
zhān rǎn
  • be infected with;be contaminated by;be tainted with;contaminate;pollute;betained with;benefit from association with sb.or sth.
沾染 [zhān rǎn]
  • (1) [be infected with; contaminate; pollute]∶沾附污染

  • 沾染灰尘

  • (2) [be tained with]∶因接触而受到某些影响

  • 沾染恶习

  • (3) [benefit from association with sb.or sth.]∶希图分得利益;沾光

  • 一心想沾染人家财产

沾染[zhān rǎn]
  1. 穿过一次的雪纺礼服不可放在塑料衣袋中,最好是放在布料的衣袋里,透气也不会沾染灰尘。

    Through the chiffon dress can not be placed in a plastic pocket , preferably placed in cloth in his pocket , ventilation will not be contaminated by dust .

  2. 首先学术自由是知识的内在要求,任何知识都有可能沾染上错误,赋予学者学术自由乃是发展知识的最佳原则。

    Firstly , academic freedom is intrinsic demands of knowledge , any knowledge may be tainted with error , we only give scholars academic freedom to develop knowledge .

  3. 他不愿相信他的儿子沾染毒品。

    He refused to believe his son was involved in drugs .

  4. 伤口沾染了细菌。

    The wound was infected with germs .

  5. 爱情的毒药,诱人却也沾染剧毒!

    The love toxicant , is attractive actually also contaminates violentlypoisonously !

  6. 可以沾染伤口的细菌来源是很多的。

    The sources of organisms that may contaminate the wound are numerous .

  7. chefsleeve提供一次性塑料保护套(见右图),保护ipad免受面粉、油脂以及厨房中的其他有害物质沾染。

    Chef sleeve offers disposable plastic sleeves to protect the iPad from flour , grease and other hazards in the kitchen .

  8. 羊毛防沾染剂YL的研制和应用

    Production and Application of Wool Stain Resistant Agent YL

  9. 依据世界卫生组织的公告,美国和墨西哥的人类沾染A/H1N1型A型H1N1禽流感疫情。

    According to the World Health Organization circular , US and Mexico has the human to infect A / H1N1 the Type A H1N1 flu epidemic situation .

  10. 2008年,当中国奶制品生产商三鹿(Sanlu)被查出销售含有三聚氰胺的产品时,整个奶制品业都沾染了污名。

    When Chinese milk producer Sanlu was caught selling product doctored with melamine in 2008 , China 's entire dairy industry was tainted .

  11. 分别用植入镊及推注植入器两种方法将IOL植入表面沾染细菌的模拟眼,随后将附着在IOL表面的细菌作定量培养;

    A Foldable IOL was implanted by forceps or an injector into a surface-bacteria-contaminated model eye , the bacteria carried by the IOL were counted by a quantitative-culture method .

  12. 评委之一蒙彼利埃市执行长WilliamFraser用笔尖挑着鞋子,好像侦探取证时害怕沾染证物一样。

    Judge William Fraser , who is Montpelier 's city manager , held one up using the tip of a pen , like a crime scene investigator trying not to taint the evidence .

  13. 2N硝酸钷-147溶液沾染皮肤后148小时,体内滞留量是涂抹量的O.2743.228%。

    To 48 hours after contamination of the skin with 147Pm applied in 2N nitric acid solution , the total body retention was 0.274 to 3.228 % of the applied amount .

  14. 当时一位名叫希尔维亚·高斯(SilviaGaus)的德国生物学家这样说,“我们应当为所有这些沾染油污的鸟儿施以安乐死,

    a German biologist by the name of Silvia Gaus was quoted as saying , " We should just euthanize all oiled birds ,

  15. 他在回忆录中写道,杰姬·肯尼迪(JackieKennedy)脚步酿跄地慢慢走进医院的那些房间,粉色套装上还沾染着丈夫的鲜血,那是我看到的有史以来最令人难以释怀的一幕。

    There is no more haunting sight in all the history I 've observed , he wrote in his memoir , than Jackie Kennedy , walking slowly , unsteadily into those hospital rooms , her pink suit stained with her husband 's blood .

  16. 可是你的罪沾染上了我的唇。

    Then have my lips the sin that they have took .

  17. 你不能沾染这样的恶习。

    You must not give yourself to such a bad habit .

  18. 纺织品抗拒挥发性有机化合物沾染整理方法的研究

    Investigation on the processing methods for improving the VOC-contamination resistibility of fabrics

  19. 光通信中天线表面颗粒沾染与激光波长的关系

    Relationship between Antenna Contamination and Laser Wavelength in Optical Communication

  20. 使天国蔚蓝的景致沾染污点。

    From a white lake blot Heaven 's blue portraiture .

  21. 这样我就可以不被罪恶沾染。

    And that way I 'll be protected from sin .

  22. 目的研究皮肤放射性沾染的去除技术。

    Objective To study the decontamination on skin of radioactive .

  23. 每个人的手上都沾染着腐烂的黑色物质

    Black rottenness is seen and smelled on every hand .

  24. 珍珠的泡沫在杯沿闪烁,给嘴唇沾染上紫斑;

    With beaded bubbles winking at the brim , And purple-stained mouth ;

  25. 引起生产性农药中毒主要由于药液沾染衣服引起,非生产性农药中毒以消化道途径进入人体为主;

    Nonproductive pesticide poisoning was mainly caused through digestive tract ;

  26. 核爆沾染水总β放射性现场监测方法研究

    Study on total β radioactivity monitoring of contaminated water by nuclear explosions

  27. 何6:8基列是作孽之人的城、血沾染。

    Gilead is a city of wrongdoers , Tracked with bloody footprints .

  28. 星形胶质细胞的沾染率小于5%。

    The ratio of astrocyte-stained cells was less than 5 % . 3 .

  29. 神召我们,本不是要我们沾染污秽,乃是要我们成为圣洁。

    For God hath not called us unto uncleanness , but unto holiness .

  30. 单瓣白色花,红色沾染斑块。中绿色平坦叶。标准型。

    Single white / red patches . Medium green , plain . Standard .