
  1. 汉唐盛世与西部开发

    The golden age of Han and Tang Dynasties and the development of the west region

  2. 司马迁和柳宗元生活在封建社会最繁盛的发展时期&后称汉唐盛世。

    Sima Qian and Liu Zong Yuan lived in the most prosperous era of the feudal system , which is collectively known as the Chinese Tang dynasty .

  3. 汉唐明清四大盛世的财政危机及其启示乔治·华盛顿政府法国外交政策分析

    The Financial Crisis in the Prosperous Times During the Dynasties of Han , Tang , Ming and Qing and its Revelation ; Washington Administration 's Diplomatic Policy towards France