
  • 网络Dhammavihari
  1. 这栋大楼根本没法住人。

    The building was totally uninhabitable .

  2. 空置率上升新盘供应锐减北城没法住?

    The vacancy rate rose sharply North City can not supply the new site live ?

  3. 前边的卧室(短走廊尽头的那一间)里没法住人。

    The front bedroom ( at the end of the short hallway ) was impossible to sleep in .

  4. 骆驼很快便气喘吁吁地跑回来了,它对老虎说:“我的国王,您的宫殿对于您来说,实在是太小了,都没法住。”

    Before long the camel ran back out of breath and said to the tiger ," Oh , your palace is too small for you to live in , my king . "

  5. 我没法控制住自己&我想要逃跑。

    I couldn 't help myself & I tried to run .

  6. 我没法控制住自己我想要逃跑。

    I couldn 't help myself I tried to run .

  7. 我再也没法抑制住自己的情绪,问道。

    I asked , unable to curb my intensity .

  8. 他没法阻止住自己的前进。

    He could no longer hold himself in check .

  9. 采用管理学中的SWOT分析方法、实地调查方法和比较分析法,将住区分类,研究不同寒地住区的绿地规划策略。

    The paper adopts SWOT analysis method and the investigation method on the spot study different strategies of green land .

  10. 我强大得她没法留的住我。

    I am too strong for her to keep me here forever .

  11. 囚犯拼命挣扎,但没法挣脱绑住他的绳索。

    The prisoner lashed about , but could not break his bond .

  12. 如是法藏愿住阎浮提。

    We wish that such Dharma-Store can stay in Jambudvipa .

  13. 免疫组化法检测异住病灶雌、孕激素受体表达。

    Meanwhile , we detected the expression of steroid hormone receptors by immunohistochemical method .

  14. 最后谁都没法忍得住笑。

    Finally no one couldn 't resist laughing .

  15. 在情势变更制度的适用标准方面,适用经济成本分析法以及把握住一般人的标准。

    In aspect of the standard of application , author applies cost method of economic analysis and ordinary people standard .

  16. 此分类法用于原住民族相关文献的分类上,确有许多不足之处。

    It is clear that applying this type of classification on aboriginal documents and records has quite a number of inadequacies .

  17. 他离开了纳匝肋,到位于则步隆和纳斐塔里交界的湖边,在葛法翁城住了下来。

    He left Nazareth and went to settle down in capernaum , a town by the lake of galilee , at the border of Zebulun and naphtali .

  18. 我没法知道他家住哪儿。

    He couldn 't tell me where he lived .

  19. 他们的城市加沙、迦特、阿什多、阿斯克隆和雅法成功地抵挡住了希伯来人的进攻。

    And their cities , Gaza , Gath , Ashdod , Ascalon and Joppa , successfully withstood the Hebrew attack .

  20. 从绿化生态性的内涵出发,用层次分析法和Delphi专家调查法建立住区绿化生态性评价指标体系。

    Proceeding from the intention of ecological features of greening , the author sets up an index system for evaluating ecological features of greening in residential quarter by using AHP and Delphi method of expert in vestigation ;