
  1. 中国佛教发展史上,净土法门逐渐融合各宗思想而成为中国佛教的主流。

    In the history of Chinese Buddhism , the teachings of the Pure Land School gradually became the mainstream of all Chinese Buddhist schools .

  2. 这说明,杭州从唐中后期以来的千余年,曾是弘传佛教净土法门的一大中心,对中国佛教的发展有重大的贡献与影响。

    This explains that Hangzhou was a center for keeping the Dharmaparyaya of the Sukhavati Sect since mid Tang Dynasty and made great contributions to the development of Chinese Buddhism .

  3. 从唐代以来,以云鸾、道绰、善导所创立的净土法门体系传到日本后,日本高僧法然和亲鸾,先后以三位大师著作为依据,立教开宗,建立了日本佛教净土宗和净土真宗。

    Since the Tang Dynasty , the doctrine of the Sukhavati Sect originated by Tanluan , Daochuo and Shandao has been passed on to Japan , where Japanese eminent monks like Horan and Qinluan founded the Sukhavati Sect in Japan on the basis of the Buddhist works by the above-mentioned three Chinese masters .

  4. 晚唐至宋初净土五会念佛法门在敦煌的流传晚唐五代敦煌佛教教团的科罚制度研究

    A Study of Buddhist Monastic Punishment System of Dunhuang During The Later-Tang Dynasty to The Five Dynasties

  5. 交城玄中寺,作为中国佛教净土宗的祖庙和中国北方的主要道场,曾在净土法门的发展历史上起到过非常重要的作用。

    Xuanzhong Temple in Jiaocheng County of Shanxi , as the ancestral temple of Sukhavati Buddhism in China and the major temple in northern China , has played a significant role in the history of Sukhavati development .