
  • 网络Atayal;Tyra;Tayal
  1. 首先,我的背景是台湾泰雅族以及美国黑人混血。

    For starters , my background is Taiwanese Atayal and African American .

  2. 竖琴在泰雅族音乐中扮演着显着的角色。

    Playing a prominent role in Atayal music is the Jew 's harp .

  3. PluckingSoundsFromthePast拨弦弄乐话“泰雅”我们许多人都去过乌来观赏那里闻名的瀑布,但你是否曾经停下来去聆听那来自古老土著居民村落内心深处的独特音乐呢?

    Many of us have passed through Wulai to view its famous waterfall , but have you ever stopped to appreciate the unique sounds coming from the heart of this ancient aboriginal village ?

  4. 泰雅:你并不讨厌让别人失望。

    Tyra : You 're not sick of being disappointed .

  5. 阿彬:泰雅族人可不只是表演舞蹈给观光客看,你知道的。

    A-bing : The Atayal are not all about doing dances for tourists , you know .

  6. 本研究旨在了解泰雅族人使用卫生所服务之行为,并探讨健康讯息接受管道以及其间的关系。

    This study explores the Atayal people 's use of health clinic services and medical information channels .

  7. 纹面,是泰雅民族精神的象征,男女在成年后有纹面习俗。

    This tribe also practiced facial tattooing , which symbolized entry into adulthood and eligibility for marriage .

  8. 传统社会变迁与民族文化传承&以台湾泰雅人为例

    The Changes of Traditional Society and the Succession of Ethnic Cultures & A Case Study of the Atayal in Taiwan

  9. 我希望看到所有的泰雅子弟,都变得更乐观,最终将自身的才能贡献给社会。

    I hope to see all the Atayal children here become more optimistic , eventually contributing their talents to society .

  10. 然而,南塔开特终究是它的伟大的发源地…是这个迦太基的泰雅是人们把第一只美洲的死鲸拖上岸来的地方。

    yet Nantucket was her great original-the Tyre of this Carthage ; -- the place where the first dead American whale was stranded .

  11. 这样的社会制度,造就了泰雅男性勇于离家开疆拓土的性格,同时也是形成这个族群分布辽阔的原因。

    This allowed the Atayal men to leave home and explore new areas , which is one of the reasons for the tribe 's large distribution .

  12. 其中,采纳汉姓汉名,更导致当代泰雅人在想象与表达自己的世系和祖先观念,以及进行祭祀活动时,发生了根本性的变化。

    Their adoption of Han-Chinese surnames has led to fundamental changes in their imagination and narration of their ancestry , as well as in their ancestral worship practices .

  13. 乌来乡主道上的泰雅婆婆美食店供应泰雅传统美食,大多是蔬菜,比如南瓜饺子、竹筒饭和炒蕨菜。

    Taiya Popo , a restaurant on Wulai 's main drag , serves traditional Atayal cuisine , much of it vegetable-based like pumpkin dumplings , rice-stuffed bamboo and stir-fried fern .

  14. 和其它土著居民群一样,泰雅族也通过音乐来传递知识和加强社会关系。从祭典歌曲到纯为娱乐的音乐,它都应有尽有。

    From ritual songs to those intended purely for entertainment , the Atayal , like all other aboriginal groups , have been using music to transmit knowledge and enhance social relations .

  15. 泰雅族对展现他们特有的乐风感到自豪。所以下次到乌来游玩时,去看它一场土著居民的表演,去体会一下台湾古老音乐的悠久历史吧。

    The Atayal are proud to demonstrate their unique musical style , so next time you are in Wulai , check out an aboriginal show and gain some insight into Taiwan 's ancient , musical past .

  16. 作为一个没有自身文字传统的社群,泰雅族人的命名与墓葬习惯,在不同的时候,分别受到清政府、日本殖民地政府,以及国民政府的政策的影响。

    As a society without its own literacy tradition , Atayal people have been interfered in theis naming and burial practices by the policies of the Qing government , the Japanese colonial government , and the Kuomintang government .