- 网络choppy

A gale was blowing and the sea was choppy .
At the reservoir , the choppy water initially deterred the wary goslings from taking their first dip .
A gust of breeze moved down the hillside , ruffling the grass .
Script node embedded JavaScript program can model the natural movement of an object . The paper , based on the VRML technique , introduces the method to display the special effects , such as water-waving , water-flowing and planar imaging and so on .
Samurai-sword umbrellas , serving dishes embossed with Napoleon 's face and waving solar-powered mini-statues of the pope form part of the kitschy collection at Tadzio .
The building is named for its famed architect Frank Gehry and inspired by 17th century Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini 's Ecstasy of Saint Theresa . The art work 's great folds are reflected in the building 's undulating fa ç ade .
Exhibiting short , jumbled waves , as a tidal rip .
It also teaches and enables them to undulate their body more .
The queasy motion of the waves
They can expand and grow thicker , rise and fall with the waves beneath them .
Like black hulks , the shadows of the great trees ride at anchor on the sea of grass .
Floating above the park , four canopies create a series of outdoor rooms defined by undulating green planes that reflects the park 's corrugated topography .
Wrapped in velvet green grass these undulating valleys in Tekes county Yili prefecture in Xinjiang 's China 's far west are home to Kazakh herdsman who make a living from livestock .
From the angle of length , he looks contradiction and struggle inside the culture as the impetus to the culture changes and consider that the culture changes are similar to cell division , developing like undulating wave .
The pipeline that laid along the companion trip road , tunnel and ridge of mountain area , submits wave to rise and fall , drop is greater , difficulty has increased for pressure examination and blow to sweep .
and the restless sea went rolling on all night , to the sounding of a melancholy strain - yet it was pleasant too - that rose and fell with the waves , and rocked him , as it were , to sleep .
Riffing on paper petals of grand proportions are the Dutch artist Peter Gentenaar 's billowing installations ( top center ) , Alexander McQueen 's archival designs ( center left ) and Kelly Murray 's dress made of a phone book ( bottom right ) .
The cells of the basal layer were cubic lied like wave .
Having small curls , waves , or ripples .
Shaken into waves or undulations as by wind .
Floating I saw only the sky , and felt the drop and lift of the swells .
The soft cool breeze moves the sheaves , which ripple and shimmer like waves of gold .
To resolve the non-gauss noise problem such as wave fluctuating acutely at sea , a new algorithm for extracting object contour is presented .
After inseminated , the egg surface appears granular-like process , which later disappear , and become a little smooth , with wave-like structure .
Something about her heart-shaped face , her billows of soft , caramel-colored hair , reminded me of the ing é nues of the silent-movie era .
Wisps of precipitation streaming from a cloud but evaporating before reaching the ground . the banners oscillate and move over the crowd as over the waves .
The wheat field rippled in the breeze . Special water-saving valve , special shower head with strong spray power , using while bathing can put an end to waste .
Once , he said to the wave at the back of her hair , " I hope I 'm the only chair-pusher in your life ," but she had only smiled a little and her eyes had admitted nothing .
Once , he said to the wave at the back of her hair , " I hope I 'm the only chair-pusher in your life , " but she had only smiled a little and her eyes had admitted nothing .
Rising and falling alternately as in waves .