
fǎ guī huì biān
  • codification;statute book
法规汇编[fǎ guī huì biān]
  1. 因为这门课有着处理法规汇编变化的经验。

    because it had a good track record dealing with changes to the statute book .

  2. 这本书包括一个德国环境法的英文说明和最重要的环境法规汇编双语文本。

    The book comprises an English description of environmental law in Germany and a bilingual compilation of the most important environmental statute texts .

  3. 地震预报实施法规(汇编)

    Code of Practice for Earthquake Prediction ( A Compilation )

  4. 开展军事法律法规规章清理汇编工作。

    Military laws , regulations and rules have been reviewed and consolidated .