
  • 网络Songs of the Wanderers;zigeunerweisen;Siddhartha;Time of the Gypsies;Nomad
  1. 萨拉萨蒂一生创作54部作品,象《流浪者之歌》、《卡门》、《引子与塔兰台拉舞曲》、《西班牙舞曲》,至今仍是小提琴演奏家的试金石。

    He composed fifty-four works in his whole life and many of them are still touchstones for the violinists , for example " Zigeunerweisen ", " Fantasy on Carmen ", " Introduction et tarantella " and " Spanish dance " .

  2. 论马勒《青年流浪者之歌》悲剧形象的戏剧性刻画

    Dramatic Characterization of the Tragic Image in Mahler 's Song of Young Vagrants

  3. 其后舞团还推出了《流浪者之歌》、《水月》和《行草》三部曲。

    It was followed by such works as " Songs of the Wanderers , " " Moon Water " and the " Cursive " trilogy .

  4. 就这些原因而言,渔夫,实际上是对流浪者安古斯之歌,和其他早期诗歌的一种重写,甚至是继续而不是否定。

    For all these reasons ," The Fisherman " is really a re-writing and even a kind of continuation , rather than a repudiation , of " The Song of the Wandering Aengus " and the poems from that period .