之一。

    The marine automation technology industry has become one industry of the prop of the main powerful nation on sea on the world .

  7. 建设海洋强国是一个系统的社会工程,涉及到许多行业,其中建设航运强国则是建设海洋强国的一个重要组成部分。

    Construction of marine power is a systematically social engineering , and it involves in many industries , including shipping power construction is one of the most important parts of the construction of the marine power .

  8. 第二章从海洋强国的兴衰更替着手,梳理了从17世纪到19世纪300年间海洋霸权更替的历史过程。

    Chapter two organizes the historical process of variation of oceanic monopoly within 300 years from the 17th century to 19th century , from the angle of the variation of prosperity and declination of Great Powers in the sea .

  9. 积极开发海洋资源建设海洋经济强国

    Extracting Marine Resources Energetically for Building a Power of Marine Economy

  10. 发展海洋科技建设21世纪海洋强国

    To Develop Oceanic Technology , To Construct China into an Oceanic Great Power of the 21 ~ ( th ) Century

  11. 提出了我国发展海洋产业、建设海洋经济强国的基本思路及政策建议。

    In this paper , the author presents the basic thinking and political recommendations for the development of marine industries and establishment of marine economic power .

  12. 提升国家海洋技术总体实力推进我国海洋强国建设

    Advancement of the Ocean Strong Power by Mean of Promotion of Overall Ocean Technology

  13. 海岸是海水与陆地的交界线,是一种重要的生态边界线,也是海洋经济可持续发展的生命带,是海洋强国的起跑带。

    Coastline is not only the boundary between sea and land , but also an important ecological boundary and lifeline for marine economy sustained development .

  14. 该制度的建立使沿海国拥有了广阔的海域并成为其开发、利用和保护海洋环境和资源的自留地,实现了海洋强国与沿海国海洋资源的合理分配。

    With the system established , costal states own the broad sea , where becomes their " Private plots " of utilizing and protecting the environmental and natural resource economics . In the meantime , The EEZ system realizes reasonable allocation on marine resources between maritime powers and coastal states .

  15. 以开发海洋资源形成的海洋产业群构成了现代海洋经济,建设海洋经济强国的重要任务就是要不断发展壮大海洋产业群。

    The group of marine industries depended on the development of marine resources are forming the modern marine economy . The major task Of establishing a marine economic power should be gradually growth Of the marine industries group .

  16. 2003年5月,《全国海洋经济发展规划纲要》中,第一次明确提出了逐步把我国建设成为海洋强国的战略目标,为我国在新时期实施海洋开发、发展海洋经济做出了战略部署。

    In May , 2003 , strategic aim of " gradually establishing of powerful marine country " was definitely launched in " Planning Outline of National Marine Economy Development ", which guided China in the approach of implementing marine development and opening up marine economy .

  17. 要坚持陆海统筹,全面实施海洋战略,发展海洋经济,保护海洋环境,坚决维护国家海洋权益,大力建设海洋强国。

    We will steadfastly promote land and marine development in a coordinated way , fully implement China 's marine strategy , develop the marine economy , protect the marine environment , resolutely uphold China 's maritime rights and interests , and build China into a maritime power .

  18. 提高海洋资源开发能力,发展海洋经济,保护海洋生态环境,坚决维护国家海洋权益,建设海洋强国。

    We should enhance our capacity for exploiting marine resources , develop the marine economy , protect the marine ecological environment , resolutely safeguard China 's maritime rights and interests , and build China into a maritime power .

  19. 海洋资源性资产的保值增值不但能有效遏制国有资源性资产的流失,而且能促进海洋经济持续稳定地发展,对我国实现海洋强国具有重大意义。

    The maintenance and increment of the value of marine resources assets not only can effectively contain loss of state-owned resource assets , and can promote marine economy to develop continually and steadily . It is of important significance for building our country into a powerful marine nation .