
  • 网络Hedong;hedong district
  1. 天津市河东区2008年手足口病疫情分析

    Epidemic Analysis of Hand-foot-mouth Disease in Hedong District of Tianjin City

  2. 2008年临沂市河东区狂犬病暴露人群资料分析

    Data Analysis of People Exposed to Rabies in Hedong District of Linyi City in 2008

  3. 目的摸清临沂市河东区肾综合征出血热(HFRS)人间及兽间疫情,以便有效控制HFRS流行。

    Objective To investigate the epidemiological situations of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome ( HFRS ) among both human beings and animals for controlling prevalence of HFRS effectively .

  4. 海拉尔市河东区排水管道浅埋设计

    Buried depth design of sewer in east area of Hailar City

  5. 小城市边缘新区控制性规划的探索&百色市河东区控制性规划

    Exploration Controlling Planning for Border Districts of Small Cities

  6. 天津市河东区国家级流行性感冒监测点监测结果分析

    Analysis of Monitoring Results of Influenza in National Monitoring Points in Hedong District of Tianjin City

  7. 忍无可忍之下,杨在5月份的时候向天津河东区法院提起了诉讼,要求保护其工作的权利并且附带补偿其20000元的损失金。

    Outraged , Mr Yang filed a claim against the Institute in the Hedong District Court in may , demanding his job back and20000 yuan in compensation .

  8. 清嘉庆末年在河东盐区局部地方出现的商运民销,成为河东盐政制度的一项重要改革。

    At the end of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty , trade transport and private selling were appeared and this was one important reform of Hedong salt political system .