
xǐ liǎn pén
  • washbasin;washbowl;washbowl, washbasin
洗脸盆 [xǐ liǎn pén]
  • [washbowl, washbasin] 一种用来盛水洗手和脸的盆

洗脸盆[xǐ liǎn pén]
  1. 洗脸盆的上面有一面镜子。

    There 's a mirror above the washbasin .

  2. 浴室里有一个洗脸盆、一个淋浴房、一个浴缸。

    In the bathroom , there is a washbasin , a shower , and a bathtub .

  3. 舷边甲板下面的一个凹处放了一个小小的洗脸盆。

    Set into an alcove under the side deck is a tiny wash basin .

  4. 洗脸盆边上已经有一圈黑头发和肥皂沫。

    There was already a rim of dark hairs and soap round the basin .

  5. 卫生间里装了两个抽水马桶、两个淋浴器、和两个洗脸盆。

    The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets , 2 showers , and 2 sinks .

  6. 在洗脸盆上方甚至都有平板电视,非常适合客人在浴室中慢跑时扫一眼法国时尚电视台(fashiontv)。

    Guests even have a flat-screen TV located above the sink basin , ideal for ogling Fashion TV while jogging around the bathroom .

  7. 然后结合国内洗脸盆实验,对洗脸盆建模,应用FLUENT进行模拟计算,并与实验结果进行比较。

    Combine the experiment of the wash basin at home and modeling of the wash basin , use FLUENT to simulate , and compare with experimental results .

  8. 抱着洗脸盆狂吐的样子

    hugging a toilet bowl , puking your guts out .

  9. 你准备了一个新的洗脸盆吗,托马斯?

    Have you prepared a new washbowl , Thomas ?

  10. 主要的洗脸盆安装在顶级的意大利石灰石台面和定制橱柜上。

    The primary sink sits a top Italian limestone counter tops and custom cabinetry .

  11. 我在浴室里放了一瓶,在洗脸盆放了一瓶,一天用两遍。

    I keep a bottle in my shower and one by the sink and use it twice a day .

  12. 洗脸盆不流水,我试着冲几次都没成功。

    The lavatory won 't flush ; I 've tried flushing it several times , but it won 't work .

  13. 经过全面改造后,主卧有一个步入式衣橱和带双洗脸盆的套间浴室。

    Fully remodeled , the main bedroom boasts a walk-in closet and an ensuite bathroom with a double vanity sink .

  14. 原来,渤海是个大海盆,就像洗脸盆一样,四面高,中间低。

    Original , the Bohai Sea is a sea basin , resemble lavatory same , all around tall , among low .

  15. 那些日复一日的刷洗脸盆里的牙膏斑迹、放下马桶座的活儿会让你发疯。

    That day to day , wash the toothpaste down the sink , close the toilet seat stuff can drive you crazy .

  16. 洗脸盆可以盛水用来洗脸或洗手等的盆这些手绣织品都是一等品。

    A basin that can be filled with water for use in washing oneself . These hand embroider one is all first class goods .

  17. 本实用新型同样还可作为洗脸盆、洗脚盆使用,并且有助于漂洗毛巾、按摩脚底。

    The utility model can also be used as a washbowl and a foot basin , and is helpful for the people to rinse towels and massage foot soles .

  18. 我愿意推荐某种类型的编织线,不过,因为它洗脸盆(台),从而让你的诱惑,更自然的沉还因为它几乎没有弹性。

    I do recommend some type of braided line , however , because it sinks and thus lets your lure sink more naturally , and also because it has practically no stretch .

  19. 我走进所住的房间,只见设施略显陈旧,洗手间的地面砖已经破裂,桌上和洗脸盆里居然有烟灰。

    I walked into the living room , only slightly outdated facilities , toilets and the tile has broken down on the table and wash basin there are as many as soot .

  20. 屋门敞开着,桌子、椅子和凳子倒在地上,洗脸盆摔成了碎片,被子和枕头掉到了地上。

    The house-door stood wide open . The table , chairs , and benches were thrown down , the washing-bowl lay broken to pieces , and the quilts and pillows were pulled off the bed .