
  • 网络porto;Oporto;fc porto;OPO
  1. 近日,葡萄牙的波尔图被当地组织EuropeanBestDestinations评为2017年度欧洲最佳旅游目的地。

    Portugal 's Porto was recently voted Best European Destination of 2017 by an organization called European Best Destinations .

  2. OMA的波尔图音乐厅建筑设计

    Casa Da Musica by OMA in Porto , Portugal

  3. 它的酒精浓度很高,有时接近波尔图葡萄酒的浓度。

    It is very alcoholic , sometimes near the strength of port

  4. 晚饭后,他要了一杯波尔图葡萄酒。

    He asked for a glass of port after dinner .

  5. 上等的波尔图葡萄酒必须倒入其他容器中以滤除自然沉淀物。

    Vintage ports must be decanted to remove natural sediments .

  6. 我最喜欢喝的酒是波尔图葡萄酒。

    My favourite tipple is a glass of port .

  7. 如果你在拍卖会上只能买一样东西,那就应该是上等的波尔图葡萄酒。

    If you can buy only one case at auction , it should be vintage port .

  8. 每位来客都要为圣诞节订购啤酒、烈酒、波尔图葡萄酒等这样那样的酒。

    Everybody came in with their Christmas order for beer and spirits and port and one thing and another .

  9. 有一次,在吃完正餐后,X先生和他的朋友退到书房里,去品尝一杯波尔图红葡萄酒。

    Mr & witnessed an occasion after dinner when he and his friend had retired there for a glass of port .

  10. 一个主要原因是因为RemKoolhaas给波尔图市做的一场简报,

    And mostly also because I realized out of a Rem Koolhaas presentation to the city of Porto ,

  11. 在波尔图,她遇到了她的真命天子——一个葡萄牙的电视记者,他们结婚并且生了孩子。年纪最大的女儿叫做杰西卡(Jessica)。

    While she was there she met a Portuguese TV journalist whom she married and had a child with , her eldest daughter , Jessica .

  12. 音乐之家曾请我们设计标志,就是那个由RemKoolhaas设计建造的音乐中心,在葡萄牙的波尔图。

    We were asked to design an identity for Casa da Musica , the Rem Koolhaas-built music center in Porto , in Portugal .

  13. 在波尔图,罗琳任职作为一名教授英语的外语老师,这个机构一般被简称为TEFL。

    In Porto , Rowling was a teacher of English as a foreign language , more commonly referred to by its acronym TEFL .

  14. 1991年,罗琳在英国卫报(TheGuardiannewspaper)上读了一则广告后,就打包了自己的行李搬到波尔图(Porto)的一个北方城市,在那里定居了一年半的时间。

    After reading an advertisement in The Guardian newspaper in 1991 , she packed her bags and moved to the northern city of Porto where she lived for a year and a half .

  15. 关于印刷术的博客,由PedroSerrão,来自葡萄牙波尔图平面设计师。

    A blog on typography , by Pedro Serr ã o , a graphic designer from Porto , Portugal .

  16. 鲁索开车把我从特里卡塞波尔图的岩石海岸送到了这里。在特里卡塞波尔图,我曾驻足与平面设计师安娜·瓜里尼(AnnaGuarini)闲聊。

    Russo has driven me here from the rockier coast of Tricase Porto , where I stopped to chat with the graphic artist Anna Guarini .

  17. 白木繁里的清酒带有一种咸味,能让人联想起酱油或马麦酱,还有一丝波尔图葡萄酒、雪利酒,或者烟熏味艾拉岛威士忌(IslayScotch)的口感。

    On its own , her sake has a salty undertone reminiscent of soy sauce or Marmite , and it shares notes with port , sherry or the smoky-flavored Islay Scotch whisky .

  18. 汉森认为,这位前波尔图球员尚未在Kop面前完全展示出他真正的价值。罗伊·霍奇森的球队将在本周日下午造访白鹿巷,延续对西汉姆比赛中的出色发挥将是他非常期待的。

    Hansen feels the former Porto man has yet to show Kopites his true value and is eager for him to build upon his Hammers performance when Roy Hodgson 's side visit Tottenham on Sunday afternoon .

  19. 费雷拉称,参与此次游行的每位“圣诞老人(葡语中被称为PaiNatal)”都捐款1欧元,为波尔图的贫困儿童购买圣诞礼物。波尔图为葡萄牙第二大城市。

    Every Santa , or Pai Natal ( Father Christmas ) as he is known in Portugal , who took part in the parade donated 1 euro to buy presents for the needy children in Porto , Portugal 's second-largest city , Ferreira said .

  20. 新年喝波尔图葡萄酒最适合不过了。

    The best time to drink port is on New Years .

  21. 同盟大道是波尔图市中心的主要枢纽。

    The Avenida dos Aliados is the main hub of downtown Porto .

  22. 安蒂,我整天都在和波尔图葡萄酒打交道。

    Andy , I make port wine reductions all day .

  23. 我们在波尔图和桑德兰都展现了这点。

    We showed that against Porto and in parts at Sunderland last weekend .

  24. 餐后一杯波尔图葡萄酒是挺合适的。

    A fitting end to the meal would be a glass of port .

  25. 这种葡萄酒过去通常是沿着水流湍急的河道运送到波尔图的。

    The wine used to be transported down the fast-flowing River to oporto .

  26. 另一个人想留给自己的每个受益人一箱波尔图葡萄酒。

    Another wants to leave each of his beneficiaries a case of port .

  27. 在波尔图阿莱格尔城市的警察说该人正在被询问。

    Police in the city of Porto Allegre say the man is being questioned .

  28. 6安德森在加盟波尔图之前只为格雷米奥一线队出场5次。

    Anderson made only five first team appearances for Gremio before joining FC Porto .

  29. 波尔图目前在国内联赛以五分优势排在榜首。

    Porto currently stand five points clear at the top of their domestic league .

  30. 他点了3杯白兰地和1杯波尔图葡萄酒。

    He ordered three brandies and a port .