
qì chē yí biǎo pán
  • dash board;motor board
  1. freeloader售价30英镑,我发现这个设备工作起来非常好,特别是当我把它放在汽车仪表盘旁边的时候。

    I found the freeloader , which cost 30 , worked well especially when I placed it on the dashboard of the car .

  2. 汽车仪表盘曾经是静态显示的各种机械表盘。

    Dashboards used to be static displays with mechanical dials and gauges .

  3. 基于CAN总线的汽车仪表盘电控单元设计

    Design and Implementation of ECU in Car Dashboard Based on CAN Bus

  4. 多功能汽车仪表盘的设计与研究

    The design and the research of the multi - function automobile instrument penal

  5. 逆向工程技术在汽车仪表盘零件开发中的应用

    The application of reverse engineering ( RE ) in the design of car dashboard

  6. 也许会有人开始设计适合放手包的汽车仪表盘;

    Maybe someone will start designing dashboards with somewhere sensible to put your handbag ;

  7. 汽车仪表盘上弹出的警报将提醒司机前方的危险。

    Alerts pop up on the car 's dashboard display warning the driver about what lies around the corner .

  8. 也许有一天,它们会出现在每一个钱包里、每个汽车仪表盘上,嵌入每件消费产品之中。

    One day they may end up in every purse , on every car dashboard and embedded in every consumer product .

  9. 该仪表盘不仅可以代替传统的汽车仪表盘独立运行,也可以作为CAN总线控制汽车的一个节点运行。

    It not only can replace the traditional automobile instrument penal , but also can be a node of CAN controlled automobile .

  10. 在一个电子邮件送到你的汽车仪表盘电脑里,提醒你汽车出了毛病的时候,你也同时得到了解决方案。

    By the time ane-mail arrives at your dashboard computer alerting you to the fault , you are presented with the solution as well .

  11. 安装在汽车仪表盘上的一系列智能手机将捕获并传送交通信号的图像。这款SignalGuru软件能处理分析数据,对交通信号模式作出预测。

    A network of smartphones mounted on vehicle dashboards captures and transmits images of traffic signals . The SignalGuru software then analyzes the data to predict traffic signal patterns .

  12. 按钮像个任劳任怨、永不知倦的仆人一样服务于世界各处,电梯里、手机上、汽车仪表盘和各种控制板上你都能见到它的身影。

    This war is against buttons of the electronic variety , those tireless servants that dot elevators , cell phones , car dash boards and control panels the world around .

  13. 它能做的包括监测你的心率、呼吸和压力水平,这些数据可以显示在汽车仪表盘、手机应用程序或电脑屏幕上&所有这些都不会影响它那活力十足的漂亮外观。

    What it will do , among its varied functions , is monitor your heart rate , breathing and stress levels , collecting data that is displayed on a dashboard , phone app or computer screen & all that without compromising its racy good looks .

  14. 它能做的包括监测你的心率、呼吸和压力水平,这些数据可以显示在汽车仪表盘、手机应用程序或电脑屏幕上——所有这些都不会影响它那活力十足的漂亮外观。

    What it will do , among its varied functions , is monitor your heart rate , breathing and stress levels , collecting data that is displayed on a dashboard , phone app or computer screen - all that without compromising its racy good looks .

  15. 典型的应用是制作刷柄、扶手、方向盘等棒形或管形件,汽车仪表盘等大的板形件,厚薄不均的各种家电外壳和塑料家具等。

    Typical applications of the technology are the molding of clubbed or pipe wares , such as brush handle , handrail and steering wheel , as well as sheet product , such as car dashboard , appliance shell and other plastics wares with uneven thickness .

  16. 基于VC++6.0的虚拟汽车数字仪表盘的设计

    Design of Digital Automobile Virtual Dashboard based on VC + + 6.0

  17. 你的本田汽车的仪表盘背无数小玩具遮挡着。

    The dashboard of your Honda is covered by hundreds of small toys .

  18. 他们偷了汽车的仪表盘,方向盘甚至刹车踏板!

    They 've stolen the dashboard , the steering wheel , even the brake pedal !

  19. 汽车保险杠、仪表盘及门板专用料的研制

    Developing of Automobile Bumper 、 Instrument Panel and door Special Materials

  20. 特别是诸如汽车保险杠、仪表盘这类长条形大曲面特征的大型注塑件,其主要的成型缺陷有翘曲变形较大,局部地方有缩痕和明显的熔接线。

    Specially , the major defects for the large-scale plastics such as automobile , instrument panel with the characteristic of long strip and large curved face are warp , sink mark and weld lines .

  21. 重点讨论了光学测量方法,利用ATOS光学扫描系统,以大尺寸复杂零件汽车引擎盖、仪表盘等的数字化测量为实例,找到了数字化测量大型复杂零件的方法和步骤。

    Then discusses the optical measurement method especially , founds a method and step about digitized measurement of large-scale complex parts . The ATOS optical scanning system is used to measure the automobile bonnet , gauge board , etc.

  22. 精益生产的应用研究&上海通用东岳汽车有限公司总装仪表盘分装线改造工程

    Study Application of Lean Production Rework on the IP Sub-assembly Line in GA Shop , SGM-DY