
  • 网络Huiyuan Juice;China Huiyuan Juice
  1. 媒体报道暗示,这桩交易可能会像可口可乐收购汇源果汁(ChinaHuiyuanJuiceGroup)的交易一样无疾而终。

    Media reports have hinted that talks could take the path of a deal that went awry involving Coca-Cola ( KO ) and juice maker China Huiyuan Juice Group .

  2. 中国的消费者既喝汇源果汁,也喝可口可乐。

    Chinese consumers drink Huiyuan juice as well as coke .

  3. 但它对汇源果汁的收购价,三倍于未发起收购前的汇源股价,看上去像是泡沫估价。

    But its purchase of Huiyuan for three times the undisturbed price looks like a bubble valuation .

  4. 对于可口可乐和汇源果汁的投资者而言,未来几周仍将是令人焦虑的一段时间。

    For Coke and investors in Huiyuan , however , it will still be an anxious next few weeks .

  5. 编辑点评:中国商务部发布公告,以“对竞争产生不利影响”为由,正式否决了可口可乐公司收购中国汇源果汁集团有限公司的申请。

    China 's decision to reject Coca-Cola 's acquisition of juice-maker China Huiyuan Juice Group is rippling southward toward Australia .

  6. 文章还指出,汇源果汁被收购揭示了经济紧缩的大背景下民营企业所面临的更加窘迫的生存环境。

    The acquisition of Huiyuan suggested that private enterprises are facing a more difficult situation against the backdrop of global recession .

  7. 目前我国的很多快消品企业对网络营销及电子商务都进行了大胆的尝试,蒙牛、可口可乐、汇源果汁、百事可乐等快消企业对网络营销都投入大量的力量。

    Nowadays , many FMCG companies made bold attempts of Internet marketing and e-commerce , such as MengNiu , Coca-cola , HuiYuan and Pepsi .

  8. 实物期权理论在企业并购量化计算中的应用研究&以可口可乐并购汇源果汁为例

    Application Research of Real Option in Synergy Valuation of M A With the M A Case of Coca-Cola Company and Huiyuan Juice Group Limited

  9. 文章指出,近年来汇源果汁现金流逐年锐减,而开支日益沉重。

    The article pointed out that , in recent years , the cash flow of Huiyuan has been decreasing sharply , while the costs growing increasingly .

  10. 在香港上市的汇源果汁在国内纯果汁市场占有42%的份额,是一个得到国内公认的品牌。

    Hong Kong listed Huiyuan juice has a 42 per cent share of the domestic market in pure fruit juices and is a nationally recognised brand .

  11. 2009年政府拒绝了可口可乐24亿美元收购汇源果汁集团,没有明显原因。

    In 2009 it rejected a $ 2.4 billion bid by Coca-Cola to buy Huiyan Juice Group , a drinks firm , for no apparent reason .

  12. 可口可乐收购汇源果汁,是一笔两厢情愿的交易。

    However , an article in the Shanghai Business Daily commented that Coca-Cola 's purchase of Huiyuan was a deal struck of the wills of both sides .

  13. 穆泰康的当选将让可口可乐燃起希望&既然他将以委员会董事长的身份经常与中国的政治掮客交往,可口可乐可能有机会重拾收购汇源果汁的交易。

    Mr Kent 's election will raise hopes that a deal over Huiyuan could somehow be resurrected , now that he will be mixing regularly with Chinese power-brokers as council chairman .

  14. 上海:世界上最大的饮料制造商可口可乐公司已经提出了要以2.3亿元收购中国汇源果汁,这个价钱是上次收盘价格的3倍。

    SHANGHAI : The world 's biggest beverage maker Coca-Cola has offered to buy China 's Huiyuan Juice for $ 2.3 billion , 300 percent more than its last closing price .

  15. 达能是全球最大的酸奶生产商。它对汇源果汁股权的作价为每股6港元,较汇源7月27日5.43港元的收盘价高出了约10%。

    The world 's biggest yoghurt-maker is selling its share in the juice maker for HK $ 6 per share , roughly a 10 per cent premium to Huiyuan 's July 27 closing price of HK $ 5.43 .

  16. 2012年年底前中国汇源果汁集团有限公司要实现过百亿的宏伟销售目标,作为汇源集团销售主力的河北汇源承担着集团7%的销售任务,任务艰巨。

    2012 China Huiyuan juice ltd co before the end of the group corporation to achieve a separate the sales target , as the main group of hebei huiyuan undertake a group of seven percent sales , the task .

  17. 然而一些分析师指出,可口可乐出价每股12.20港元收购占中国市场份额最大的果汁生产商汇源果汁的计划表明这一行业的股票已处于超卖状态。

    But Coke 's offer of12.20 Hong Kong dollars ( US $ 1.56 ) a share for Huiyuan , China 's largest juice maker by market share , shows that the industry 's shares have been oversold , some analysts say .