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  1. 马钢高炉INBA法冲渣工艺的研究及优化改造

    Study on INBA slag granulation technique and its optimization

  2. 如果他们不知道你长相,就根本没法冲你吼。

    If they don 't know that you look like they can 't yell at you .

  3. 二是对有实测断面法冲淤量河段,可用沙量平衡方程计算综合误差值;

    For reaches where amount of deposition or erosion can be obtained directly from systematic sedimentation survey data , sediment balance equation can be used to evaluate the composite error .

  4. 结点法在冲裁模CAD系统中的应用

    Application of the Node Method in CAD System of the Blanking Die Design

  5. 桩侧高压旋喷注浆法处理冲(钻)孔灌注桩质量事故

    A Method of High-pressure Jet Grouting Around Pile to Solve Quality Accidents of Drilled ( Bored ) Cast-in-place Pile

  6. 本文研究了以胡萝卜、大豆为主要原料,采用喷雾干燥法生产冲溶性良好的固体饮料。

    This experiment uses carrot and soybean as the main raw material , adopt spray-dried method to produce solid drink .

  7. 因为海水太深,当我们到达北部水湾时,我们没法让船冲上岸滩。

    We could not put the ship on the beach when we reached North Inlet because the sea was too high .

  8. 用MTT法检测不同冲激的DC刺激脾脏不粘附细胞的增殖指数、DC对HCa-F增殖的抑制率及活化的脾脏不粘附细胞对HCa-F的杀伤活性。

    Detect the proliferation of nonadherent splenic cells stimulated by distinct pulsed DC , the inhibitation rate of HCa-F and the cytotoxicity ability of activated nonadherent splenocytes .

  9. LSL自适应权向量法检测弱脉冲信号方法研究

    On Making Adaptive Weighting Vector Method Effective for Detection of Weak Radio-Frequency Pulse Signals

  10. 介绍了数字信号处理及MATLAB的特点,以窗函数法设计有限冲激响应(FIR)数字滤波器(DF)为例,说明了MAT-LAB在数字信号处理中的应用。

    The paper introduces the characteristics of digital signal processing and MATLAB , designs finite impulse response ( FIR ) digital filter ( DF ) with the window function by an example , and explains the application in the digital signal processing of MATLAB .

  11. 应用大变形理论矩阵法研究精冲变形机理

    Investigation into the fine blanking process by matrix algebra of large deformation

  12. 输沙量差法计算河道冲淤量的误差分析

    Analysis on Errors of Channel Scour and Fill Amounts Calculated by Sediment Discharge Difference Method

  13. 用正电子寿命法研究深冲钢板不同变形路径中的微观缺陷

    A study of micro-defects in deep drawing sheet steel under different forming paths by using positron lifetime method

  14. 基于Nose-to-Nose校准法的取样示波器冲激响应的一种算法

    A Method to Determine the Impulse Response of Sampling Oscilloscope Based on " Nose-to-Nose " Calibration

  15. 超声套管检查测井仪电磁超声换能器法在线检测深冲钢板?值

    Ultrasonic casing inspection tool on-line r value measurement of deep - drawing sheet metal with electromagnetic acoustic transducer

  16. 针对封闭或半封闭海湾的海岸线,引入分形分析法,预测其冲淤变化趋势。

    In this paper , the fractal analysis is used to predict the erosion and deposition trend of closed or semi-closed bays .

  17. 输沙量差法是计算河道冲淤量的主要方法之一。

    The difference method of sediment discharge is one of the main methods for calculating the amounts of channel scour and fill .

  18. 国产多晶阵心腔内超声成像换能器性能的初步测试电磁超声换能器法在线检测深冲钢板?值

    Initial test of home-made transducer of multi-element intracardiac echocardiography ON-LINE r VALUE MEASUREMENT OF DEEP - DRAWING SHEET METAL WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC ACOUSTIC TRANSDUCER

  19. 水力冲砂法具有一次冲砂量大、清洗井底完全、工艺简单的特点,目前现场一般用清水正冲。

    Waterpower sand washing has the characters of large quantity sand washing at once , completely rinse bottom hole , and simple craft .

  20. 利用模拟软件,运用正交试验法对影响预冲工艺孔板料成形性能的参数进行研究,得出各参数对该情况下成形性能影响程度的规律。

    The paper studies the parameters affecting the forming of sheet with punching hole by simulation software and orthogonal experiment , and concludes the law of the parameters affecting the forming .

  21. 本文应用正电子寿命法研究了深冲钢板在单向拉伸、平面应变和等双向拉伸变形过程中的位错和微空洞增长机制。

    The increase mechanism of dislocation and micro-voids in deep drawing sheet steel during forming paths of uniaxial tension , plane strain and equal biaxial stretch was studied by using positron annihilation lifetime method .

  22. 用超速离心法将高抗冲聚苯乙烯预聚体分离成橡胶相和聚苯乙烯相后,分别研究两相的流变特性,然后将预聚体的粘度与两相的粘度进行关联。

    The rubber ( R ) phase and polystyrene ( PS ) phase of high impact poly-styrene ( HIPS ) prepolymer were separated by means of ultracentrifuge , in order to investigate their rheological behavior separately .

  23. 输沙量法与地形法估算河道冲淤量的对比研究

    Contrast study on Estimation of River Deposition-Erosion Amount by Sediment Budget Method and Morphological Change Method

  24. 原状土冲刷法与人工模拟降雨法研究土壤抗冲性对比分析

    Comparison Analysis on Soin Anti-scourability Between Undisturbed Sampling and Artificial Rainfall Plot

  25. 断面地形法、网格地形法和输沙量平衡法是计算河道冲淤量广泛采用的三种模式。

    The section topographical method , grid topographical method , and sediment discharge balance method are widely adopted in the calculation of channel erosion-deposition amount .