
  1. 投加石灰能有效地降低污泥比阻(SRF),但对污泥沉淀无明显改善且增加了泥饼干重;

    The addition of lime efficiently reduced the sludge 's SRF but did not significantly improve the sludge 's sedimentation .

  2. 她想要尽情享用自己喜欢的炸鸡、土豆泥、奥利奥饼干,或是再来一份榛子巧克力酱,这令她非常沮丧。

    It frustrated her that she wanted to feast on her favourite fried chicken , mashed potatoes , Oreo biscuits or additional helpings of Hazelnut Choco spread . 5 .

  3. 摆满鱼子酱和寿司的丰盛餐桌让位给了土豆泥和面包,饼干取代了小点心和蛋糕。

    Lavish tables laden with caviar and sushi have made way for mashed potatoes and bread , and cookies have replaced petits fours and tiny frosted cakes .