
qì chē jù lè bù
  • automobile club
  1. 布里斯托尔皇家汽车俱乐部总部,英国

    RAC ( Royal Automobile Club ) Regional Center , Bristol , Britain , 1993

  2. 英国的汽车协会和皇家汽车俱乐部以及美国汽车协会是负责为驾车者提供建议和修理服务的组织,此外他们还发行道路地图及行车指南。

    The Automobile Association AA and the Royal Automobile Club Rac in Britain and the American Automobile Association in the US are organizations which offer advice and repair services to motorists , and publish road maps and guide books .

  3. 美国3A级车队国家汽车俱乐部(NationalMotorClub)则使用这个软件协调道路救援电话。

    And the national motor club , a AAA competitor , uses the software to coordinate roadside assistance calls .

  4. MG汽车俱乐部,工程师和市民在原有厂工作,在那里庆祝环球行的发现之旅的壮举。

    The MG Car Club , engineers and people who worked at the original plant were there to celebrate the feat .

  5. 明天我们见面了意大利MG汽车俱乐部的人,他们将推动半天与我们联系,以便他们能成为这个冒险的一部分。

    Tomorrow we meet the people from the Italian MG Car Club and they will drive with us for half a day so they can be part of this adventure .

  6. 各汽车俱乐部由国际汽联和拥有独立会员地位的德国汽车俱乐部ADAC代表。

    Motoring clubs are represented by membership of the FIA Foundation and by the individual membership of the German motor club ADAC .

  7. 一旦我们进入瑞士遭到多米尼克克兰西从瑞士MGA的汽车俱乐部和多尔夫,他带领我们,克洛斯特斯和兰德夸特在库尔向我们的目的地。

    Once into Switzerland we were met by Dominic Clancy from the Swiss MGA Car Club and as he led us through Dorf , Klosters and Landquart to our destination at Chur .

  8. 我爸明早就给汽车俱乐部打电话

    My dad 's gonna call the auto club in the morning .

  9. 没问题的,我参加了一个汽车俱乐部。

    Betty : Well , I have auto club .

  10. 汽车俱乐部是拥堵文化中高度个性化消费的典范。

    Car clubs capture the paradigm of highly personalised consumption within a crowded culture .

  11. 汽车俱乐部和旅游者协会阿拉伯联合会

    Arab Federation of Automobile Clubs and Tourist Societies

  12. 国际公认汽车俱乐部协会

    International Association of Recognized Automobile Clubs

  13. 美洲汽车俱乐部联合会

    Inter-American Federation of Automobile Clubs

  14. 她已经与汽车俱乐部就小车的事电话联系过了,并且跟话务员报告了莱恩的住址。

    She had contacted the auto club about the car and given Lane 's address to the operator .

  15. 这个学期一结束,很多从美国汽车俱乐部来的人都要回家了。

    Once the semester is over many people from the USAC group will be going back to their respective homes .

  16. 对于灰姑娘的戏服你也是这样说的,两小时后我们就给汽车俱乐部打了电话。

    That 's what you said about the Cinderella costume , and two hours later , we were calling the auto club .

  17. 这其中就包括了HomeExchange.com网以及规模更小、也更为奢华的3rdhome.com等网站,后者属于专为度假家庭服务、类似汽车俱乐部的网站。

    These include HomeExchange.com , or the smaller , plusher , 3rdhome.com , which is a sort of a car club for holiday homes .

  18. 嗯,我认为他们是在建造一个类似“长城”的迷宫。而且他们从汽车俱乐部拿到了免费地图。

    Hmmm , I thought they were building a maze like " Great Wall " . And they got a free map from the AUTO CLUB .

  19. 他有一次组织10万名汽车俱乐部会员出行,到邻近上海的杭州吃螃蟹。就连美国婴儿潮时期人士也会惊叹这样的壮举。

    He once organised an outing for 100,000 car club members to eat crab in nearby Hangzhou – a feat that even US baby boomers would marvel at .

  20. 就像许多汽车俱乐部爱好者那样,世界汽车之友俱乐部的组织者表示,参加俱乐部的最重要原因是扩大自己的社交圈子。

    Like many car club aficionados , the organiser of the world friendship club says the most important reason for joining a club is to expand his social circle .

  21. 尽管潮白河公园是一个著名的旅游景点,但却没有公共厕所:汽车俱乐部不得不用4辆车围成一个临时厕所。

    Though the Chaobai river park is a well-known tourist destination , it lacks public toilets : the car club has to corral four cars in a square to create a makeshift privy .

  22. 在此之前,公路名称一般都由汽车俱乐部、私人公司或旅游局来命名,这些机构选择最适合他们宣传的公路予以赞助,而不考虑这条路对于车主来说是不是最好、最快、最便捷。

    Previously , it was common for roads to be sponsored by motor clubs , private companies , and tourist boards , who would choose the route that best suited them - regardless of whether it was the best or quickest path for motorists .

  23. 你知道,我最近加入了一个汽车模型俱乐部。其实我以前就希望认识一些和我有桢嗜好的人。

    You know , I have recently joined a club for model cars . I have dreamed of getting to know people with the same hobby as mine .

  24. 日本的CEO虽然不乏汽车、房产以及俱乐部会员等福利,但是他们的薪酬通常远远低于西方同行。

    Japanese CEOs are usually paid far less in salary than western counterparts , though their compensation often includes perks such as cars , houses and club memberships .

  25. 她补充道:薪酬的福利部分非常复杂。看看那些各种各样的保险,比如人寿保险和伤残保险,再加上奖金和股票期权,还有汽车补贴和健身俱乐部会员资格等等。

    The benefits piece of the package can be complicated , she adds , if you look at various kinds of insurance , including life and disability , plus bonuses and stock options , all the way down to things like car allowances and health club memberships .

  26. 在20世纪头几年内,进行可靠性和耐久性测试,在内燃机汽车之间展开比赛,还和电动或蒸汽汽车进行竞赛的,是汽车车主俱乐部,而不是什么初出茅庐的汽车制造商。

    In the first years of the century , it was clubs of automobile owners rather than any fledgling carmakers that staged reliability and endurance tests , pitting motor cars against each other and against rivals powered by electricity or steam .

  27. 随着汽车保有量的增长,形成了包括汽车销售领域的金融服务、汽车销售、保养与维修、保险、装潢、汽车用品、汽车租赁、车友俱乐部、二手车等与汽车使用相关的汽车服务行业。

    With the growth in car ownership , automotive-related services including financial services in car sales area , car sales , maintenance and repair , insurance , decorating , automotive supplies , car rental , auto club , second-hand cars has formed .