
  • 网络liquidity analysis
  1. 小浪底大坝GIN法灌浆浆液的稳定性和流动性分析

    Stability and liquidity analysis of the grouting liquid by the GIN method in the Xiaolangdi 's main dam

  2. 证券流动性折扣的期权定价方法&封闭式基金折价的流动性分析

    The Option Pricing of Securities Liquidity Discount : A Liquidity Analysis of Closed Fund Discount

  3. 之后对测算结果进行多角度分析,包括总体性分析、资产流动性分析、综合效率分析、纯技术效率分析、规模效率分析和超效率DEA模型分析。

    Multi-angle analysis on the calculation results , including analysis of overall analysis , liquidity , efficiency analysis , comprehensive pure technical efficiency analysis , analysis of scale and super efficiency DEA efficiency analysis model .

  4. 浙江省旅行社人力资源流动性分析研究

    An Analysis on Human Resource Mobility in Travel Agencies of Zhejiang

  5. 这与西方银行差别较大,对流动性分析方法有很大的影响。

    All the difference influences the analysis method of Liquidity Management .

  6. 我国国债市场的金融功能与流动性分析

    On the Financial Function and Liquidity of China 's Government Security

  7. 储蓄与投资相关性及资金流动性分析

    Analysis on Correlativity between Savings and Investment and Capital Liquidity

  8. 亚洲债券市场的流动性分析

    An Analysis of Liquidity of the Asian Bond Market

  9. 注塑成型流动性分析及成型过程数值模拟

    The Flow Analysis of the Injection Molding and Numerical Simulation of Forming Process

  10. 提高存款准备金率与流动性分析

    Analyses on Raising Deposit - reserve Ratio And Liquidity

  11. 中国国债市场流动性分析

    The Liquidity in China 's Government Bond Market

  12. 料仓流型及改善贮料流动性分析

    Flow Pattern Analysis and Flowability Improvement of Silos

  13. 在对市场指数的流动性分析中,发现流动性具有波动集聚效应。

    When we analyses the liquidity of the market index , volatility clustering is found to be significant .

  14. 代际收入流动性分析是对洛伦茨曲线、基尼系数和泰尔指数等静态指标的补充。

    The analysis of intergenerational income mobility is the supplement to Lorenz Curve , Gini Coefficient and Theil Index , which are all static indexes .

  15. 通过对入境旅游流的空间流动性分析,青岛的入境旅游外联客源与省内城市如烟台、济南的空间流动性较大;

    From the space flow analysis of tourists , tourists from other cities or other countries for inbound tourism of Qingdao have the larger space flow performance with some cities , such as Yantai , Jinan etc.

  16. 基于侧向位移法的沥青层流动性车辙分析

    Flow Rutting Analysis in Asphalt Layers Based on Lateral Displacement Method

  17. 外汇占款与我国银行体系流动性过剩分析

    Position for Forex Purchase and Excess Liquidity of Chinese Banking System

  18. 创业投资的流动性风险分析

    Analysis of the mobility risk of the venture capital investment

  19. 人体内酒精的流动性模型分析

    An analysis of mobile model of alcohol in human body

  20. 第二部分是开放式基金流动性风险分析。

    The second part is the analysis of liquidity risk of open-end fund .

  21. 基于市值规模的上海股市流动性动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Liquidity in the Shanghai Stock Exchange Based on Market Capitalization Scale

  22. 大规模集成电路封装用环氧树脂复合材料流动性影响分析

    Flowability Analysis of the Epoxy Molding Composite used for the Packaging of Large-Scale Integrated Circuit

  23. 新农村建设背景下农业生产要素的流动性悖论分析

    An Analysis Of The Agricultural Production Factors ' Liquidity Dilemma In The Background Of The New Countryside Construction

  24. 考虑到熟料的散体特征,利用散体力学理论对在新型推动结构下的熟料层可流动性进行分析。

    Considering the granular character of clicker , the fluidity of clicker in the new pushing structure is analyzed using granular mechanics theory .

  25. 诚然,在经典的零利率流动性陷阱分析中,最理想的政策是:在有资金支持的前提下,临时性大幅提高政府支出。

    True , in the classic analysis of a zero interest rate liquidity trap , the ideal policy is a money-financed temporary surge in government spending .

  26. 其中,第一章、第二章以及第三章主要进行三个市场流动性理论分析,并提出文章假设。

    Chapter one , chapter two and chapter three mainly focus on the theory analysis of three markets liquidity overflow effect and put forward to the paper hypothesis .

  27. 最后在市场绩效分析中,分别通过盈利性指标、成本费用指标、信用风险指标及流动性指标分析了我国商业银行业的市场绩效,并得出我国商业银行业市场绩效现状的原因。

    Finally in respect of market performance , market performance of commercial banking has analyzed through profitability indexes , cost index , credit risk index and liquidity index , and the reason why our commercial banking market performance stay in current situation was found out .

  28. 接着分析基金的流动性。分析流动性风险的内涵及形成的原因、我国基金流动性风险产生的特点,并提出我国开放式基金流动性风险的管理与防范措施。

    Then , it analyses fluidness of the fund , including connotation and reasons of the coming into being of the fluidness risk , the procreant characteristics of fund fluidness , and it presents the management and defending measures of the fluidness risk of the opening fund .

  29. 通过运用Kalman滤波技术对中国的资本流动性进行动态分析,并没有发现1997年亚洲金融危机后中国采取更加严格的资本管制对资本流动性产生影响的证据。

    Lastly we evaluate the capital mobility in China with Kalman filter .

  30. 在对中国流动性水平的分析中,通过VAR模型分别分析了货币流动性变化给我国实体经济带来的影响以及银行流动性创造异常变动对我国资本市场以及实体商品市场的影响。

    Second , we analysis the impact of bank liquidity creation of abnormal movements to our capital markets and physical commodity markets .