
  • 网络Hong Huang;Hung Huang;blog;Huang Hung
  1. 我在北京的大街上等了几分钟,这里应该是洪晃推荐的粤菜馆所在之处,我们约好在这里吃午餐。这时候,我的手机响了。那儿就没这家餐厅,是吧?

    After a few minutes waiting on the Beijing street outside what should have been the Cantonese restaurant recommended by Hung Huang for lunch , my phone rings .

  2. 这都是些拥有150个LV包与50个古姿包的主,就想买点与众不同的东西,洪晃说。

    These are people who already have 150 Louis Vuitton bags and 50 Gucci bags and they want something a bit different , Hung says .

  3. 上世纪70年代中期,当普通中国人还不可能出国旅行的时候,洪晃已经前往美国就读高中,后来毕业于纽约瓦萨学院(VassarCollege),获得政治学学位。

    In the mid-1970s , when overseas travel was impossible for ordinary Chinese , Hung went to high school in the US and later graduated with a political science degree from Vassar College , New York .

  4. 她知道我口无遮拦,洪晃表示。

    She knows I have a big mouth , Hung says .

  5. 洪晃表示,同时,该明星也在时尚圈获得了更多的曝光,从而拥有更大的受众。

    Meanwhile , the star needs exposure to fashion and to a wider audience .

  6. 所以看洪晃博客的人应该是一些更理性、更智慧、更成熟的人。

    People who read Hong Huang tend to be more reasonable , thoughtful and mature .

  7. 在中国,洪晃、方兴东肯定都是赫赫有名的明星般人物;

    In China , Hong and Fang are definitely the notable celebrities like shining star in the sky .

  8. 洪晃自己几乎毫无保留,这种个性为她赢得了人们所熟知的媒体标签:越界。

    Hung herself keeps little hidden , a quality that has earned her the familiar media tag of provocative .

  9. 如今,洪晃不是从政治层面识别这些趋势,而是从自己为旗下媒体所做的市场研究。

    Hung identifies trends these days , not in politics , but in the market research she conducts for her media titles .

  10. 他离开后,洪晃承认,在这种情况下,西方式的法制正好在中国派上用场。

    After he leaves , Hung agrees that at times like this , western-style rule of law comes in handy in China .

  11. 当一片绿叶随风在我眼前飘落,我突然意识到洪晃已经走了很久了。

    When a green leave falls down with the soft wind in my eyes , I suddenly realize Honghuang has left for a long time .

  12. 洪晃表示,向读者提供服务我估计其中包括让名人们名声扫地在中国是一个全新的概念。

    Hung says the idea of providing a service to readers , which I suppose includes rubbishing the reputations of celebrities , is entirely new in China .

  13. 洪晃觉得,事实上正是由于她长期不在母亲身边,才让她变得那么独立,而且缺乏某些中国人传统的缄默。

    Hung reckons it was in fact the long periods she spent away from her mother that made her self-reliant and also left her lacking some traditional Chinese reticence .

  14. 我惊奇地发现,即使是洪晃,对于西方人对中国的描述也持尖锐的批评态度。她抱怨称,直到现在,在海外的时候,还有人问她是如何从中国脱身的。

    Even Hung , I am surprised to find , is a trenchant critic of how China is portrayed in the west and she complains that when she is overseas , she still gets asked how she got out of the country .