
  • 网络net flow;NPV
  1. 这就是单位时间通过C的净流量了。

    So , in fact , it is the net flow through C per unit time .

  2. 实验分无净流量和有一定净流量两种情形,探讨了振荡雷诺数Reo、斯特劳准数St对振荡流场中的注入分散特性的作用以及净流雷诺Ren的影响情况。

    The experiment was carried out in two situations , without net flow and with net flow . The influence of oscillatory flow Reynolds number ( Re0 ) and Strouhal number ( Si ) to the injection dispersion performance of OFM was explored .

  3. 微流体泵的定向净流量主要来自于Navier-Stokes方程的非线性。

    The directional flow rate of the pump is governed by nonlinearity of Navier-Stokes equations .

  4. 商业银行流动性风险的压力测试则假定商业银行每日的资金净流量服从混合正态分布,运用VaR思想对商业银行流动性风险进行压力测试。

    The stress testing on the liquidity risk of commercial bank is supposed that the net capital flows obey the mix normal distribution .

  5. 在1997年11月通过东海PN断面的北向净流量约为25.9×106m3/s。

    The northward net VT through PN in the East China Sea is about 25.9 × 106 m3 / s in November - December 1997 .

  6. 根据唯象方程,推导出试验条件下阴极和阳极扩散反应区的不同原子净流量和界面IMC的生长速率表达式。

    In electromigration , the expressions to atomic flux and Ni-Sn IMC growth rate have been derived from the phenomenological equations .

  7. 门静脉α-氨基氮、NH3-N净流量在第3天分别高于对照36.36%和27.23%,尿素氮净流量也有增高趋势,但差异均未达到显著水平。

    Net flux of AAN , NH_3-N for PDV tissues was increased by 36.36 % and 27.23 % , while urea-N tended to increase .

  8. 不同焊点的温度差异引起了阴极界面的原子净流量和IMC的生长速率差异,导致不同焊点的电迁移程度差异。

    The different temperature generates the difference of atomic fluxes and IMCs growth rates at the cathode , which also causes the nonuniform electromigration degree in different solder joints .

  9. 从两者的匹配关系看,全国会计专业技术资格考试辅导教材《财务管理》一书中的经营现金净流量(NCF)计量公式有欠妥当。

    From their relationship , the author found that the calculating formula of net cash flow ( NCF ) in the book named Financial Management for national accounting qualification test is inappropriate .

  10. 结果表明,小肠可吸收氨基酸模式对MDV和PDV组织SAA的净流量具有显著影响,其中Met随着绒毛模式所占比例的增加而显著提高(P<0105)。

    The results showed absorbable amino acid pattern had significantly effect on MDV and PDV net flux of SAA , and Met net flux were significantly increased with increasing of the ratio of cashmere pattern in the target pattern ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 应用计算流体力学(CFD)计算方法,基于三维流场数值模拟结果,对净流量为0时,振荡流混合器(OFM)单腔室和三腔室中三维层流状态注入粒子分散特性进行数值模拟研究。

    Applied to computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) method , according to the result of three-dimension numerical simulation on oscillatory flow mixer ( OFM ), particles distribution in one cell and three cells were discussed . The formation of eddies in OFM makes good mixing .

  12. 间接法编列经营活动现金净流量的教学思考

    Reflections on the Teaching of Currency Flow in Business Activity

  13. 现金净流量信息与净利润信息是互相补充、相辅相成的。

    Information of net cash flow and net profit supplement each other .

  14. 2002年,非洲的外商直接投资净流量总额为102亿美元。

    Net FDI flows to the continent totaled US $ 10.2 billion in2002 .

  15. 论灵敏度分析方法在预测项目经营现金净流量中的运用

    On the Application of Sensitivity Analysis to Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities in Project Appraisal

  16. 当黑潮源头向北的流量较大时,通过吕宋海峡向西的净流量偏小。

    When the north transport of Kuroshio is large , the west transport through Luzon Strait is small .

  17. 经营项目的差额反映了国与国之间货物、劳务以及单边贸易的净流量。

    The balance on current account reflects the net flow of goods , services , and unilateral transactions among countries .

  18. 基金滞后年度收益率对资金净流量产生显著的正面影响,绩优基金会吸引更多新增资金流入。

    One year lagged return has positive effect on the fund flow ; mutual funds with superior performance will attract more inflow .

  19. 在长期投资和从投资获得的现金净流量上,他们同样表现出比较缓慢的增长模式。

    They also display patterns of inefficient investments shown in slower grown in long-term investment and net cash flow generated from investment .

  20. 该报表的基本目的是提供关于公司在一定会计期间的现金流入、现金流出和现金净流量的信息。

    The primary purpose of the statement is to provide information about a company 's cash inflows , outflows and net flows during an accounting period .

  21. 在建立商业银行授信管理决策模型之后,本文继续探讨了利用灰色理论模型预测企业年经营现金净流量的方法。并以实际数据对本文所建模型进行了实例分析。

    Finally , this paper discusses the methods of predicting operating cash using gray theory and gives a test to the model that establishing in this paper .

  22. 与利润指标相比,现金流量指标较难操纵,而每股经营性现金净流量是最能反映企业经营状况的财务指标之一。

    Compared with the profit , the cash flow is more difficult to be manipulated , and OCFPS is the best index to reflect the enterprise management state .

  23. 流向发展中国家的私人资本流量正在急剧减少,预计2009年净流量将减少到两年前达到的1.2万亿美元高峰水平的三分之一。

    Private capital flows to the developing world are slumping sharply , with net inflows dropping in2009 to about one-third of the peak $ 1.2 trillion reached two years ago .

  24. 应用计算流体力学技术,采用层流模型和湍流模型对净流量为0、一定雷诺数区间振荡流混合器单腔室中的层流流场和湍流流场进行了数值模拟计算。

    Computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) numerical simulation technique was used to simulate the flow field with both laminar model and turbulence model within a certain region of Reynolds number .

  25. 其结果,2005-2006年对巴黎俱乐部和多边金融机构的本金偿还额超过支付额1460亿美元,而私人债务净流量达到4320亿美元。

    As a result , principal repayments to the Paris Club and multilateral institutions exceeded disbursements by $ 146 billion in2005-06 , as net private debt flows reached $ 432 billion .

  26. 应用声学、力学相关理论,建立超声波参数与净流量的联系,将无量纲蠕动流问题转化为有量纲蠕动流问题,分析超声波功率、频率、声源距离以及油层参数对净流量的影响。

    Using acoustic and mechanical correlated theory , we establish the relationship between the net flow and the ultrasonic parameters . Therefore we turn the non-dimensional problem into a dimensional problem .

  27. 通过观测总资产现金流量率、每股经营现金净流量等现金流量指标的变化,可以为改进企业组织效率指明方向。

    It is beneficial to improve enterprise organizational efficiency by observing the fluctuations of cash flow rate of total assets , and cash flow index like net cash flow of per share .

  28. 本文对影响我国上市公司的资本结构的因素作了实证研究,得出:盈利质量、企业实际所得税率、现金净流量与公司资本结构没有明显的相关性;

    After fully empirical research , it Draws that : there is not obvious dependence in profit quality , real income tax rate of the enterprise , the net flow of cash and capital structure ;

  29. 企业集团税后利润的优化问题论税利分流、税后承包净利+利息+折旧抑或净利+税后利息+折旧?&对会计资格考试辅导教材中经营现金净流量计量方法的商榷

    " Net Profit + Interest + Depreciation " or " Net Profit + Interest after Texes + Depreciation "? & Discussion on the Measurement Method of Cash Flow in guidance books for Accounting Qualification Test

  30. 公司的财务状况是通过资产、负债和股东权益的总额及其结构以及现金流入、流出和净流量情况体现出来的。

    The total amounts and the construction of the assets , liabilities , and the stockholder 's equities embody a corporation 's financial position , by the cash outflows , inflows and the net flows .