
  1. 王者无外和夷夏之防&秦汉时期边疆思想论略

    A Brief Discussion of Thoughts about Frontiers in the Qin and Han Dynasties

  2. 儒家思想中的夷夏之辨对庾信的影响。

    The impact of Confucianism " argument between Yi and Xia " on Yuxin .

  3. 夷夏结合与转换才开创了中国的历史,形成独特东亚文化传统。

    The combination of Yi and Xia initiated the history of China and formed the special cultural tradition of East Asia .

  4. 从一定意义上说,夷夏文化同源的认识,乃是中华民族文化价值认同的基石。

    To a certain extent , we can say , the recognition to the same resource of Chinese culture is the basis of the same recognition to Chinese cultural value .

  5. 夷夏之别,不在种族而在文化,来自不同社会制度、不同文化背景的各方,在共同创办企业时,必然有文化差异存在,而文化差异往往会引起文化摩擦和冲突。

    Foreign and China difference is in culture not in race . People who come from different regime and different culture establish the joint-venture enterprise . It must have cultural difference .

  6. 夷夏各族通过频繁的战争与各种政治活动加强了联系,民族杂居,互通婚姻,促进了民族融合。

    The various foreign and Chinese nationalities strengthened their contact through frequent wars and various political activities . The different nationalities lived together and inter-married each other , which would accelerate the nationalities to merge .

  7. 神光寺事件即体现了他按照条约,据理力争的外交策略,这与强调夷夏大防,以强硬手段驱逐外人的态度形成鲜明对比。

    Shenguang Temple event was an typical example that reflects his diplomatic strategy arguing on the basis of reason according to the Treaty , which was a sharp contrast to the attitude of expelling outsiders .

  8. 三国两晋以后,进入云南的汉族移民发生“异化”,出现了“以夷变夏”的“夷化”趋势。

    After the Three Kingdoms and the Jin Dynasty , these Han migrants became " alienated " .

  9. 由于频繁的人群流动,夏代的东部地区很早就形成夷、夏杂居的局面。

    Because of constant migrations the Xia nationality and the Yi nationality had mixed together in the eastern area in early Xia Dynasty .

  10. 其中,既有“以夏变夷”的努力,也有“以夷变夏”的尝试,生动体现了中华民族陆海疆域和文化融通的进程,是不应该被忽视的。

    The efforts of acculturation either hy Yi or by Xia represented the cultural process of the land and sea interaction of the Chinese nation .

  11. 其独特性在于:(一)明清易代除了一般意义上的王朝更替之外,还有异族入侵,以夷易夏的意味。

    Its uniqueness lies in : ( A ) Ming and Qing Dynasties is not the general sense , in addition to the replacement of the dynasty , there are the meaning of " alien invasion to change Yixia " .