
  • 网络Fashion;French fashion
  1. 他从1997年在巴黎的法国时装公司赛琳(Céline)工作时就养成了这个习惯。

    It started in Paris , in 1997 , when he was hired by the French fashion house C é line .

  2. 创建于19世纪的葡萄牙高档陶瓷水晶制品制造商VistaAlegre所出产的精品,展示了一系列由法国时装设计师克里斯汀·拉克鲁瓦(ChristianLacroix)负责装饰的餐具。

    The boutique of Vista Alegre - a Portuguese manufacturer of high-end porcelain , ceramics and crystal since the 19th century - showcases a line of dinnerware decorated by the French fashion designer Christian Lacroix .

  3. 阿尔诺•卡斯特尔(ArnaultCastel)拥有几家门店,销售包括法国时装品牌Carven和Kenzo在内的品牌,他表示,他“很高兴成为了老一套模式的牺牲品。”

    Arnault Castel , who owns several stores selling brands including French fashion houses Carven and Kenzo , says he is " happily the victim of a stereotype . "

  4. 差不多2个世纪后,为了防止别人说三道四,说自己服饰的品味不够爱国,当时的美国第一夫人杰奎琳肯尼迪(JacquelineKennedy)聘用美国设计师奥莱格卡西尼(OlegCassini)仿制自己最喜欢的法国时装款式。

    Nearly two centuries later , to guard against claims that her taste in clothes was insufficiently patriotic , First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy enlisted the American designer Oleg Cassini to copy her favourite French designs .

  5. 那是盖伊?查普伦,法国时装设计师。

    And that 's guy chapelle , the French fashion designer .

  6. 法国时装设计师,以大胆、前卫的设计闻名。

    French fashion designer noted for his bold , futuristic designs .

  7. 法国时装这似乎是获知真相。

    The French seem to be privy to this fashion truth .

  8. 下一个,她是法国时装设计师。

    Next up , she was a French fashion designer .

  9. 我只看见了她的法国时装。

    I only saw her clothes from paris .

  10. 法国时装店出售最新款式的巴黎时装。

    French boutiques sell the latest Parisian fashions .

  11. 我只看见了她的法国时装,她的白金首饰,和她崭新的钻石手表。

    I only saw her clothes from Paris ; And her platinum jewellery ; and her brand new diamond watch .

  12. 法国时装在世界上享有盛誉,选料丰富、优异,设计大胆,制作技术高超,使法国时装一直引导世界时装潮流。

    French fashion enjoys great fame in the world for its rich materials , bold design , and skilled production way .

  13. 本周三,法国时装业的主要成员签署了一项获得政府支持的指导方针,旨在抗击厌食症,鼓励健康的身体形象。

    Key members of the French fashion industry signed a government-backed charter Wednesday aimed at fighting against anorexia and promoting healthy body images .

  14. 为纪念20世纪法国时装设计大师保罗·波烈,美国大都会博物馆服装协会近日举行了一场名为“波烈&时尚之王”的波烈作品展。

    The Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art honors early20th century designer Paul Poiret in its latest exhibition " Poiret : King of Fashion ," on view through Aug.5,2007 .

  15. 石油净出口国变得更加富有,而净进口国利益受损;中东产油国的每桶石油可以购买更多的德国轿车、法国时装及美国国债。

    Net oil exporters become richer at the expense of net oil importers : Middle Eastern producers can buy more German cars , French clothes and US Treasury bonds in exchange for each barrel .

  16. 赫尔托特先生过去专职为电影、戏剧、历史主题舞会和法国时装店做衣服,2008年,他开了这家精品工作室,专门制作这件他从幼时就心醉神迷的物品——伞。

    After a career making costumes for films , theatrical productions , historical balls and French fashion houses , Mr. Heurtault in 2008 opened his atelier-boutique to devote himself to the devices that had fascinated him since youth .

  17. 加布里埃班珠尔“可可”夏奈尔(1883年8月19日-71年1月10日)是一位法国时装设计师先驱者,她的现代主义哲学,男装的设计风格,以及追求昂贵但朴素的理念让她成为了20世纪时尚界一位重量级人物。

    Gabrielle Bonheur " Coco " Chanel ( 19 August 1883 - 10 January 1971 ) was a pioneering French fashion designer whose modernist philosophy , menswear-inspired fashions , and pursuit of expensive simplicity made her an important figure in 20th-century fashion .

  18. 这位来自法国时装品牌的第一位女性艺术总监,在今年早些时候肯辛顿行宫是第一次见到梅根。她说道,梅根就想要一条“款式优雅,剪裁合身,没有束缚感”的连衣裙。

    The first female artistic director of French fashion house met the Duchess for the first time earlier this year , Kensington Palace said , with Meghan requesting a dress with an ' elegant aesthetic , impeccable tailoring , and relaxed demeanor . '

  19. 这款游艇是摩纳哥著名游艇品牌沃利(Wally)与法国巴黎时装品牌爱马仕(Hermès)合作的结晶。

    The vessel is the result of a collaboration between Monaco yacht brand Wally and Parisian fashion house Herm è s.

  20. 法国没有时装,那将难以想象!

    It is impossible to imagine France without fashion !

  21. 锐意时尚&法国高级时装公会专场发布

    French Haute Couture Fashion Show

  22. 他的名字被称为世界各地都和他的标签,占了一半,法国的高级时装的出口。

    His name was known all over the world and his label accounted for half of 's haute couture exports .

  23. 巴西顶级模特亚历山德拉安布罗西奥参加了法国的世界时装之苑杂志三月号的彩色照片的拍摄。

    The Brazilian top model Alessandra Ambrosio participated in the colorful photo shoot for the Elle France magazine for the March issue .

  24. 法国巴黎是世界时装之都,中国有五千年的服饰文明。

    Paris of France is a fashion centre of the world , and China has a clothing culture of5000 years .

  25. 这里有出售法国香水和意大利时装的时髦商店,也有现代化的百货公司给你提供极大的选择。

    There are stylish shops selling French perfume and Italian fashionable clothing , and also modern department stores providing many choices .

  26. 朱利安-麦克唐纳最近刚被法国纪梵奇时装屋选中成为他们的艺术指导,又受英航之托,重新设计这家航空公司的制服。

    Designer Julien MacDonald , recently tapped as artistic director for the French fashion house of Givenchy , has been commissioned by the national carrier to revamp its staff uniforms .

  27. 实践中,它已经显露出强大的生命力,如法国葡萄酒、米兰时装、好莱坞电影、我国的温州鞋等。

    In practice , region brand has presented its powerful vitality such of the wine of France , fashionable dress of Milan , film of Hollywood . In our country , the shoe leather of Wenzhou is notable to each Chinese .

  28. 法国墙纸可以说非常肮脏,而法国的时装传记电影甚至更糟:如同会动的墙纸。

    French wallpaper can be a nasty thing and French costume biopics even worse : wallpaper in motion .

  29. 例如,去年4月,中国出生的巴黎女装设计师殷亦晴获得了法国著名的晶球奖(GlobesdeCristal)年度最佳时装设计师奖,之后被任命为法国时装公司莱昂纳尔(Léonard)的艺术总监。

    Last year , for example , Yiqing Yin , the Chinese-born , Paris-based couturier who won the fashion designer of the year award at France 's prestigious Globes de Cristal in April , was named artistic director of the French fashion house L é onard .