- 网络Exchange Rate Overvalued;over valuation

But with an artificially strong currency and access to cheap debt , the Greeks took the money and ran .
The result for the developing world is a possible capital surfeit and attendant fears of overvalued exchange rates , floods of cheap imports and extreme volatility should the wall of money eventually retreat .
This crisis began with currency crisis , that is , continuous overvaluation of the currencies in this area gave hedging funds great opportunities to crash the weak currencies , which led to the crisis .
The results imply the budget deficit , the politics and finance risk and the overvaluation of the exchange rate are the main economic forcing factors . The discrimination between native and foreign capital is the institutional forcing factor .
Overestimation of exchange rate will lead to deterioration of trade income and expenses , which influences the stabilization of capital markets and causes current crisis and debt crisis . Consequently , it is harmful to the competition of domestic industry , employment , and social stabilization .
Mr Fan said the real problem the world faced today was an overvalued dollar , not only against the renminbi but against all major currencies . The main responsibility for this imbalance lies with the US Treasury , which is printing too much money , he said .
The empirical results imply that the difference between domestic and foreign rate , the foreign debt as a percentage of GDP , the overvaluation of the exchange rate , the discrimination between native and foreign capital , financial control are the main economic forcing factors of capital flight .
From a macro standpoint , a low savings rate and an overvalued currency are putting pressure on growth rates and on the competitive position of the economy hence the drive to push leverage into the system in order to prop up growth rates in line with BRIC peers .
So emerging markets are way overvalued , notably China , Russia and Brazil .
In the period of 1996 to 2003 , RMB real exchange rate is overvalued .
In slow-growing economies with overvalued real exchange rates , these spreads begin to be dangerous .
Price deflation means overvaluation is less evident in price terms , but the cost is serious profit-margin shrinkage .
Conclusion : by shunning their goods at these prices , the global market is telling us that the stricken countries ' currencies are overvalued by more than 40 % .
Depending on whether you look at purchasing power parity or the price of Big Macs , the euro is anything from 7 per cent to 18 per cent overvalued against the US dollar .
Over time , the RMB exchange rate showed a slow development to the overestimate .
Second , even if its exchange rate is not overvalued , a country could face a successful attack by Forex speculators if it does not have a very large amount of foreign exchange .
It will lead to economic efficiency decline and social welfare loss , no matter whether exchange rate of a country is overvalued or undervalued , then economic crisis can be triggered by careless abandon .
Comparing burger prices in member countries , the adjusted Big Mac index shows that the " exchange rates " of Italy , Spain , Greece and Portugal are all significantly overvalued relative to that of Germany .
That strongly suggests that the real exchange rate remains enormously overvalued .
The eurozone , the UK , Canada and Australia among others believe that their exchange rates are already substantially overvalued .
But it cannot make sense for many countries to pursue devaluation policies all at the same time : they cannot all , simultaneously , have overvalued exchange rates .
This link appears to be the contemporary existence of exchange rate devaluation ( or overvaluation ) and inflation ( or deflation ) .
The real remained about 20 per cent overvalued in real terms in spite of a 20 per cent depreciation from its recent highs , said David Rees , economist at Capital Economics in London .
Exchange rate misalignment will negatively influence economic development of developing countries , persistent overvaluation may even cause currency crises .
The estimates suggest misalignments are mainly confined to smaller economies such as Australia and New Zealand ( overvalued ) and Taiwan and Malaysia ( undervalued ) .
We find there is corresponding relations between the two variables during sample period . That an undervalued exchange rate via inflation , overvalued exchange rate via deflation .