
  • 网络Fatima;Fatimah;Fatemah;Fátima
  1. 新来的教师法蒂玛显然非常敬业。

    Fatima , the new teacher , is clearly very dedicated2 !

  2. 蓝胡子又喊:“法蒂玛,下来。”

    Blue Beard called ," Fatima , come down . "

  3. 法蒂玛是英国顶尖的田径运动员之一。

    Fatima was one of britain 's top track and field athletes .

  4. “我原以为她现在已经到这儿了呢。”法蒂玛说。

    I thought she 'd be here by now , said Fatima .

  5. 法蒂玛的丈夫在该国的另一处工作。

    Fatima 's husband was working in another part of the country .

  6. “他们是我的兄弟!”法蒂玛说。

    " They are my brothers !" said Fatima .

  7. 法蒂玛说:“安姐姐,安姐姐,有没有人来?”

    Fatima said ," Sister Ann , Sister Ann , is anyone coming ?"

  8. 法蒂玛女士天主教教堂和教区中心

    Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church and Parish Centre

  9. 所以我看到的,大都是她的妹妹法蒂玛的照片。

    So most of the pictures I found were of his sister Fatima .

  10. 于是,法蒂玛和蓝胡子结婚了,住到了这所漂亮的房子里。

    So Fatima married Blue Beard and went to live in the beautiful house .

  11. 前去观看影片的法蒂玛与他有同感。

    Movie-goer Fatima seems to share his view .

  12. 法蒂玛.布托最关注的的问题之一是巴基斯坦强制性的失踪。

    One of the issues she is most concerned about is forced disappearances in Pakistan .

  13. 里约热内卢居民法蒂玛满意比赛的结果。

    Fatima , a Rio de Janeiro resident , is less pleased about the result .

  14. 对阿里.阿布德萨拉姆的女儿法蒂玛来说,炮击并不是最让她感到担惊受怕的。

    For Abdsalaam 's daughter Fatima , the shelling was not what bothered her most .

  15. 法蒂玛就说:“我决不会打开那间小屋的门。”

    Fatima said , " I will not open the door of that little room . "

  16. 安和法蒂玛不愿同这位富翁结婚,是因为他的胡子是蓝色的。

    Ann and Fatima did not want to marry the rich man because his beard was blue .

  17. 法蒂玛.布托说,她不信奉家族政治,她本人也没有政治野心。

    Fatima Bhutto says she does not believe in birthright politics and has no political ambitions , herself .

  18. 一个女儿的名字叫安,另一个女儿叫法蒂玛。

    The name of one of the girls was Ann ; the name of the other was Fatima .

  19. 法蒂玛说:“安姐姐,安姐姐,叫他们来救我。”

    Fatima said ," Sister Ann , Sister Ann , call to them to come and save me . "

  20. 埃及的法蒂玛王朝在萨拉丁到来前濒于完全崩溃。

    The Fatimid State in Egypt was on the verge of total disintegration in the period before Saladin 's arrival .

  21. 叙述法蒂玛埃及的情况最好能分为三个方面:政治、社会和经济。

    The condition of Fatimid Egypt can be best segmented into three areas : political , social , and economic .

  22. 法蒂玛等了一会儿,然后她喊:“安姐姐,安姐姐,你没有发现有人来?”

    Fatima waited a little ; then she cried ," Sister Ann , Sister Ann , do you see anyone coming ?"

  23. 真正的棺木在地底下,他的身旁埋着比他晚很多年才辞世的妹妹法蒂玛。

    The real tomb is on the floor below , where he lies alongside his sister Fatima , who died much later .

  24. 法蒂玛.布托指出,这种现象是从搜捕本拉登和塔利班嫌疑分子开始的,而这一行动是美国支持的反恐战争的组成部分。

    She says the phenomenon started with the search for al-Qaida and Taliban suspects , as part of the American-sponsored war on terror .

  25. 蓝胡子叫喊起来:“一个钟头已经到了,下来,法蒂玛,我要杀了你。”

    Blue Beard called , " An hour has gone by . Come down , Fatima , and I shall kill you . "

  26. 在主教的要求下,子弹后来放置在法蒂玛圣母像的王冠上。

    At the behest of the bishop , the bullet was later set in the crown of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima .

  27. 一些最严厉的批评来自布托家族的一名成员,贝.布托的侄女、作家兼记者法蒂玛.布托。

    Some of the toughest criticism comes from a member of the Bhutto family : writer and journalist Fatima Bhutto , Benazir Bhutto 's niece .

  28. 坐落在城市的法蒂玛的克鲁兹阿尔塔酒店是一个理想的地点为商务和休闲旅客。

    Situated in the centre of Fatima , this property is one of the most traditional hotels , enjoying an ideal location , close to the Sanctuary .

  29. 现年25岁的法蒂玛.布托星期一在香港外国记者俱乐部发表谈话时说,巴基斯坦的动荡政治处于一种永久的循环之中。她说:

    Speaking at Hong Kong 's Foreign Correspondents ' Club , Monday , the 25-year old said there is a perpetual cycle of dynastic politics in Pakistan .

  30. 谢尔库赫在乡间基本上处于闲置状态,未能袭击围攻亚历山大的军队或控制着法蒂玛哈里发的开罗守军。

    Shirkuh remained largely inactive in the countryside , failing to attack either the besieging army or the garrisoned city of Cairo , which held the Fatimid Caliph .