
jìnɡ huà zuò yònɡ
  • Purification effect;catharsis
  1. 他认为,安提戈涅的美与崇高是产生悲剧效果的基础,而她在悲剧中拟人化的疯狂冲动(Ate即迷恋)对观众读者具有净化作用。

    He claims that Antigone 's beauty and sublimation are the foundation of the tragic effect and Ate , personified in the tragedy , has the power of catharsis .

  2. 拉康以亚里士多德《诗学》中关于悲剧的净化作用为出发点对古希腊悲剧,尤其是对索福克勒斯的《安提戈涅》进行了解读分析,形成了自己独特的悲剧理论。

    With the help of Aristotle 's insight of tragic catharsis in Poetics , Jacques Lacan analyzes Sophocles ' Antigone and develops his peculiar and general tragedy theory .

  3. S,P在高速钢晶界上的偏聚与稀土元素的净化作用

    Segregation of S and P along grain boundary in high speed steels and cleaning action of RE elements

  4. 阐述了CO2激光焊接对熔化区的净化作用。

    Cleaning function to melting zone of co_2 laser welding is expatiated .

  5. 黄土性土壤对Cr(Ⅵ)的净化作用及迁移规律研究

    Study on Purification of Loessial Soil to Cr (ⅵ) and Its Migration Characters

  6. IL-1与IL-2联合激活的骨髓对白血病细胞的净化作用

    The purging effect of IL-1 and IL-2 activated bone marrow on leukemic cells

  7. 半固体集落培养法观察激活骨髓cFUGM水平和对白血病细胞的净化作用;

    The numbers of CFU GM and action of purging of ABM were counted by semi solid culture of colonies .

  8. 结论:自体骨髓细胞体外培养对CML病人的骨髓肿瘤细胞有一定程度的净化作用;

    Conclusions : Bone marrow culture in vitro may be useful to purge bone marrow autografts in some patients with CML .

  9. 添加微量Ce使高温持久强度得到提高的原因是氧化铈质点的弥散强化作用、位错亚结构的稳定化作用以及晶界净化作用等共同影响的结果。

    The reason why it has strengthened may be the result of the dispersion-strengthening of cerium oxide particles , the stabilization of dislocation substructures and the purification of grain boundaries .

  10. 水质净化作用菌光合细菌PS2的生物学特性及环境因子对其生长的影响

    Effect of biochemical characteristics and environmental factor of water purification photosynthetic bacteria PS2 on its growth

  11. 影响黄土对Cr(Ⅵ)、As(Ⅴ)起净化作用的主要因素有pH、有机质、铁、铝、钙化合物、土壤粘粒含量等。

    5 ) The main factors influencing loessial soil purification to Cr ( VI ) and As ( V ) are pH , organic matter , calcium , iron , aluminous compounds and contents of mucilaginous grain etc.

  12. JDN-I熔剂对L3变形铝的净化作用

    Purification Effects of JDN-I Flux on L3 Wrought Aluminums

  13. 结果发现IL-2激活3天的骨髓对K562细胞有净化作用。加用IFN-α可明显增强这种净化作用,使其对K562细胞的杀伤率可提高0.45~2.66对数级。

    It was found that bone marrow activated in vitro with IL-2 for 3 days displayed purging effect on leukemic cells , and IFN - α could augment the effect .

  14. DTC具有净化作用快,除油功效高,适用于分离、重力沉降和浮选等水处理过程。

    DTC is characterized by fast cleaning treatment , high-efficiency removing oil , suitable for water treating processes such as separation , gravity sedimentation and floatation .

  15. 目的:探讨慢性髓性白血病(CML)骨髓细胞体外培养对自体骨髓移植物的净化作用。

    Objective : To evaluate the purging effect of bone marrow culture in vitro on the autografts of patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia ( CML ) .

  16. 说明潮滩沉积物中可能存在较强的硝化作用,对水体NH3-N有一定的净化作用。

    They indicate that the nitrification in sediment may be strong , which may partly contribute to the NH3-N purification function of the tidal flat .

  17. 得出河流渗滤系统对苯胺污水有很大的净化作用,其净化率达到100%,同时渗滤的结果容易产生其他环境效应,例如系统pH的变化、渗透性能的变化等。

    Evidence has shown that the purification effect for aniline of the system is great and the removal rate of aniline is 100 % ; other environmental effects including changes in pH value and infiltration performance are also detected in the process .

  18. 作为一种新兴的污水处理技术,RBS技术越来越引起人们的重视,该技术利用自然界中土壤菌的生命活动将污水中有机污染物分解去除,起到净化作用。

    As a new wastewater treatment technology , RBS technique has drawn increasing attention . The technique utilizes the natural life activities of soil bacteria decompose organic pollutants in sewage removal , purify effect .

  19. 在O3+GAC微污染水原水的深度处理工艺中,O3是一种强氧化剂,并能向水中提供溶解氧,有利于生物净化作用。

    In the technological process of deep treatment for micro-polluted raw water by O3 + GAC , O3 is a strong oxidant and can provide dissolved oxygen for water , being advantageous to purification of biological action .

  20. 结果表明,麦饭石对含重金属废水具有较强净化作用。在中性弱碱性条件下(pH7~8),使用Ca型,灼烧0.5h的麦饭石颗粒作吸附剂,净化效果较好。

    The result showed that Marfan stone possessed strong adsorbing properties to heavy metals , and the efficiency of purification was better under the condition of pH 7.0-8.0 , using Ca - Marfan stone scorched for 0.5h .

  21. 目的:采用FISH方法直接在干细胞水平对慢性粒细胞白血病(CML)患者自体骨髓体外培养前后的间期细胞进行bcr/abl融合基因检测,从而探讨CML骨髓细胞体外培养对自体骨髓移植物的净化作用。

    Objective : In order to evaluate the purging effect of bone marrow culture in vitro on the autografts of patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia ( CML ), the bcr / abl fusion genes in the stem cell from CML were detected by FISH before and after the cultures .

  22. 铝熔体中熔剂的净化作用特性分析

    Analysis on the Characters of Purification in Molten Aluminium by Flux

  23. 沼液对农药的增效作用对电解铝液净化作用的探讨

    Discussion of Purification Effect of Electrolyte Liquid-Al on Electrolyte Aluminum Techniques

  24. 哈尔滨市地下水污染特征与水质净化作用研究

    Groundwater Pollution Characteristics and Water Quality Purification in the Harbin City

  25. 固定化农药降解酶对受污染水体的净化作用

    Effect of Immobilized Pesticide Degrading-enzyme on the Purification of Polluted Water

  26. 植物对SO2的吸收净化作用

    The effect of absorption and purification of plants to sulphur dioxide

  27. 红树林生态系统对重金属污染的净化作用研究

    The Study of Purification of Heavy Metal Elements in Mangrove Ecosystems

  28. 氯化钾对富钛溶液中Al~(3+)的净化作用

    Purging Aluminium Cation in Rich Titanium Solution with Potassium Chloride

  29. 水生植物对城市污水净化作用的研究进展

    The study progress of aquatic plants for urban sewage purification

  30. 绿地、水体对减轻城市热灾害和对空气净化作用的研究

    Research on the effects of grassland and water body in urban area