
  • 网络River recharge;river feeding;feeding of a river
  1. 组合模型在河流补给量预测中的应用

    Application of constitute model to forecast accretion volume of river

  2. 河流补给机理的试验研究

    Experiment results on Mechanism of the river supplement

  3. 降水量不能满足蒸发散的需水要求,河流补给也是蒸发散的重要来源。

    River water was an important source of evapotranspiration when the amount of the precipitation was not enough to supply the evapotranspiration .

  4. 提出气候环境变化对出山地表径流量的影响程度取决于河流的补给类型,并分析了不同补给类型河流受气候环境变化的特征;

    The degree of the impacts of the weather environment variety on the stream runoff in the mountain area were decided by the recharge types of the stream .

  5. 沈阳市地下水主要接受大气降水入渗和河流渗漏补给,地下水多年平均补给量23.68×108m3/a,可开采量19.34×108m3/a。

    Shenyang groundwater is accepted mainly atmospheric precipitation penetrate and river seepage supply , the annual average groundwater supply is 23.68 × 108m3 / a , the exploitable capacity of groundwater resource is 19.34 × 108m3 / a.

  6. 超采条件下间歇性河流入渗补给地下水对两岸的分水比例研究

    Study on Distribution Rate of Groundwater Recharge from the Interrupted River under the Condition of Overdraft

  7. 坎儿井的类型有三种:山前潜水补给型,山前河流河谷潜水补给型,平原潜水补给型。

    There are three types : piedmont buried-water recharge , piedmont river and river valley buried-water recharge and plain area buried-water recharge .

  8. 本文通过室内模拟实验,探讨在河流入渗补给地下水的条件下,硝基苯在含水层中的迁移规律及其转化机理。

    Based on simulated experiment research , this paper discussed the migration rules and transformation mechanism of nitrobenzene in aquifer under the condition of groundwater recharged by river .

  9. 结果表明,采用设计方案下的开采量和井位布置,可使水位降落漏斗最小,同时又最大限度地利用了河流侧渗补给。

    The result shows that , under the design scheme for pumping rate and well distribution , the depression cone is the smallest , and the side leakage from the river is fully utilized .

  10. 而非饱和带弱透水层尽管对水分运移有一定的阻滞作用,阻碍了河流对地下水的补给,虽对防止污染却有很重要的意义,但污染质仍然可以穿透弱透水层而污染地下水。

    However , weak permeable strata in unsaturated zone play an important role of taking precautions against pollution although it hampers stream recharge , pollutants can still contaminate the groundwater by penetrating the weak permeable strata .

  11. 祁连山被誉为冰源水库,在祁连山上分布着3300多条冰川,这些冰川水是下游河西地区河流的发源地,这些河流的补给很大一部分来自祁连山区冰川融水。

    There were 3300 pieces of glacier in the Qilian Mountains , these glaciers downstream water was the birthplace of rivers in Hexi region , which supplied a large part of the river from the Qilian Mountains glacier melt water .

  12. 荒漠绿洲实质就是河流廊道及其影响区,其水分主要来源于河流径流补给,河流下泄水量的多少直接影响到河流廊道的安全与否。

    The desert oasis is actually the river corridor and its area affected , whose water is mostly from the supply of river flow , and the amount of the water released directly influences the safety of river corridor .