
  • 网络Turbidite;Turbidites
  1. 浙西北二叠、三叠纪浊积岩系及其大地构造意义

    Permian and Triassic turbidite and its tectonic significance in the northwestern Zhejiang

  2. 测井约束反演技术在浊积岩油藏勘探中的应用

    Application of Logging Constrained Inversion Technology in Oil Deposit Exploration in Turbidite

  3. SA主要由三角洲-滑塌浊积岩所构成,而SB主要为斜坡扇-盆底扇沉积体系。

    SA is mainly consisted of slope and basin fan sedimentary system .

  4. 与LST有关的混屑浊积岩、盆底扇岩性圈闭;

    Lithologic trap of mixed clastic turbidite - basin floor fan within LST ;

  5. 良好的储层包括与不整合相关的古喀斯特、TST和HST的碳酸盐岩隆、生物碎屑滩和LST的浊积岩、LST底部和HST顶?

    Favorable reservoirs are paleo karst related to regional unconformity , carbonate buildup and bioclastic limestone in TST and HST , turbidite in LST and dolostone or grainstone in lower LST and higher HST .

  6. 广西大厂泥盆系浊积岩主要见于中泥盆统,具明显的鲍玛序列,其组分由跳跃和悬浮两部分组成,堆积速率为(5.1~38.5)×10-4m/a。

    The Devonian turbidites in Dachang area are mainly Middle Devonian with obvious Bouma sequence . Their components consist of two parts that are jump and suspension . The packing rate is 5 . 1 × 1O-4 ~ 38 . 5 × 1O-4m / a.

  7. 渤海湾含油气盆地中的浊积岩

    Turbidity fan in the oil and gas-bearing basin in Bohai Bay

  8. 西秦岭三叠系一个浊积岩序列金的地球化学特征

    Golden Geochemical Characteristics of a Triassic Turbidite Sequence in West Qinling

  9. 广西大厂泥盆系浊积岩和硅质岩的特征

    Characteristics of Devonian turbidites and silicalites in dachang , Guangxi

  10. 桂林晚泥盆世钙屑浊积岩

    Calcic - clast turbidite of Late Devonian epoch , guilin

  11. 浊积岩储层泥质含量计算方法及其应用

    Calculation method of shale content and its application in the conglomerate reservoir

  12. 与成矿关系密切的岩石为浊积岩成因。

    The ore forming rock series should be turbidite origin .

  13. 浊积岩沉积在正常的湖相暗色泥岩之中。

    Turbidites were deposited in the dark shale of normal lake facies .

  14. 湖泊相浊积岩的主要特征及其地质意义

    Phase and its significance characteristics of lacustrine turbidites and their tectonic significance

  15. 沉积岩的组成大部分为杂砂岩相的浊积岩。

    The sedimentary members are largely turbidites of greywacke facies .

  16. 矿源层为中三叠统浊积岩。

    Source beds are turbidite of middle Triassic series .

  17. 鄂尔多斯盆地长7段浊积岩沉积演化模式及石油地质意义

    Sedimentary evolution model and petroleum significance of Chang-7 member turbidite , Ordos Basin

  18. 河北青龙河地区下元古界浊积岩金矿床

    Gold deposits of Lower Proterozoic turbidites in the Qinglong River area , hebei

  19. 下沉深水钙质浊积岩扇贝肌原纤维蛋白浊度和黏度特性的研究

    Turbidity and viscosity properties of myofibril from scallop

  20. 薄层浊积岩储层地震描述方法

    Seismic reservoir description method in thin turbidite

  21. 新疆北部泥盆系火山碎屑浊积岩层序结构特征及其地质意义

    Sequence Structural Characteristics of the Devonian Volcanoclastic Turbidites in Northern Xinjiang and Their Geological Significance

  22. 南秦岭北缘镇安盆地晚泥盆世浊积岩系及盆地发展

    Late Devonian Turbidite System and Tectonics of Zhen'an Basin at Northern Margin of South Qinling

  23. 相反,形态规则、保存完好的三角洲前缘反而不利于滑塌浊积岩的形成。

    In contrast , the regular and good reserved delta front is disadvantaged to form fluxoturbidite .

  24. 鄂尔多斯盆地南部延长组浊积岩体系及油气勘探意义

    Turbidite Systems and the Significance of Petroleum Exploration of Yanchang Formation in the Southern Ordos Basin

  25. 方法通过野外露头观察以及井下资料分析,对该套浊积岩进行了较全面的研究。

    Methods The study is based on the observing outcrop and analyzing the information of wells .

  26. 辽宁东部赋存大面积的浊积岩,在浊积岩建造中产有铅锌矿床。

    There exists a large scale of turbidite in East Liaoning , in which occur lead-zinc deposits .

  27. 其中沿岸滩坝、扇三角洲前缘和沟道浊积岩是主要含油气岩系。

    The major hydrocarbon-bearing formations arc deposits of longshore shoal , fan delta front and channelized turbidite .

  28. 分叉波痕在广西上泥盆统钙质浊积岩中的发现及意义

    Ripple Marks with Bifurcation from the Calcareous Turbidite Sequence of the Upper Devonian in Guangxi , South China

  29. 南盘江断陷区二、三叠系的火山碎屑浊积岩&一种独特的无海底扇浊流沉积模式

    Research into the Permian and Triassic volcaniclastic turbidite of Nanpan River seg-a unique turbidite mode without submarine fan

  30. 萨勒布尔提山上志留统克克雄库都克组为一套巨厚的火山碎屑浊积岩。

    The upper silurian system of the Shaerbuer mountain region of west Jungger is maga-formation of pyroclastic turbidite .