
hǎi nán dǎo
  • Hainan Island
海南岛 [hǎi nán dǎo]
  • [Hainan Island] 中国第二大岛,中国最南的省的主体。北隔琼州海峡与雷州半岛相望。面积近34000平方公里,东部及四周为平原,中部、中西部为五指山山地,热带气候。海南经济发展迅速。海南铁矿为著名优质铁矿。椰树、橡胶是主要经济林

海南岛[hǎi nán dǎo]
  1. GIS支持下的海南岛土壤侵蚀空间分布特征

    Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Soil Erosion in Hainan Island by GIS

  2. 基于RS与GIS的自然生态环境评价&以海南岛为例

    Assessment of the ecological environment in Hainan Island based on RS & GIS

  3. 他们已经在海南岛安家落户。

    They have settled in hainan .

  4. 椰风暖人,海阔天高。在这美好的季节里,同大家相聚在美丽的海南岛,参加博鳌亚洲论坛2013年年会,我感到十分高兴。

    In this balmy season with clear sky and warm , coconut-scented breeze , I am so glad to meet all of you at the Annual Conference 2013 of the Boao Forum for Asia here in Hainan , a picturesque island embraced by the vast ocean .

  5. 探地雷达(GPR)在海南岛东北部海岸带调查中的应用

    Application of ground-penetrating radar in coastal survey of Northeastern Hainan Island

  6. 利用海南岛人工爆破地震Ⅰ、Ⅱ测线非纵剖面的P8波走时资料,初步得到了该区基底面的速度图象。

    Using Pg wave data from Profile I and ⅱ of deep seismic sounding in Hainan Island , the velocity image of the basement in the region is reconstructed .

  7. 海南岛FS凹陷油/岩地球化学特征

    Geochemical features of crude oil / source rock in FS sag , hainan Island

  8. 海南岛地区各民族ABO、MN血型之研究

    A genetic survey of abo , mn blood groups of the inhabitants in Hainan island , guangdong Province

  9. 120°E附近电离层赤道异常北峰上午段在海南岛附近,下午段在广州附近。

    The position of the northern crest ionospheric equatorial anomaly near 120 ° E is on Hainan in the morning , nearly on Guangzhou in the afternoon .

  10. 海南岛北西部前寒武纪花岗质岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄及地质意义

    SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircon from the Precambrian granitoids in Northwest Hainan Island and Its Geological Implications

  11. 三亚石榴霓辉石正长岩的锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄:对海南岛海西-印支期构造演化的制约

    Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb Age Dating of Garnet-Acmite Syenite : Constraints on the Hercynian-Indosinian Tectonic Evolution of Hainan Island

  12. 基于SDS评价模型的区域生态环境地质质量评价&以海南岛西南部为例

    Evaluation of regional eco-environmental geological quality using the SDS assessment model & A case study of the southwest of Hainan Province

  13. S4:它是在海南岛。

    S4 : It 's on Hainan Island .

  14. 海南岛南湾半岛猕猴(Macacamulatta)种群数量动态及分布

    The rhesus monkey ( Macaca mulatta ) population dynamic and distribution at Nanwan peninsula of Hainan Island

  15. 阐述了GIS组件技术的特点,介绍了如何利用GIS组件技术研制实现生态质量气象评价系统,并将系统应用于海南岛生态质量气象评价。

    The characteristics of GIS components were expounded . How to complete the evaluation system of ecological quality meteorology were introduced in this paper . The system was applied to evaluate the ecological quality meteorology in Hainan island .

  16. 利用GIS工具,基于1∶50万海南岛植被图,研究了海南岛植被斑块的大小和形状特征。

    With the aid of the GIS tool ARC / INFO , based on the Hainan vegetation map at the scale of 1 ∶ 500 000 , the characteristics of the patch size and shape in Hainan vegetation landscape were analyzed .

  17. 近40a来海南岛南岸的相对海平面变化

    Relative sea level change along south coast of Hainan Island during the past 40 A

  18. 就1:20万海南岛SOTER数据库的组织与设计过程进行了详细的探讨。

    Designing process of Hainan Island 's soter database at 1 200 000 scale is discussed in detail here .

  19. 报道海南岛4种新记录植物,包括广防己AristolochiafangchiY。

    Four species are reported as new records for Hainan Island , China . They are Aristolochia fangchi Y.

  20. 本文研究海南岛西南地区12种不同类型药用植物微量元素的生物吸收系数(Ax)及其含量水平变化特性。

    In this paper , the biologically absorbing coefficients and the contents in plants of trace elements were investigated for 12 medicinal plant species in southwest of Hainan .

  21. 在断面N2附近及以北存在一个气旋式环流系统.其次,在海南岛东南存在一个尺度不大的反气旋环流系统。

    There is a cyclonic circulation system near and north of Section N2 . In the next place , there is a not wide scope of the anti cyclonic circulation southeast of Hainan Island .

  22. 通过陆地卫星TM图像及部分航空彩红外像片的解译发现,海南岛土地沙化主要分布在海滨平原、沙质台地区,并具有西重东轻、近海严重而向内陆减轻的特点。

    By interpreting TM image and some aero color infrared photo , the paper gives us the land desertification distribution area , it has the feature that the desertification is worst in west and light in east , and the farther away from the sea , the lighter it is .

  23. 冬季海南岛西南的SSA为正值约10cm,而在吕宋岛的西侧为负值约-10cm;夏季前者具有负的水位距平约-10cm,而后者为正值约10cm。

    The SSA of the pole south-west to Hainan island is about 10 cm and that of west to Luzon island is about-10 cm in winter , while the former is about-10 cm and the later is about 10 cm in summer .

  24. 从海南岛的菠萝植区发生根腐病或心腐病的菠萝上收集大量病组织样本,经纯化获得40个疫霉分离菌株,全部鉴定为寄生疫霉(PhytophthoraparasiticaDast.)

    Samples including roots , stems and leaves infected by root rot on heart rot disease were collected from pineapple garden in Hainan Island , and a total of 40 isolates of Phytophthora spp were isolated . All the isolates were identified as Phytophthora parasitica Dast .

  25. 而构造升降受块断差异运动控制,一般规律是南海北部沿岸自东向西递减,由福建南部1.15mm/a至海南岛南部0.54mm/a。

    Crustal elevation and subsidence are controlled by fault-block differential movement , in general it reduces from east to west in the coast of northern South China Sea from 1 . 15mm / a in the south of Fujian to 0 . 54mm / a in the south of Hainan .

  26. 通过植物区系组成及地理成分分析,探讨海南岛野生兰科植物的区系特征;

    The floristic composition and characteristics of wild orchids were analysed .

  27. 海南岛海岸砂矿开采区的生态退化及恢复

    Ecological Degradation and Restoration in Coastal Mining Sites in Hainan Island

  28. 海南岛西部岸外沙波的高分辨率形态特征

    High-resolution morphological characteristics of sand waves off the West Hainan Island

  29. 海南岛南湾半岛猕猴的活动习性

    Activity habits of rhesus monkeys at Nanwan peninsula of Hainan Island

  30. 论海南岛台风的主要害风方向

    The main harmful - wind directions of Typhoon on Hainan Island