
liú xíng yīn yuè
  • popular music;pop
  1. 这一古板的老旧机构拒绝承认人们对流行音乐的需求。

    The fusty old establishment refused to recognise the demand for popular music .

  2. 流行音乐从民歌演变而来。

    Popular music evolved from folk songs

  3. 美国流行音乐已传播到世界各地。

    American pop music has been exported around the world .

  4. 他嘲笑喜欢流行音乐的人。

    He sneered at people who liked pop music .

  5. 这支乐队的第一张单曲唱片有五个星期高居最畅销流行音乐唱片榜榜首。

    The band topped the charts for five weeks with their first single .

  6. 这种音乐融合了西方流行音乐和传统民歌。

    The music was a hybrid of Western pop and traditional folk song .

  7. 披头士乐队是典型的流行音乐乐队。

    The Beatles were the archetypal pop group .

  8. 这张唱片中收集了爵士乐与流行音乐两种风格相结合的精彩作品。

    The album was an exciting jazz-pop crossover .

  9. 不能激起广大青少年热情的流行音乐就不能称其为流行音乐。

    Pop isn 't pop without huge teen sensations .

  10. 流行音乐不必非得是垃圾,也可以是艺术。

    Pop music doesn 't have to be trash , it can be art

  11. 他辱骂并诅咒那些流行音乐歌手。

    He rails and cusses at those pop stars .

  12. 我喜欢曲调欢快而且令人振奋的大众流行音乐。

    I like cheerful , uplifting middle-of-the-road pop .

  13. 在流行音乐的各种变化和各式潮流中他一直处于前沿。

    He stayed at the top through all changes and fashions in pop music .

  14. 他认为现今的流行音乐与以往一样令人兴奋。

    He thinks pop music today is as exciting as it 's ever been .

  15. 流行音乐唱片可能会是冷漠而且愤世嫉俗的。

    Pop records can be crass and cynical .

  16. 我对流行音乐一无所知。

    I know nothing about pop music .

  17. 我们不仅引领欧洲而且引领着全球的流行音乐潮流。

    When it comes to pop music we not only lead Europe , we lead the world .

  18. “那闹哄哄的究竟是在做什么?”她问道。“是流行音乐节,”他回答说。

    ' Whatever is that row ? ' she demanded . ' Pop festival , ' he answered .

  19. 我一年能赚上一百万,不过在流行音乐产业中,这点钱不值一提。

    I was making a million a year , but that 's chicken feed in the pop business .

  20. 她首先用一段流行音乐定下基调。

    She first set the mood with a piece of pop music .

  21. 他对流行音乐怀有偏见。

    He has a prejudice against pop music .

  22. 他们的音乐把爵士乐和流行音乐融合在一起。

    Their music blends jazz and pop .

  23. 我女儿使我转而喜欢流行音乐。

    My daughter has converted me to pop music .

  24. 流行音乐界的头面人物都参加了聚会。

    All the big names in the pop music world were at the party .

  25. 他们成了英国流行音乐界最热门的人物。

    They became the hottest thing on the pop music scene in England .

  26. 这一夜,我们将为您奉上由当地最棒乐队带来的现场摇滚和流行音乐。

    We 're bringing you an evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands .

  27. 流行音乐能使人感到快乐和舒适。

    Pop music can make people feel happy and comfortable .

  28. 流行音乐是另一种音乐风格。

    Pop music is another kind of musical style .

  29. 流行音乐从20世纪50年代开始流行。

    Pop music has been popular since the 1950s .

  30. 他们随着流行音乐的声音摇晃着臀部

    They wiggled their hips to the sound of pop music .