
  • 网络mud cake;mudcake
  1. 绳索取芯钻探中泥皮产生的原因和对策

    Main Causes and Countermeasures of Mud Cake in Wire-line Coring Drilling

  2. 桩侧泥皮和桩底沉渣对钻孔桩承载力影响的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of effects of mud cake and bottom sediment on bearing capacity of bored pile

  3. 摩擦桩侧泥皮问题分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment on the Pile Lateral Slurry Cake in the Friction Pile

  4. 摩擦型冲(钻)孔灌注桩桩侧泥皮问题实例分析及处理

    Analysis on Example of Side Mud Outer of Friction-Type Punching ( Drilling ) Poured Pile and Its Treatment

  5. 传统灌注桩成孔工艺易造成桩底沉渣和桩侧泥皮等固有缺陷,导致桩端阻力和桩侧摩阻力显著降低。

    Traditional pile hole technology can produce bottom sediment and mud pile skin , resulting pile tip resistance and friction significantly lower .

  6. 结果表明:水灰比、桩侧泥皮厚度、注浆压力增大时,浆液沿桩侧上返高度增大。

    It shows that the climb height increases with the increasing of water cement ratio of grout , grouting pressure and gap width .

  7. 钻孔灌注桩承载力取决于桩体几何尺寸、侧阻力及端阻力,分析了影响钻孔灌注桩承载力充分发挥的因素:沉渣、泥皮厚度及孔壁形状等。

    The bearing capability of cast in place bored piles is determined by the size of the pile , side resistance and end resistance .

  8. 总之,泥皮作为桩和土之间的软弱夹层极大地降低了桩侧摩阻力,导致单桩承载力的损失。

    In a word , as weak intercalated layer between pile and soil , mud has greatly reduced shaft resistance and resulted in lower load-capacity .

  9. 目的观察包裹钉螺卵的泥皮结构和泥皮下胶质膜(三级卵膜)表面构造。

    Objective To observe the structure of the mud hull packed Oncomelania eggs and the surface structure of colloid membrane called the third grade membrane of eggs .

  10. 传统的钻孔灌注桩考虑其施工工艺,决定了其存在塌孔、沉渣、桩侧泥皮、应力释放等不利因素。

    Considering of construction technology , traditional bored pile may produce hole collapse , thick bottom sediment , mud pile skin , hole stress release and so on .

  11. 这易导致桩侧泥皮和桩端沉渣厚度较大,从而降低单桩承载力,使实测桩基承载力达不到设计要求。

    This makes mudcakes around piles at pile ends too thick , resulting in decreasing of the bearing capability of single pile and failure to meet design requirements .

  12. 试验结果表明:泥皮含水率的变化引起夹泥皮接触面剪切应力-剪切位移关系曲线形式的改变。

    It is confirmed that the change of water capacity of the slurry will cause that of the curves of shear stress and shear displacement of the interface .

  13. 当泥皮含水率较低时,其剪应力与相对剪切位移呈现出较好的双曲线关系;

    When the water capacity of the slurry is small , the relation of shear stress and displacement of the interface is closed to that of the Clough-Duncan hyperbola ;

  14. 后压浆技术正是基于解决泥浆护壁灌注桩中沉渣、泥皮问题而产生的一种新型技术。

    The later grouting technology is none other but a new type technology developed for solving the problems on bottom settlings and slurry cake in slurry protective bored piles .

  15. 研究结果表明:泥皮主要从两个方面影响单桩竖向承载力:接触面的法向应力和切向应力。

    The results of the study show the existence of mud will affect vertical ultimate bearing capacity of single pile from two aspects : normal stress and tangential stress .

  16. 桩端后压浆技术可有效消除桩底沉渣和下段桩侧泥皮的不利影响,是一种有效提高钻孔灌注桩性能、节约工程成本的先进施工工艺。

    With the use of base post-grouting which is an excellent technique due to its upgrading the behavior of bored pile and saving the engineering costs drastically , those disadvantages will be overcome .

  17. 桩底沉淤和桩侧泥皮与注入的浆液发生物理化学反应而固化,使单位端阻力和侧阻力显著提高,显示固化效应。

    The pile bottom settlings and pile side slurry cakes generate physiochemical reaction with the injected slurry and then are solidified , thus remarkably increasing unit pile tip and side resistance and showing solidification effect .

  18. 同时有限元所得泥皮效应、桩长、桩径对桩承载力的影响与离心试验结果一致,不过侧阻沿深度的分布曲线与试验差异很大。

    And meanwhile the effect of pile-side mud-cake , length of pile , diameter of pile to affecting the capacity mechanism of the bored pile is similar to the centrifuge results , but the distribution of the pile-side resistance is different to it .