
  • 网络Watson;James Watson;Tom Watson;J.Watson
  1. 沃森把这事儿弄得一团糟。

    Watson had made a thorough hash of it .

  2. 这是一场胜负已定的比赛,沃森不负众望赢得了他第四次高尔夫公开赛的冠军。

    It was the beginning of the end and Watson duly went on to win his fourth Open Golf Championship

  3. 结果表明沃森和文特尔共有的基因序列变异少于他们每个人与金城振共有的基因序列变异。

    It turned out that Watson and Venter shared fewer variations in their genetic sequences than they each shared with Kim .

  4. 霍尔兴致十足地向他打招呼,戈曼和沃森却满脸不豫之色,敷衍地咕哝句“早安”

    Hall greeted him jovially enough , but Gorman and Walson scowled as they grunted curt " Good Mornings . "

  5. 现在的IBM致力于服务、软件和沃森超级计算机。

    Now IBM is about services , software , Watson .

  6. 现在,IBM正在努力让沃森获得情商。

    Now IBM is trying to teach Watson emotional intelligence .

  7. IBM公司一台名叫“沃森”的超级计算机在最新的人机大战中获胜。

    An IBM super computer named Watson has won the latest battle of man machine .

  8. 拿IBM来说,他们来到我们中间,提供了超级计算机沃森,

    IBM , for example , IBM came to us and offered their supercomputer Watson ,

  9. 在IBM,沃森引进了雇佣惯例,这在数十年后成为大公司的规范。

    At IBM , Watson introduced employment practices that became the norm in big business decades later .

  10. IBM说,沃森将会在明年初开始这份新工作的时候具备区分同音字的能力。

    IBM says Watson will know the difference when it starts the new job early next year .

  11. 通过开发拥有人工智能的吉祥物沃森,IBM吸引了更多的消费者。

    The company has helped boost its consumer appeal through the development of the artificial intelligence mascot Watson .

  12. 自从克拉克和沃森发现了DNA的双螺旋结构,基因的本质开始揭开其神秘面纱。

    Since Clark and Watson discovered the double helix structure of DNA , the nature of the gene had began to unravel its mystery .

  13. IBM公司鼎鼎大名的超级计算机沃森(Watson)在《危险边缘》(Jeopardy,美国一档著名的智力竞赛节目&译注)节目中击败了低劣的人类,但这仅仅是它小试牛刀的起点而已。

    Beating lowly humans on jeopardy was just the beginning .

  14. 但是IBM和烹饪教育学院一起出版的《沃森大厨的认知烹饪》证明我之前想的似乎并不对。

    Cognitive Cooking with Chef Watson , by IBM and the Institute of Culinary Education , proves my assumptions wrong .

  15. IBM将沃森电脑的智能提供给合作伙伴接入使用,以帮助他们开发出用户友好界面为预约医生及医院方面服务。

    IBM provides access to Watson 's intelligence to partners , helping them develop user-friendly interfaces for subscribing doctors and hospitals .

  16. 其中一款由沃森创造出的受人追捧的菜肴是美味版本的炸鱼和炸薯条(fishandchips),它是用酸橘汁腌鱼和油炸芭蕉制成。

    One crowd favorite generated from Watson 's mind was a tasty version of fish and chips using ceviche and fried plantains .

  17. RogerNorton表示,每个人都对沃森的表现感到吃惊。

    Roger Norton says everyone was amazed by Watson 's performance .

  18. 这一成功启动了IBM最有前途的新业务:沃森部门成为该公司数据分析业务的旗舰部门。

    It launched IBM 's most promising new business : the Watson division became the flagship of the company 's data analytics operation .

  19. 花旗集团(Citigroup)刚刚聘请了一位名叫沃森(Watson)的天才顾问,帮助其增强数字银行业务。

    Citigroup just hired a brilliant consultant called Watson to build out its digital banking .

  20. RossIntelligence正在利用IBM的沃森(Watson)人工智能系统做一些目前由初级律师承担的调研工作。

    Ross is using IBM 's Watson artificial intelligence system to do some of the research currently done by junior lawyers .

  21. 理解你的客户,永远不是拿着带夹子的写字板的研究人员和IBM的沃森(Watson)之间的零和竞争。

    Knowing your customer will never be a zero-sum contest between a researcher with a clipboard and IBM 's Watson .

  22. 里奇经过了很多年很多年的试错才终于通过X射线晶体学的手段,证实了克里克和沃森研究发现的双螺旋结构是正确的。

    It took many years of trial and error before Rich proved , through X-ray crystallography , that the Crick and Watson double helix structure was correct .

  23. 沃森在执掌IBM近40年后,将领导权交给了儿子&后者很快就将IBM带入了电子计算的新时代。

    After running IBM for almost 40 years , Watson handed leadership to Tom & who quickly plunged IBM into the new era of electronic computing .

  24. IBM表示,沃森可能会执行的任务包括跟踪研究不断变化的监管条例、金融风险建模、监督工作及反洗钱工作。

    The tasks that Watson could perform include tracking changing regulations , financial risk modelling , surveillance , and anti-money laundering work , the company said .

  25. IBM的沃森开辟了计算新时代,这个计算机将越来越多地建立和优化的一个特定任务,并具有学习能力。

    IBM 's Watson signals a new era in computing , where computers will increasingly be built and optimized for specific tasks and be able to learn .

  26. 由于该计算机具有理解简单语言和强大的信息分析能力,IBM希望沃森能够成为医疗诊断工具在现实生活中发挥作用。

    Champions , the company wants to put it to real-world use as a medical diagnostic tool that can understand plain language and analyze large amounts of information .

  27. 这儿是超级电脑“沃森”(Watson)的研发地,而沃森在2011年就在“危险边缘”(Jeopardy!)节目的比赛里拔得头筹。

    This was the home of Watson , the electronic genius that conquered Jeopardy ! in 2011 .

  28. BBC新闻的罗布·沃森报道这场不具约束力的投票使卡梅伦和这个国家进退维谷。

    The BBC 's Rob Watson reports the non-binding vote leaves Cameron and the country in a tough spot .

  29. 沃森系统曾在智力比赛综艺节目《危险边缘》(Jeopardy!)中打败人类参赛者,从而让其名声大噪。

    Watson , which became famous for beating human contestants on the game show Jeopardy ! ,

  30. 计算机能够在智力竞赛中取胜,IBM的“沃森”(Watson)在2011年赢得电视节目《危险边缘》(Jeopardy)就是例证。

    Computers can triumph in quiz games , as IBM 's Watson proved when it won the TV show Jeopardy in 2011 .