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sǎ tuo
  • free and easy
洒脱 [sǎ tuō]
  • [free and easy] 潇洒自然,不拘束

  • 诗文洒脱

洒脱[sǎ tuo]
  1. 没有了第一次又怎么样呢,我依然活的很洒脱。

    Not the first what ? I still live very free and easy .

  2. 转身洒脱的走开,让你的头脑中留下美图汉堡的印象。

    Turned free and easy of go away , let figure burger in your mind .

  3. 他对失败表现得很洒脱,并且赞扬了对手的才能。

    He was magnanimous in defeat and praised his opponent 's skill .

  4. 职工对她洒脱的管理风格反应很好。

    Staff respond well to her unbuttoned style of management .

  5. 对于生活,刘易斯变得豁达洒脱了。

    Lewis has grown philosophical about life .

  6. 他们的洒脱不羁和亲密气氛的增加很快驱散了会场上的拘谨。

    The stiffness of the meeting soon gave way before their popular manners and more diffused intimacies .

  7. LAVA以创新的着装风格、态度,丰富的设计理念来诠释怀有梦想的年轻人的个性,呈现出青年的随性、热情、洒脱,是突破自我的最佳诠释和能量释放。

    LAVA with the newest design and human ergonomic approach in clothing and accessories gives as new character to today 's energetic youth making them versatile , diligent and full of self-confidence .

  8. 丹史蒂文斯日前正在宣传新电影《二月之夏》,在电影中陷入了一段纠结的三角恋。故事设定描述一群生性洒脱放荡不羁的Lamorna艺术家,1913年这群人沿着康沃尔海岸成立了自己的小团体。

    Dan is currently promoting his new film , ' Summer in February ' , where he plays one third of a love triangle , set amongst the wild and bohemian Lamorna Group of artists , who 've set up their community along the Cornwall coastline of 1913 .

  9. 信上的笔迹有力,洒脱。

    The letter was written in a strong , fine hand .

  10. 大雨降下,一切轻狂洒脱;

    The heavy rain lowers , all frivolous free and easy ;

  11. 你可以洒脱地说出自己的想法

    You can say whatever is on your mind without being judged

  12. 但是我知道你是很洒脱的人。

    But I also know you can take the high road .

  13. 嘉莉从前没有和这样洒脱的人相处过。

    Carrie had never come in contact with such grace .

  14. 眼泪可以无声,爱的消逝也能如此的洒脱吗?

    Tears can be silent , love dies can also so free ?

  15. 这样很容易老去,唯有洒脱的人才可以永远年轻下去。

    They will age quickly . Cool people stay young for ever .

  16. 创作风格多倾向于自由洒脱,无所顾忌。

    More inclined free and easy writing style , cynical .

  17. 这曲子的节奏其实是满轻快的,老大的呈现方法也很洒脱。

    The arrangement and presentation of this song is actually rather up-beat .

  18. 为数不多的几个洒脱超群的是彻头彻尾的纯种法国人。

    The smart few were pure French top to toe .

  19. 一个待人和善、言谈洒脱自如的男子。

    A friendly man who talked freely and easily .

  20. 很随意,很洒脱

    You know , it 's casual and chilled .

  21. 不输给未来就让今天获得更洒脱。

    Do not lose to the future and let today more and get .

  22. 我试着洒脱、试着忘记我们的曾经。

    I tried to free , I tried to forget what we have .

  23. 自然的洒脱与居室的艺术混合在一起,如同一组摄人心魄的交响乐。

    The mix of freely nature and decorative art is like a stirring symphony .

  24. 这样,人才能过得快乐洒脱一点。

    Thus , the talented person can cross the joyful free and easy spot .

  25. 率真洒脱,是新时代的先驱。

    He si the pioneer of modem era .

  26. 这时你只要洒脱地放弃

    So you just have to give in , as they say , gracefully .

  27. 他生活很洒脱,是个很健谈的人。

    He is very much at ease in life and is a good talker .

  28. 你穿那件新连衣裙看上去时髦而洒脱。

    You look smart in that new dress .

  29. 她希望自己的“现代”舞蹈风格洒脱、自然。

    She wanted her " modern " dance style to be free and natural .

  30. 雍容与洒脱&周氏兄弟散文风格比较

    Leisureliness and Ease & A Comparative Study of Prose Style of the Zhou Brothers