
  • 网络Precipitation titration
  1. 本仪器同样可用以测定pH、沉淀滴定和自动控制加液。

    Can also be used for the determination of pH , precipitation titration and automatic conti addition reagents .

  2. 在实验的基础上确立以佛尔哈德法为基础的沉淀滴定法,并用以分析DCCA与酪氨酸残基&苯酚的反应情况。

    On the basis of experiments , precipitation titration based on Volhard 's method is established to analyse the reaction of DCCA with tyrosine residue phenol .

  3. 提出了在乙醇水介质中采用硫酸钡沉淀滴定法测定氯化钡中钡的含量.试样溶解并消除干扰后,在pH2.0~3.0的乙醇水介质中,以茜素S为指示剂,用Na2SO4标准溶液进行滴定。

    It is put forward that the content of barium in barium chloride is determined using barium sulphate volumetric precipitation method in ethanol - water medium .

  4. 线性法在沉淀滴定中的应用初探

    Preliminary Investigation of the Application of Linear Method for Precipitation Titrations

  5. 校正矩阵同时2单点沉淀滴定法研究

    Research of Simultaneous Single Point Precipitation Titration of Correctional Matrix

  6. 沉淀滴定法测定磷酸二氢钾中的磷

    Determination of Phosphorus in KH_2PO_4 by Precipitation Titration

  7. 用所拟的沉淀滴定方法测定工业钼酸铵中钼含量,快速、准确、精度高,未见文献报道。

    Molybdenum content in industrial ammonium molybdate is determined by precipitation titration rapidly and accurately .

  8. 沉淀滴定法测定碘

    Detection of Iodine by Precipitation Analysis Method

  9. 非配对型电极上的示波沉淀滴定

    Oscillographic Precipitating Titration on Uncoupled Platinum Electrode

  10. 无需标准溶液的电位沉淀滴定分析

    Electrometric precipitating titrating analysis without standard solution

  11. 沉淀滴定的终点误差公式

    Equation of titration error in precipitation titration

  12. 沉淀滴定中的终点误差

    End Point Error in Precipitation Titration

  13. 示波沉淀滴定研究

    The Study of Oscillographic Precipitation Titration

  14. 对数图在沉淀滴定中的应用

    Logarithmic diagrams in precipitation titrations

  15. 在乙醇&水介质中采用硫酸钡沉淀滴定法测定氯化钡中钡的含量

    Determination of the content of barium in barium chloride using barium sulphate volumetric precipitation method in ethanol-water medium

  16. 导出了一个内含最大敏锐指数的终点误差公式,由此获得了一个计算沉淀滴定突跃范围的公式。

    Special attention has been paid to relationship between the end point error and maximum sharpness index for precipitation titration .

  17. 以往采用目视比浊法和沉淀滴定法测定酸性光亮镀铜溶液中Cl-含量,测定结果不够精确,或滴定终点不明显使测定误差较大。

    Visual nephelometer and precipitation titration were traditionally used for determination of Cl ~ - concentration in sulfate bright copper plating solution .

  18. 基于沉淀滴定基本原理,利用双曲正弦函数性质提出了一种处理沉淀滴定终点误差的新方法。

    An attempt to offer a new treatment of end point error in precipitation titration by using hyperbolic sine function is given in this paper .

  19. 以Ag+滴定Cl-的沉淀滴定计算分析为例,研究了电动势测定误差对滴定计算分析法的影响规律。

    This paper deals with the influence of error in electromotive force ( EMF ) measurement on calculation of titration analysis in which Ag + as the titrant and Cl - as the titrate .

  20. 乙醇-水介质中氟-铝沉淀电位滴定体系研究

    Studies on Potentiometric Titration System of Precipitation of Aluminium-Fluoride in Ethanol-Water Midium

  21. 铅精矿中铅的铅锶共沉淀络合滴定法研究

    A research on lead and strontium co-deposition chelatometric titration in lead concentrate

  22. 将经典的氟硅酸钾沉淀碱滴定法改为钼蓝分光光度法快速测定硅。

    The classical potassium fluosilicate precipitated alkali titration method was changed to molybdenum-blue-ness spectrophotometry to fast determine silicon .

  23. 沉淀电导滴定法用于敦煌莫高窟壁画地仗中阴离子的现场快速分析

    On-site rapid analysis of chloride and sulfate ions in plaster ground for the wall-paintings in Mogao Grottoes by conductometric titration

  24. 报道了一种实用的浊度传感器及浊度滴定仪,以及一种利用此仪器检测溶液的浑浊程度(溶液中散射光相对强度)来判断沉淀反应滴定终点的方法。

    A turbidity sensor , a turbidity titrator , and a method to indicate the titration end-point of precipitation reaction by the measurement of the relative intensity of the scattered light in the titrate solution were introduced .

  25. 氢氧化钠沉淀分离EDTA滴定法测定锌

    Determination of zinc by EDTA titrimetry after precipitation with sodium hydrate

  26. 铅盐沉淀分离EDTA滴定法测定钼酸钙中氧化钙量

    Determination of CaO Content in CaMoO_4 by Precipitation Separation of Lead Salt-EDTA Titration

  27. 氯化钡沉淀分离EDTA滴定法测定钒钼镍催化剂中镍

    Determination of nickel in V-Mo-Ni catalyst by EDTA titrimetry after separation with barium chloride

  28. 在三种容量分析方法中以在H2SO4&HNO3强酸性溶液中沉淀并于滴定前加甲醛的方法较易得到满意的结果。

    The method of precipitation in strong H_2SO_4 & HNO_3 solution gave the better results .

  29. 应用离子缔合物沉淀反应电位滴定钡

    Potentiometric Determination of Barium with Ion-selective Electrodes Using Precipitation Reaction on Forming Ion Association Complex

  30. 铬酸铅沉淀-亚铁滴定法测定铜合金中铅的研究

    Study on the Titration of Lead in Copper Alloys by Precipitation of Lead as PbCrO_4