  • river;the Changjiang River
  • 大河的通称:~山。~河。~天。~干(gān)(江边)。~心补漏(喻错过时机,补救已迟)。

  • 特指中国长江:~防。~汉。~淮。~左(古代指长江下游南岸地区,亦指东晋、宋、齐、梁、陈各代的全部地区)。~右(a.古代指长江下游北岸,淮水中下游以南地区;b.旧时江西省的别称)。~东(古代指长江下游南岸地区,亦指三国时吴国的全部地区)。~表(古代指长江中下游以南地区)。

  • 姓。


(大河) (large) river:

  • 在江心

    in the middle of a river;

  • 鸭绿江上有一座钢铁大桥。

    A steel railway bridge spans the Yalu River.


(指长江) the Changjiang [Yangtze] River:

  • 大江东去。

    Eastward flows the Changjiang River.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 江永

    Jiang Yong

  1. 朝鲜和中国只隔一条鸭绿江。

    Korea and China are separated by only the Yalu River .

  2. 龟蛇二山隔江相望。

    Tortoise and Snake Hills face each other across the river .

  3. 鸭绿江上有一座钢铁大桥。

    A steel railway bridge spans the Yalu River .

  4. 大桥巍然横跨在江上。

    The bridge stands majestic astride the river .

  5. 这湖水流入扬子江。

    The waters of the lake flow out into the Yangtze river .

  6. 钱塘江潮是我国自然伟观之一。

    The Qiantang bore is one of the magnificent natural sights in china .

  7. 野旷天低树,江清月近人。(孟浩然《宿建德江》)

    Wilds so vast , the sky stoop to the trees ;| the river so clear , moon close to man .

  8. 曲终人不见,江上数峰青。(钱起《省试湘灵鼓瑟》)

    The song is ended , no one is to be seen ,| on the river the mountain peaks are so blue !

  9. 当敌人的探照灯扫过江面时,那两名泅水过江的侦察员设法躲在水下。

    The two scouts , swimming across the river , managed to keep under as the enemy 's searchlight raked the surface .

  10. 人生如梦,一樽还酹江月。(苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》)

    Life is like a dream . | yet with this cup of wine , let me pour a libation to the moon on the river .

  11. 雅砻江是金沙江的最大支流,水力资源十分丰富。

    As the largest tributary of Jinsha river , Yalong river is abundant in hydropower resources .

  12. 那个过路人就问:“你为什么要把孩子投到江里去?难道不怕他淹死吗?”

    The passer-by asked : " Why are you to throw the child into the river ? Aren 't you afraid he would be drowned ? "

  13. 从前,有个人路过江边,发现一个成年男子抱着一个小孩,准备把他投到江里去。

    Once upon a time , a man passing by a river noticed that a grown-up1 man was going to throw a child he carried in his arms into the river .

  14. 南国之秋,当然是也有它的特异的地方的,比如廿四桥的明月,钱塘江的秋潮,普陀山的凉雾,荔枝湾的残荷等等,可是色彩不浓,回味不永。

    Autumn in the South also has its unique features , such as the moonlit Ershisi Bridge in Yangzhou , the flowing sea tide at the Qiantangjiang River , the mist-shrouded Putuo Mountain and lotuses at the Lizhiwan Bay . But they all lack strong colour and lingering flavour .

  15. 加入WTO与图们江地区人才资源开发战略

    Acceding to WTO and Talent Resources Development Strategy in Tumen River Opening

  16. 基于GIS电子江(海)图与信息系统的内河模拟引航研究

    Study on Simulate of Inland-Waterway Piloting Based on GIS Electronic Chart and Information System

  17. 据沉积作用和沉积相组合,钱塘江河口湾的形成及其发育可以分为四个阶段:(1)末次冰期(20000-15000aB,R)&下切河谷形成;

    The formation of the estuary can be divided into fourstages : ( 1 ) last glaciation ( 2000-15000a B.P. )

  18. HDPE管长距离深水越江的施工技术

    Experience from the Long-Distance Deep Water Across-River Construction of HDPE Pipeline

  19. 苏通大桥跨江EDM三角高程测量精度的研究

    The Research of EDM Trigonometric Leveling of Crossing the River in Su-Tong Bridge

  20. 近江牡蛎的Cu污染因子质量分指数最高达6.01。

    Among them , the highest quality fraction of pollution factor in the oysters was 6.01 times of the limit standard .

  21. 基于RS和GIS的松花江流域(吉林省段)水资源网络化管理技术研究

    Technological research on networking manage of water resources of Songhua River area ( Jilin Province part ) based on RS and GIS

  22. 江河源区生态环境类型TM影像解译标志的建立

    Establishing Interpretation Marks of TM Image for Environmental Type of the Source Area of Yangtze River and Yellow River

  23. 文中通过对葛洲坝水力发电厂二江电厂调速系统大量故障现象、故障原因、故障样本的收集、分析和整理,利用BP神经网络建立了水轮发电机调速系统智能诊断模型。

    This paper sets up a new fault diagnosis model of the hydraulic turbine generator governing system with the advanced ANN ( artificial neural net ) .

  24. 澜沧江流域山区土地覆盖遥感监测中PCA特征变换处理

    Study on Spectral Feature Transform by PCA for Remote Sensing Monitoring Land cover in Mountain area of Lancang River Basin

  25. 松花江漫滩地区静压PHC管桩沉桩阻力理论估算与数值分析

    Theoretical Estimation and Numerical Analysis on the Penetrating Resistance of Jacked-in PHC Pipe Pile in the Songhua River Floodplain Areas

  26. 论文最后以重庆南川市凤嘴江为实例,开发了基于GIS技术的凤嘴江水污染控制规划软件。

    To test the program , the Fengzui River in Nanchuan City , Chongqing Municipality , is selected as the example and the GIS-based software of Fengzui River water pollution control planning is developed .

  27. 基于MODIS资料的2000&2004年江河源区陆地植被净初级生产力分析

    Analysis of the Terrestrial NPP Based on the MODIS in the Source Regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers from 2000 to 2004

  28. 通过对PCA中主成分的特征向量分析,以及对原始各波段的负荷因子分析可知,PCA变换处理在澜沧江流域土地覆盖遥感监测分类实施中,对波段选取具有一定的指导作用;

    Based on the analysis of feature vector and original bands loading on the main principal components , we known that PCA is of some affects about feature selection .

  29. 初步结果为:①在以山地为主体的澜沧江流域土地覆盖遥感监测中,通过PCA特征变换处理,对原始波段数据具有较好的数据压缩效果与综合表达作用;

    The preliminary results show that : ① PCA spectral feature transform is very effective for reducing dimensionality of original band features in Mountain area of Lancang River Basin .

  30. 结果表明,乐安江沉积物中Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd和As的浓度均高于一般水体沉积物的本底值。

    It have been found that the in-place Cu , Pb , Zn , Cd and As concentrations of the Lean river sediments are much higher than the normal background values along the whole river but Ni is not elevated .