
Has the new law gone through all its stages yet ?
It is embodied in language , that is , language is the carrier of law .
Let 's say your client this month wants a law passed and your client next month doesn 't.
After the law was passed , the prisoners in that state are permitted two hours'outdoor exercise a day .
The new laws are being passed as the Thai government begins spending $ 22 billion to stimulate the slumping economy .
If the law is approved , pizzas that make the grade will be allowed to sport a prestigious STG label .
Lawyers interpret the law through actions and words for the protection of an individual , a business concern or an idea .
The impetus for passing this law began building a couple decades before its enactment , as settlers began moving into the U.S.Southwest .
The law regulates incomplete contract in two ways : First , it provides defaults rules ; Second , it provides mandatory rules .
The new legislation made some major changes by creating the Adult Protective Services Division and giving it the authority to intervene in emergency situations .
Law establishes objective principles , rules and criteria to regulate rights , responsibilities and conduct of individuals , communities , governments , and administrative agencies .
Two new and highly important laws are expected to be adopted during the NPC session , namely the Property Law and the Corporate Income Tax Law .
In the 18 years since the law was passed , doctors and hospitals have put in place an ever-expanding list of rules meant to protect patient privacy .
Although legislation , through the banning of offenders , has the potential to lessen the problem of drug use in sport , it is only a partial solution .
But while Scotland hoped that the bounty hunters could be kept at bay long enough to get new laws passed to protect her , London preferred her shot on sight .
If the law passes ," we will sue Appenzell ," he says , vowing to take the case all the way to the Federal Court & Switzerland 's highest judicial authority .
Since 1985 German copyright law has began to provide protection for computer program designer and to regulate tax of blank tapes and copier equipments , in order to improve copyright protection .
The revised law was expected to raise $ 2.5 billion through a surtax on businesses with annual incomes over $ 2 million ; Have you studied the alterations to the taxation law ?
All of these theories , the essence of justice is the action that laws which fit to the standard of the justice are applied to special cases thereby get the just consequence .
According to The Financial Times ( F T ), if this new law is passed , it will allow local municipalities to introduce an immediate ban on begging that will take effect nationally by summer 2015 .
This paper focuses on the director 's personal liabilities on creditors of insolvent companies to regulate director 's credibility duties and duties of care to improve enterprises ' credit standing and to protect the legal rights of creditors .
So my point is the minute a law is passed , this sheriff is going to go out and enforce the law , that was my message , not trying to get in the face of a federal judge .
Since the power of state plays a dominant role , private remedy has been used in an increasingly narrower scope . It is understandable that the use of state power is realized through the coercive power of criminal judicial system .
But when the law , by means of its necessary agent , force , imposes upon men a regulation of labor , a method or a subject of education , a religious faith or creed & then the law is no longer negative ;
We hope the law can be passed and issued soon .
Michael Adams of SAGE , an advocacy group for older gays , says the passage of the law is especially poignant for them .
And a great number of laws are implemented by administrative departments .
But it wasn 't easy passing the law .
She was legally adopted by her mother 's second husband , James Church .
The new law has gone through .