
fǎ dìnɡ zhǔn bèi jīn
  • legal reserve;statutory reserve
  1. 货币政策工具与中介目标选择:基于法定准备金操作的研究

    Instruments of Monetary Policy and the Selection of Intermediate Targets : Research Based on the Legal Reserve Operation

  2. 不过由于法定准备金比较关心保险人的偿付能力水平,评估假设相对比较保守,导致财务准备金计量结果缺乏财务信息的公允性要求。

    However , because of the legal reserve are more concerned about the level of the solvency of the insurer , the assumptions are relatively conservative which leading to the financial reserve measurement results lack of fairness requirements .

  3. 法定准备金率就像,英格兰银行做的那样,或是Suffolk银行之前做的一样。

    Reserve requirements are like what the Bank of England did or the Suffolk Bank did long ago .

  4. 根据M1和M2的供给模型,股票市场可以通过通货比率、超额准备金率、法定准备金率、存款结构比、基础货币5条途径影响货币供给。

    Base on the models of M1 and M2 , the stock market can influence money supply through the currency rate , the excess reserve rate , the required reserves rate , the ratio of quasi money to deposits by enterprises and the base money .

  5. 降低或取消法定准备金率所依据的经济金融背景是什么,在这方面我国与西方国家有何不同?

    What is the economic and financial background to lower or cancel required reserves rate ?

  6. 我国目前是否也已具备了降低或取消法定准备金率的条件,为此又需进行哪些方面的改革?

    Our country now attains the terms or not , and what reformations for such ?

  7. 小银行有低一些的法定准备金率,但是这个比率快速的上升到一个新的标准。

    Small banks have lower reserve requirements but it rapidly gets up to a standard .

  8. 现在这个法定准备金率是逐步上升的。

    Now the reserve requirement is progressive .

  9. 事实上,他们决定如何制定利率,和会员银行的法定准备金率。

    In fact they decide on how to set interest rates and borrowing requirements for member banks .

  10. 一个联邦储备银行做的事是,它给银行设定了法定准备金率。

    One of the things that the Federal Reserve does is it sets reserve requirements for banks .

  11. 美联储制定的一种货币政策形式是,他们可以改变法定准备金率。

    One form of monetary policy that the Fed does is they can change these reserve requirements .

  12. 货币政策一般是由各国中央银行来实施,货币政策手段主要有法定准备金率、贴现率和公开市场业务。

    Monetary policy is performed by the central bank using reserve requirement and rediscount and open market operation .

  13. 通过建立商业银行储备管理的一般均衡模型,对有准备金制度和零法定准备金制度下的商业银行的储备管理行为进行了对比研究。

    In this paper , the different behaviors of bank reserve management were analyzed by using two general equilibrium models .

  14. 政策制定者已经调高了法定准备金率,并对信贷审批实施行政性限制,试图以此削减银行贷款,为投资热潮降温。

    Policymakers have sought to cool investment by cutting bank lending through higher reserve requirements and administrative limits on new loans .

  15. 此前,一系列暂时性的技术因素,包括税收集中入库和季度末法定准备金缴存,加剧了市场偏紧的局面。

    A series of temporary technical factors , including tax collection and end-of-quarter regulatory deposit requirements , had exacerbated market tightness .

  16. 但我国存款准备金制度还不完善,导致法定准备金政策效力的发挥并不理想。

    But deposit preparing money system of our country is not perfect yet , which results in unsatisfactory effect of legal preparing money .

  17. 萨亚勒补充道:沙特央行已采取措施降低国内流动性,多次提高了法定准备金率。

    The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency [ the central bank ] has taken steps to reduce domestic liquidity by raising the statutory reserve requirement several times .

  18. 银行仍然对银行挤兑敏感,因为它们仍然有存款,所以这个系统还是比较脆弱的,因此,联邦储备金有一系列的法定准备金率。

    Banks still are vulnerable to bank runs because they still have deposits so the system is still vulnerable and therefore the Federal Reserve has a set of reserve requirements .

  19. 通过上调法定准备金率,将货币紧缩政策的负担转嫁到银行头上,限制了利润占A股半壁江山的一个行业的增长。

    Thus shifting the burden of monetary tightening onto banks , via increased reserve requirements , caps growth in a sector that accounts for half of A shares ' profits .

  20. 现在的法定准备金率%,在活期存款上是,所以它们被强迫持有这些准备金,并且一大部分是在联邦储备银行,存着的。

    The reserve requirement now is10 % 10 % on demand deposits so they 're forced to keep those reserves and much of that is in the form of deposits at the Federal Reserve Banks .

  21. 此外,信用卡的使用还将减少中央银行的铸币税收入,削弱再贴现政策、法定准备金政策、公开市场操作等货币政策工具的效力,增大金融系统的流动性风险和信誉风险。

    Besides , the use of credit cards will also reduce the seigniorage revenues of central banks , weaken the effects of monetary policy tools and raise the liquidity risk and credit risk in financial system .

  22. 鉴于这个结果,本文进一步从法定准备金的作用机制、基础货币、准备金制度、利率、汇率等方面分析了影响准备金政策效果的原因。

    Given this result , we further analyze the factors that affect the policy , such as mechanism of the legal deposit reserve , base currency , reserve system , interest rate , and exchange rate and so on .

  23. 美联储根本的判断失误在于下列假设:随着经济的复苏,银行将像本10年早些时候银行业危机爆发之前那样管理流动性,并仅持有最低比例的法定准备金。

    A fundamental misjudgment by the Fed was to assume that , as the economy revived , banks would manage liquidity exactly as they had prior to the banking crises earlier in the decade and hold only the legally required minimum .

  24. 1936年和1937年,当美联储大幅提高准备金要求时(见表1),银行的反应是,收回贷款,在法定准备金之外建立流动性缓冲,从而大幅收紧货币、信贷和经济活动。

    When the Fed sharply increased reserve requirements in 1936 and 1937 ( see chart 1 ) , banks responded by calling in loans to build a liquidity cushion above legal requirements , thereby sharply contracting money , credit and economic activity .

  25. 进入九十年代以来,许多西方国家,如美国、加拿大、瑞士、新西兰、澳大利亚等国的央行都降低或取消了法定准备金率,零资金积累金率正成为一种趋势。

    Since 1990 , the Central Banks lowered or canceled required reserves rate in many western nations , such as the United States , Canada , Switzerland , New Zealand , the Australia , and zero reserves rate is becoming a kind of trend .

  26. 选取的货币政策变量分别是:广义货币供应量M2的同比增长指数(M2)、金融机构的贷款规模(LL)、法定存款准备金率(RR)。

    Monetary policy variables include the year-on-year growth of money supply M2 , the scale of loans from financial institutions and the deposit reserve rate ( RR ) .

  27. 浅议我国的法定存款准备金制度

    An Analysis of Diversified Legal Deposited Reserve System of China

  28. 提高法定存款准备金比率评述

    Review on Increasing the Ratio of Required Reserves

  29. 变动银行法定存款准备金率也收缩了货币供应。

    Money supply is also tweaked by changing the required reserve ratios of banks .

  30. 我国法定存款准备金政策操作及存在的主要问题分析

    China 's policy of the statutory deposit reserve operation and analysis of the main problems