
  • 网络wally;Tivoli
  1. 他只不过希望战争结束,和沃利想的一样。

    He just wanted the war to end , the same as Wally did .

  2. 沃利抓住我的手臂,一是想制止我,二是想稳住我。

    Wally gripped my arm , partly to restrain me and partly to reassure me

  3. 我这儿需要你,沃利。

    I need you here , Wally

  4. 韦恩。布朗纳是沃利的儿子,目前是这一数百万美元企业的总裁兼CEO。

    Wayne Bronner , Wally 's son , is president and chief executive of what is now a multi-million dollar corporation .

  5. 最后在巴黎提沃利公园(TivoliGardens)上空表演时,一束烟火点燃了她的氢气球。

    During her last performance over the Tivoli Gardens in Paris , a firework caused her balloon to catch fire .

  6. 蒂沃利公园Tivoli和美人鱼像可以说是哥本哈根的象征。

    Peduncle Worley park Tivoli and the beautiful manatee picture may say is Copenhagen 's symbol .

  7. 他俩的意大利同行罗伯特?卡沃利(RobertoCavalli)长久以来一直很喜欢这些豹纹图样。

    Fellow Italian designer Roberto Cavalli has long had a love for these patterns .

  8. 但全球水产养殖联盟的沃利•史蒂文斯(WallyStevens)表示,水产养殖行业必须继续发展以供养日益增长的人口。

    But Wally Stevens of the trade group Global Aquaculture Alliance says the industry must continue developing to feed growing populations .

  9. 这款游艇是摩纳哥著名游艇品牌沃利(Wally)与法国巴黎时装品牌爱马仕(Hermès)合作的结晶。

    The vessel is the result of a collaboration between Monaco yacht brand Wally and Parisian fashion house Herm è s.

  10. XOXO的“渴望”(Aspire)、弗罗斯特(Frost)的“泡沫”(Fizzy)和罗伯特?卡沃利(RobertoCavalli)的RC797S都使用数学主题的框架来表达设计思想。

    XOXO ( Aspire ) , Frost ( Fizzy ) and Roberto Cavalli ( RC797S ) use arithmetical frame prints to make statements .

  11. 不见得,因为香水可以和罗伯特・卡沃利(RobertoCavalli)的豹纹长裙或是L.L.Bean的羽绒背心一样穿脱自如。

    Not so much , since perfume can be applied and taken off as easily as a Roberto Cavalli leopard print maxi-dress or an L.L. Bean down vest-jacket .

  12. 让洛杉矶慈善家尼基•拉弗蒂(NikkiLafferty)后悔的是她两年前花大价钱购买的一条罗伯托•卡沃利(RobertoCavalli)真丝裹身裙,这条裹身裙挂在她的衣橱里,她一共只穿过两次。

    Nikki Lafferty , a philanthropist in Los Angeles , regrets a silk wrap dress by Roberto Cavalli she splurged on two years ago hanging in her closet that she only wore twice . '

  13. 然而,新的蒂沃利酒店的真正吸引力可能源自它的餐吧Corner,曾供职于ChanterelleandAVoce的主厨德文·吉尔罗伊(DevonGilroy)为这里预订了当地农场的最好当季作物,这些食材都是限量供应,有时每种只有几斤而已。

    But the newly crowned Hotel Tivoli 's real draw might be its restaurant and bar , the Corner , for which the chef Devon Gilroy - formerly of Chanterelle and A Voce - reserves the best local farms " limited supplies of seasonal produce , sometimes just a few pounds each .

  14. 沃利,我的孩子,他的舅舅回答道。

    ' Wally , my boy , ' returned his uncle .

  15. 沃利已经脱离危险,不再需要精心护理。

    Wally was now out of danger and removed from intensive care .

  16. 我来跟伊恩聊天,沃利,又没找你。

    I came to talk to lan , wally , not you .

  17. 沃利真是让人头疼老在掉东西

    Wally was a disaster , always losing pieces of clothing

  18. 罗伯托。卡沃利:是的,我认为我是。

    Roberto Cavalli : Yes , I think I am a typical Florentine .

  19. 沃利:我才不戴那帽子。

    Wally : I 'm not wearing that hat .

  20. 沃利正需要有人指点。

    What Wally had needed was a lead .

  21. mwp&美盛沃利工程技术有限公司负责公司的项目工程服务。

    Mwp-maisonworleyparsons is responsible to carry out the project engineering service for the company .

  22. 建于1843年提沃利是世界闻名的娱乐公园。

    Tivoli , founded in 1843 , is a world-famous amusement park in downtown Copenhagen .

  23. 沃利很轻易地就被移出了水池,可是特里和凯蒂变得难以对付。

    Wally was easily removed from the pool , but Teri and Katie became erratic .

  24. 与亚当斯讨论之后,拉弗蒂最终放弃了那条卡沃利裹身裙。

    After working with Ms. Adams , Ms. Lafferty finally gave away the Cavalli dress .

  25. 他想起了在沃利?塔尔伯触电以后,凯伦写给他的诗。

    He was remembering the verses Karen had written him after Wally talbot 's electrocution .

  26. “听我说,沃利,听我说。看那壁炉架。”

    Listen to me , Wally , listen to me . Look on the mantelshelf . '

  27. 信到的那天正好碰上沃利?塔尔伯特的悲惨事故。

    The letter had arrived on the day that was marred by Wally talbot 's tragic accident .

  28. “永远是市长,沃利,”所罗门说道,“不要再提海军上将了。

    ' The Lord Mayor , Wally , 'said Solomon , 'for ever ! No more admirals .

  29. 罗伯托。卡沃利:如果你想成功,你必须信任自我。

    Roberto Cavalli : If you want to be successful , you have to believe in yourself .

  30. 他们在靠近窗口的椅子上坐下,看着窗外的里沃利花园。

    They sat down on some chairs by the window , and looked out across the Rivoli Gardens .