
  • 网络The Eternal City
  1. 罗马是一座真正的永恒之城。

    Rome is truly the Eternal City .

  2. 西安,这座永恒之城,记录着中华民族的生活就像一本历史书的巨大变化。

    Xian , the eternal city , records the great changes of the Chinese nation just like a living history book .

  3. 人与自然如何共存?这是罗马这座永恒之城所面临的长期问题。

    How man and nature can coexist is the eternal problem of the Eternal City .

  4. 而喷泉上驾着两匹海马的海神波赛东则是这座永恒之城最完美的象征。

    The intricate Rococo-inspired fountain , presided over by Triton guiding two sea horses , is a perfect symbol of the Eternal City .

  5. 让我们首先走进罗马,这座被称为“永恒之城的城市”,见证了罗马帝国的兴衰。

    Let us first into Rome , this is called " the eternal city city ", the rise and fall of the Roman empire testimony .

  6. 在这座永恒之城,很难有什么是最激动人心的发现-梵蒂冈傲慢的富裕或者是古罗马广场的永恒。

    It 's hard to say what you 'll find most breathtaking about the eternal city-the arrogant opulence of the Vatican or the timelessness of the Forum .

  7. 即使在这座“永恒之城”中,沉默的奥古斯都庙告诉我,一个人始终必须为动荡骚乱的变化作好准备。

    Even in the Eternal City , says the silent Augusteum , one must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation . Eat , Pray , Love

  8. 不管它对观光者们的态度如何,这部影片如同一个难以抗拒的邀请,彬彬有礼的主角与观众们被带领着走过隐匿的庭院、古老的宫殿与游客罕至的经典建筑,一起欣赏这座永恒之城最为精美的名胜。

    Whatever its views of visitors , the movie acts as an irresistible invitation to the Eternal City 's more subtly beguiling attractions , as its suave protagonist and the audience are coolly guided through hidden courtyards , historic palazzos and less-frequented works of architecture .