
  • 网络Jiang Qing;Chiang Ching
  1. 奥:对江青你觉得应该怎么评价,给她打多少分?

    Question : how would you assess Jiang qing ? What score would you give her ?

  2. 然后就是两个文艺批示,江青那一套陆续出来了。

    Later he wrote the two instructions on literary and art work , and Jiang qing 's stuff began to surface .

  3. 建立中央五七艺术学校,江青任校长。

    The " Gang of Four " establishes the Central May7 Art Cadre School , with Jiang Qing as its principal .

  4. 尽管后期遭到江青集团的干扰破坏,仍取得巨大的胜利,增进了军队内部团结和保证了党对军队的绝对领导。

    Great successes were achieved in this movement , which helped consolidate internal unity of the armed force and guarantee the Party 's absolute leadership over the army , despite interference from Jiang Qing clique in the later period .