
  • 网络puerto ricans;puerto rican;Puerto Rico
  1. 波多黎各人是美国公民,但是他们在国会里没有代表。

    Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens but they have no representation in Congress .

  2. 3个波多黎各人,2个中国人,1个几内亚人怎么样?

    How about three Puerto ricans , two chinks and a guinea ?

  3. 塞满了黑人,波多黎各人

    Brooklyn is filled with black , couplets and Portoricans , Brooklyn

  4. 就告诉大家卡门是波多黎各人。

    We can tell everybody that carmen 's puerto rican .

  5. 你对他不感兴趣是因为他是波多黎各人

    You 're not interested in him because he 's Puerto Rican .

  6. 你听过波多黎各人的水槽堵塞过吗?

    You ever heard of a Puerto Rican with a plugged-up sink ?

  7. 你是波多黎各人,你双腿完好。

    You 're Puerto rican . you 've got two good legs .

  8. 波多黎各人都是一帮罪犯。

    That Puerto ricans are a race of criminals .

  9. 也许他知道波多黎各人有堵塞的水槽

    that maybe he did know a Puerto Rican with a plugged-up sink .

  10. 我的邻居对波多黎各人有偏见。

    My neighbor is prejudiced against Puerto ricans .

  11. 几个波多黎各人依然在那听着《旅程》。

    Where Puerto ricans still listen to journey .

  12. 会拥抱我这个波多黎各人。

    Throw a hug around this Puerto rican .

  13. 她拥有外国血统&父亲是波多黎各人,母亲是爱尔兰、美国混血儿;

    She was a gringa , with a Puerto Rican father and an Irish-American mother ;

  14. 所有进餐馆的波多黎各人他都叫“森巴舞男”。

    He calls every Puerto Rican guy that comes in here " La bamba . "

  15. 波多黎各人可以在党内初选投票,但是没有权利在11月的总统大选时投票。

    Puerto Ricans may vote in primary contests , but not in the presidential election in November .

  16. 波多黎各人是美国公民,就像缅因州、俄克拉荷马州和新墨西哥州的人们一样。

    Puerto Ricans are American citizens , just like folks in Maine or Oklahoma or New Mexico .

  17. 诸如意大利人社区,俄罗斯人社区,中国人社区,韩国人社区,多米尼加人社区和波多黎各人社区等。

    These include communities of Italians , Russians , Chinese , Koreans , Dominicans and Puerto Ricans .

  18. 纽约市人口多种多样,包括许多亚洲人、国黑人以及波多黎各人。

    New York city has a diverse population including many Asians , African Americans , and Puerto Ricans .

  19. 你顶了一暑假的红色爆炸头,而我曾跟世上最白的波多黎各人约会。

    You had your summer of the red afro , and I dated the whitest Puerto Rican on earth .

  20. 好啦,姑娘们,我得去买痒痒挠了,不然都被波多黎各人买走了

    All right , girls , well , I 'm off to buy scratchers before all the Puerto Ricans get them .

  21. 卫奕信克鲁斯,他们的遗产是波多黎各人,出生在纽约市,最年长的三兄弟。

    Wilson Cruz , whose heritage is Puerto Rican , was born in New York City , the eldest of three brothers .

  22. 这是一个波多黎各人创办的组织,旨在帮助波多黎各青年读完中学并继续念大学。

    This is a Puerto Rican-run organization that was helping young Puerto Ricans stick out high school and go on to college .

  23. 波多黎各人不能在美国的大选中投票,但是在美国本土居住的波多黎各人数量超过在岛上居住的人。

    Puerto Ricans cannot vote in U.S. general elections , but more Puerto Ricans live on the U.S. mainland than on the island .

  24. 波多黎各人将作出选择,成为独立的国家,成为美国第51个州,还是继续保持美国的属地。

    Puerto Ricans will have the choice of becoming an independent nation , becoming America 's 51st state or remaining a U.S. territory .

  25. 娜塔利·伍德饰演的是一名穷困的波多黎各人,住在镇上的贫民区,但她依然穿着迷人的“新风貌”服装,以及与之相配的漂亮鞋子。

    Puerto Rican on the wrong side of town , but still gets to wear ravishing New Look silhouettes with beautifully matching shoes .

  26. 做为波多黎各人,我们天生就有高血压,你知道吗?我堂兄死于压力过大。

    Sucre : The'Ricans , we got genetically higher blood pressure , you know that ? My cousin , he died from too much stress .

  27. 这样,波多黎各人可以没完没了地域纽约的朋友们交谈,还有一些人利用这一点想到发财之路,通过波多黎各转接国际长途电话,资费便宜很多。

    This allows Puerto Ricans to chat endlessly with their friends in New York , but may also have arbitrageurs routing cheap international phone calls through the island .

  28. 那些身处当今世界最繁华城市而又同时仍被隔绝在社会边缘地带的波多黎各人,被迫无奈地面对生命的尊严与生活的压力这一两难抉择。

    Those Puerto Ricans living in world 's most prosperous cities , isolated on the edge of the society , are forced to face the tough dilemma of life 's dignity and pressure hopelessly .

  29. 他的一个笑话是这么说的:“如果一个黑人、一个墨西哥人和一个波多黎各人并排坐在汽车后座,那么开车的是谁?猜不着?是警察。”

    In one he said : " If a black man , a Mexican and a Puerto Rican are sitting in the back of a car , who 's driving ? Give up ? The po-lice . "

  30. 墨西哥人往往选择生活在西部和西南部地区,波多黎各人和多米尼加人集中于纽约、新泽西地区,古巴裔美国人则多集中于迈阿密一带。

    People of Mexican descent tend to live in the West and Southwest . Puerto Ricans and Dominicans are centered in the New York , New Jersey region , and Cuban Americans are concentrated in the Miami area .