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  1. 农民眼中疾病的分类及其仪式性治疗&以河北Y县NH村为例

    On the Classification of Diseases in Peasant Mind and " Ritualistic Treatment ": a Case Study of NH Village at Y County in Hebei Province

  2. 河北围场县动物鼠疫调查分析

    Analysis on Plague Epizootic Investigations in Weichang County of Hebei Province

  3. 河北怀来县农业生态经济分区研究

    Study on the agroecological-economic regionalization in Huailai county , hebei Province

  4. 河北怀来县土地利用结构优化

    Optimization of the land use structure in Huailai County , Hebei Province

  5. 河北迁西县山水园林城市规划构想

    Ecology Botanical Garden City Plan Conception of Qian-xi County in Hebei Province

  6. 河北完县中、晚寒武世无铰纲腕足类

    Middle and Upper Cambrian inarticulate brachiopods from wanxian , hebei , North China

  7. 本文探讨了低硒带土壤中(黑龙江富裕县,河北丰宁县)硒的挥发程度及影响因素。

    Selenium evaporation and the factors controlling selenium evaporation from soils are discussed .

  8. 河北迁西县山区生态环境脆弱性分区初探

    A Preliminary Probe on Frailty Delimitation of Mountain Ecological Environment in Qianxi County

  9. 河北栾城县农田土壤养分肥力状况与调控

    Status of agricultural soil fertility and ameliorating measures in Luancheng County in Hebei Province

  10. 中国北方农牧交错区夏季土壤风蚀研究&以河北丰宁县大滩乡二道河为例

    Studies on the Wind Erosion on Farming - Pastoral Zone of Northern China in Summer

  11. 河北5县孕产妇围生保健特征

    Characteristics of perinatal health care in 5 counties of hebei province , 1997 - 2000

  12. 河北两县农村地区低档场所暗娼人群特征分析

    Analysis on the character of commercial sex workers in cheap entertainment places in rural areas

  13. 河北怀来县毗邻首都北京,其生态环境退化严重。

    Huailai County , Hebei province is a neighboring county to Beijing , the capital of China .

  14. 河北定县的三级医疗保健实验,是传统乡村社会制度创新极为精彩的一环,为我国农村合作医疗制度的形成,又迈出了重要一步;

    The Hebei Dingxian 's three-level medical health care experiment , is an important step of system innovation ;

  15. 河北围场县处于京津风沙源治理区,森林成为京津抵御沙尘暴侵袭的绿色屏障。

    Weichang county in Hebei province is located in controlling area of wind and sand source in Beijing and Tianjin .

  16. 解读返乡农民工:一个长期视角&基于河北5县农户的调查与思考

    The Review of Farmer Workers Back to the Rural in View of Long-term : Evidence From 5 Counties of Hebei Province

  17. 本文以河北定县为例,论述了民国时期乡村治理方式的变革。

    This article analyzes the reforms of country governance in period of20s and30s with the example of Ding Xian in Hebei province .

  18. 在北京市区和背景区&河北兴隆县选点,对比两地大气污染物浓度变化及污染状况。

    One is in Beijing urban area and the other , as background region , is at Xinglong County of Hebei Province .

  19. 我国华北地区农民政治参与问题实证研究&基于河北安新县A村的实地调研

    Empirical Research on Political Participation of Farmers in North China & Based on the Field Research in a Village of Anxin county , Hebei Province

  20. 以河北曲周县北部盐渍土区为基地,重点研究了土壤和地下水以阴离子组分为基础的化学类型的动态,以及主要化学组分的垂向变化和动态。

    The dynamics of chemical types and main components in vertical profile of soil and groundwater in salt affected soil area are focused in this paper .

  21. 浪波,本名潘培铭,1937年生于河北平乡县霍洪村,1963年毕业于河北大学中文系。

    Langbo , whose original name is Pan Peiming , was born in Pingxiang County Hebei Province in1937.He graduated from Chinese department of Hebei University in1963 .

  22. 河北平山县的战国(公元前310年)墓中,发现密封的铜壶中有透明液体,经分析,有乙醇、乳酸、丁酸等成分。

    Pingshan , Hebei province , the tombs in Warring Period ( 310 B.C. ) , where transparent liquid containing alcohol , lactic acid , and butyric acid etc.

  23. 以河北滦南县柏各庄镇建设规划为典型实例,对上述研究成果内容进行规划实践和验证。第五部分是结语与展望。

    Hebei the Luannan Bo Town planning Planning for a typical instance , planning practice and the validation of the research content . Part ⅴ: Conclusion and Outlook .

  24. 这件玉璧出土于河北定县北陵中山穆王刘畅墓,这是汉代王壁中之瑰宝。

    The jade ancient piece of jade excavate on Hebei Ding County North imperial tomb Zhongshan Mu King smooth tomb liu , this Han Dynasty rarity of wall wang .

  25. 杨延文男,1939年出生于河北深县。北京画院艺委会顾问,一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员。

    Yang Yanwen , male , born in1939 in Shenxian of Hebei Province , Art Council Advisor , First-Class Artist of Beijing Painting Academy , and Member of China Artists Association .

  26. 他的农民职业教育思想和实践在经历了众多地域和过程之后,最终是在河北定县(定州)开始实验期间逐渐发展、成熟的。

    His peasant thinking and practice in vocational education has undergone a number of geographical and process , ultimately Ding County in Hebei ( Dingzhou ) evolved during the experiment began , mature .

  27. 在北方农牧交错带205个旗县中,绝大部分旗县的生态环境背景状况为一般;宁夏盐池县生态环境背景状况最差,河北兴隆县生态环境背景状况最好。

    The ecological environment background condition of the majority counties is moderate in the studied 205 counties , that of Yanchi county in Ningxia is the worst , and that of Xinglong county in Hebei is the best .

  28. 采用此新工艺,已在河北尚义县粮油加工厂建立了胡麻胶提取车间,顺利实现连续的工业化生产。

    A workshop for extraction of flaxseed gum by this process has been set up at grain and oil processing plant in Shangyi county , Hebei . Therefore , commercial scale production with this process has been realized .

  29. 距离北京120公里远的河北怀来县中华永久墓园的一位女性雇员称,该墓园约90%的客户来自北京。

    A female employee of Zhonghua Perpetuity Cemetery in Hebei 's Huailai county , about 120 kilometers from Beijing , told a Global Times reporter posing as a client that about 90 percent of their clients are from Beijing .

  30. 作品以河北南皮县出土的清代水晶壶作胎,壶高八厘米,直径七厘米。

    A Hundred Children , another masterpiece by Wang Xisan was painted on a bottle 8cm high and 7cm in diameter , which was modeled on a crystal bottle from the Qing Dynasty unearthed in Nanpi County , Hebei Province .