
  • 网络seawater pearl
  1. 淡水珍珠中Mn元素的质量分数远高于海水珍珠的。

    The content of Mn in freshwater pearl samples is quite higher than that in seawater pearl samples .

  2. 海水珍珠与淡水珍珠所含成分同中有异;

    Seawater pearl and freshwater pearl have some components in common and also some respectively .

  3. 珠母贝属(Pinctada)的一些种类是生产海水珍珠的重要母贝,个别种类已濒临灭绝。

    Some species in the genus Pinctada are important resources for the pearl industry , but some of them are on the verge of extinction .

  4. 合浦珠母贝(Pinctadamartensii)是我国广西、海南、广东沿海主要的海水珍珠养殖贝类,采珠后产生大量的珍珠贝肉,珍珠贝肉含有丰富的活性物质。

    Pinctada martensii is the pearl shell of main coastal water of shellfish aquaculture in Guangxi , Hainan and Guangdong province of China . There is a large number of Pinctada martensii meat which is rich in active substances after pearl harvest .

  5. 海水珍珠与淡水珍珠的成分、药理作用及功效

    Comparison of Component , Action and Effects Between Freshwater and Seawater Pearl

  6. 海水珍珠产业化发展方向与对策从伊甸园到大海&解读艾米莉·迪金森夜夜暴风雨,夜夜暴风雨

    Direction and Approaches to Industrializing of Sea - pearl Industry

  7. 光谱学在金黄色海水珍珠鉴定中的应用

    Application of Spectroscopy in Identification of Golden Saltwater Pearl

  8. 海水珍珠漂白中发生斑点腐蚀原因及其抑制研究

    A study on the cause of Pearl erosion during bleaching and the erosion prevention

  9. 本公司出售大量海水珍珠、淡水珍珠、珍珠项链。

    Our company has large amounts of sea pearls , freshwater pearls and pearl necklaces for sell .

  10. 初步研究了海水珍珠漂白中引起珍珠产生斑点腐蚀的外因和内因。

    An initial study on the internal and external causes of seawater pearl erosion during bleaching is conducted .

  11. 海水珍珠水解液的药理作用主要是抗炎、抗晶体氧化、抗视力疲劳、疏通微循环等。

    The hydrolytic fluid of seawater pearl functions to fight inflammation and lens oxidation and quicken micro circulation .

  12. 海水珍珠长于明目,淡水珍珠优于抗胃部及皮肤溃疡;

    Seawater pearl acts to brighten eyes , while freshwater pearl to treat the ulcer in the stomach and skin ;

  13. 以微米级海水珍珠层粉为原料,用行星式球磨机制备纳米珍珠层粉。

    Using seawater pearl layer powder as raw material , nanometer pearl layer powder can be prepared by Planet-Ball-Grinding machine .

  14. 结果发现,淡水珍珠物相组成与海水珍珠不同;并首次在淡水无光珠中发现了球文石。

    The results show that the mineral compositions of fresh water pearl are different from that of sea water pearl , and vaterite has been discovered .

  15. 本文用显微拉曼对三种珍珠(天然海水珍珠、人工养殖海水珍珠、人工养殖淡水珍珠)做了测试与分析。

    Three kinds of pearl natural seawater pearl , farmed seawater pearl , and farmed fresh water pearl have been tested by the confocal micro Raman spectrometer .

  16. 珍珠养殖主要集中在广东、广西、海南的海水珍珠养殖基地以及浙江、江苏的淡水珍珠养殖基地。

    Pearl cultivation in China mainly concentrates at seawater cultured pearl bases including Guangdong , Guangxi , Hainan and fresh-water cultured pearl bases including Zhejiang and Jiangsu .

  17. 珍珠原料系列:珍珠水解液、全水溶珍珠粉、海水珍珠粉、珍珠软膜粉、珍珠洗面粉等。

    Pearl raw materials Series : Pearl hydrolysate , the entire water-soluble pearl powder , sea pearl powder , pearl powder soft membrane , pearl powder Mansion .

  18. 为了有效鉴别区分金黄色海水珍珠(简称金珠)和改色金珠,通过拉曼光谱和紫外可见吸收光谱对二者进行了检测分析。

    In order to identify and distinguish golden saltwater pearls and color-treated golden pearls , Raman spectrum and UV-visible absorption spectrum were used for testing and analyzing .

  19. 马氏珠母贝肉是我国南方海水珍珠生产过程中产生的副产物,是尚未充分利用的大宗低值蛋白资源。

    Pinctada martensii entrails , a by-product produced during the production of marine pearl in south China , is an important low-valued protein resource which is not yet fully utilized .

  20. 采用傅里叶变换红外吸收光谱仪和石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪对不同颜色的淡水、海水珍珠样品进行了对比研究。

    The freshwater and seawater pearl samples with different colours are investigated by using Fourier transform infrared ( FTIR ) spectrometer and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer ( GFAAS ) .

  21. 淡水珍珠粉抗皮肤溃疡作用强,海水珍珠层粉明目作用较强。

    The pearl powder from fresh water has a relatively strong function of anti - skin ulcers and the pearl layer powder from seawater has a relatively strong funtion of clearing eyes .

  22. 马氏珠母贝珍珠指我国南海及其周边海域所产的海水珍珠,主要分布在广东、广西、海南三省。

    The pearls of Pinctada martensii are seawater pearls , mainly produced in the South China Sea and its surrounding waters , which are mainly distributed in Guangdong , Guangxi and Hainan Province .

  23. 金海公司经营各种珍珠产品,包括:淡水珍珠、海水珍珠、南洋珠,异形珠及套装首饰。

    Jinhai Pearls Company is mainly dealing in many kinds of pearls , including freshwater pearls , seawater pearls , South sea pearls , baroque pearls and pearl set jewelry and so on .

  24. 马氏珠母贝是我国南方海水珍珠养殖的主要贝类,在广东、广西、海南、和台湾沿海等地均有分布。

    Pinctada martensii is one of the primary seashells of marine pearl cultivation in the southern china . It is fruitful and widely distributed in Guangdong , Guangxi , Hainan , Taiwan and so on .

  25. 珠母贝、马氏珠母贝和企鹅珍珠贝在海南广泛分布,是海水珍珠生产中非常重要的三种贝类,三者分别能产生不同颜色的珍珠。

    Pinctada margaritifera , Pinctada martensii and Pteria penguin is widely distributed in Hainan , the seawater pearl production is very important of the three kinds of shellfish , the three were able to produce different colors of pearls .

  26. 利用FTIR对海水养殖珍珠中磷的存在形式的研究初探

    The Study of Phosphorus in Seawater Cultured Pearls Using FTIR

  27. 通过高分辨率傅立叶变换红外光谱法(FTIR)和X射线衍射技术(XRD)研究了海水养殖珍珠粉末在160℃热处理前后的谱图的变化。

    Sea-water pearls have been studied with high resolution fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy ( FTIR ) and X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) .

  28. 相同样品的X衍射(XRD)结果也与这一结论相吻合,证明海水养殖珍珠中存在碳羟磷灰石。我国海水养殖珍珠业存在的问题及对策

    X-Ra y Diffraction ( XRD ) analysis of the same sample came to the same conclusion . The Problems and Countermeasure in the Pearl Industry of Seawater in China

  29. 海水养殖珍珠新品种&海水养殖彩色珍珠

    New species of cultured sea pearl & Colored Pearl cultured in sea

  30. 海水养殖珍珠物相组成的红外光谱研究

    FTIR Study on solid phases of sea-water pearls