
hǎi shànɡ zuān jǐnɡ pínɡ tái
  • offshore drilling platforms
  1. 海上钻井平台的外载荷计算方法

    The calculation method of external loadings for offshore drilling platforms

  2. 本文介绍了海上钻井平台由重力、浮力、风、波浪、潮流及地震力引起的外载荷计算方法,并编制了相应的计算程序。

    This paper presents the calculation method of external loadings for offshore drilling platforms induced by gravity , buoyancy , wind , wave , current and seismic force , and relative computer programs .

  3. 自升式海上钻井平台结构的模态分析及地震反应的谱分析

    Mode shapes and seismic response analysis of a jack-up drilling rig

  4. 海上钻井平台的法律属性尚处于不明确状态。

    The legal status of offshore platforms is not clear .

  5. 海上钻井平台监测报警系统的设计与研制

    Design characteristic of the monitoring alarm system of bottom supporting drilling platform

  6. 海上钻井平台鼠类的防制

    Rodent Prevention And control of Platform At The Sea

  7. 浅谈海上钻井平台直流驱动电机用电刷的研制

    Briefly Talking about study and manufacture on brush for sea-drill floor d-c drive machine

  8. 海洋石油开发生产调度是一项非常复杂的系统工程,需要综合处理水文气象、地理环境、海上钻井平台现场设备监控等诸多方面的信息。

    Ocean oil production management is a very complicate system , it need many information .

  9. 海上钻井平台保险研究

    The Study of Offshore Drilling Units Insurance

  10. 这些机器可以创建许多事情,包括从衣帽钩到海上钻井平台扩展坞的一切事情。

    These machines can build any number of things , including everything from coat hooks to ipod docking stations .

  11. 海上钻井平台油污污染已经成为海洋油气开发行业发展中不可不正视的问题。

    Oil pollution from offshore drilling platform has become a problem behind the development of oil and gas industry .

  12. 海上钻井平台保险是海上石油开发保险中财产险的一种,承保专门的保险标的。

    Offshore drilling platform insurance is a kind of property insurance of the offshore oil insurance , insuring the special subject-matter .

  13. 海上钻井平台造成人身损害赔偿法律缺失,对于受损方的利益保护不力。

    The lack of law in the field of compensation for personal damage resulting from offshore platform leads to the insufficient legal protection for the victims .

  14. 至少有两名英国石油公司的管理者将面临过失杀人的指控。2010年4月,位于墨西哥湾的“深水地平线”海上钻井平台发生爆炸并引发大火,导致11名工作人员死亡。

    At least two BP managers will face manslaughter charges for the disaster that killed 11 people onboard the Deepwater Horizon rig in April , 2010 .

  15. 梳理我国目前对于海上钻井平台油污损害赔偿的立法,并指出其中所存在的问题,在目前形势下我国应构建海上油污损害赔偿的统一立法,最后就统一立法的具体制度的构建提出建议。

    In the current situation , our country should construct the uniform legislation of marine oil pollution . In the end put forward suggestion for specific systems .

  16. 产品广泛用于空调列车、高层建筑风道、阻然桥梁、耐高温耐腐蚀玻璃钢容器、管道内衬及阻然防腐海上钻井平台用玻璃钢格栅。

    It is widely used to make ventilation ducts for trains , anti-flammation cable tray , vessels , pipe and inner liners used under high temperature with anti-corrosion request .

  17. 该钻井液气分离器为卧式结构、升降式底座,容积大、液气处理量大、工作压力高,陆地钻井和海上钻井平台钻井都适用。

    It has large volume , huge liquid-gas treating volume , high working pressure and it is feasible for onshore and offshore drilling . The Qi ( vital energy )

  18. 在配套体制方面,提出建立强制责任保险制度与海上钻井平台油污责任限制体系相互补充的建议。

    In terms of supporting system , this part also suggests to establish the compulsory liability insurance system to support the oil pollution limitation of liability for drilling platform .

  19. 比如说,你刚刚得到一份在海上钻井平台的工作,或者你打算带她到夏威夷去度假,或者你在超市见到了布拉德·皮特。

    Perhaps you just got a job on an oil-rig . Perhaps you are taking her on holiday to Hawaii . Perhaps you just saw Brad Pitt in Sainsbury 's.

  20. 随着海洋石油开发事业的兴起,海上钻井平台的拖航业务迅速发展,拖航作业受到越来越多的关注与重视。

    With the rise of offshore oil development projects , drilling platforms in sea towage operations have been developed rapidly , and towing operation has attracted more concern and attention .

  21. 随着人们海洋活动的展开,大型船舶、海底石油管道、海上钻井平台等急剧增加,这些工具平台的建造和维修都需要水下焊接技术。

    With the beginning of the marine activities , large ships , submarine pipeline , bridge emerge in large numbers . Their construction and maintenance are closely related to underwater welding technology .

  22. 海上钻井平台设计建造与船舶建造有许多相同及相似之处,因此船厂成了海洋石油工业所需海洋平台的当然承建商,海洋平台的建造项目就成为船舶行业制造业务的一个自然延伸。

    From design to construction , offshore drilling rig construction and ship construction has many of the same similarities , so some of the shipyards have become the builder of offshore rigs .

  23. 由于油价高企,以及对高科技海上钻井平台和液化天然气运输船需求提高,在这两个造船领域闻名的韩国造船商正蓬勃发展,大宇也随之成为备受珍视的资产。

    Daewoo is a prized asset as Korean shipbuilders are booming , thanks to high oil prices and demand for the high-technology offshore drilling rigs and liquefied natural gas carriers for which Korea has become famous .

  24. 而海上钻井平台法律关系十分复杂,一旦发生油污事件,在我国现有的法律体系下明确油污损害民事责任主体十分困难。

    But the legal relationship of offshore drilling platform is complex , once the oil pollution incident occurs , it is very difficult to clear subject of civil liability for oil pollution damage under the existing legal system in our country .

  25. 第4章的内容是海上钻井平台造成人身损害赔偿的范围与责任限制,明确精神损害赔偿的必要性,讨论责任限制的具体设置。

    Chapter 4 discusses the scope and limitation of liability of compensation for personal damage caused by offshore platform , which consists of fully discussion of the necessity for compensation for psychological loss , and the specific establishments for limitation of liability .

  26. 无人直升机对起降场地的要求不高,在海上钻井平台、丛林的空地、城市街道和其他狭小的空间等均可起降,完成复杂和危险的任务。

    Unmanned helicopters have less demanding requirements in the environment of takeoff and landing site , it can rapidly takeoff and landing to complete the complex and dangerous task on the offshore drilling platform , the small clearing in the jungle , city street and other confined place .

  27. 武汉船用机械厂技术总监SunKai表示,他们的主要业务之一就是生产驳船,为海上石油钻井平台提供物流服务。

    Wuhan Marine Technology Director Sun Kai says one of their main businesses is producing barges which provide logistic services for oil drilling platforms .

  28. 给出各种可靠度下的RSN曲线估算式,并与对数正态分布处理的结果进行了比较,对海上石油钻井平台的安全性评估具有一定的意义。

    Life estimate formulas for R S N curve are derived based on the Weibull distribution , and the results are compared with the result based on logarithmic mormal distribution . It is possible to predict thd safty and reliability of offshore structure .

  29. GE副总裁兼销售与市场商务官凯特o约翰逊举了一个例子:最近,一家海上石油钻井平台运营商在动态生产数据中检测到了异常状况,从而避免了潜在的事故。

    Kate Johnson , vice president and commercial officer for sales and marketing at GE , offers the example of an offshore oil rig operator that recently averted a potential failure after detecting changes in production performance data .

  30. 海上石油钻井平台安装潜水作业医务保障

    Medical Guarantee of Diving For Installing offshore petroleum drilling platform